Mark 1

Mark 1

Mark 1 - It's fascinating to identify the different writing styles of the Gospel authors. Matthew began with genealogy. His mission was to write to the Jews and prove that Jesus was the heir to David's throne. ...

Mark 2

Mark 2

Mark 2 - At the end of this chapter, we see a common problem that Jesus faced with the Pharisees. These law-abiding men had taken a command and turned it into a burden. The Sabbath was established ...

Mark 3

Mark 3

Mark 3 - The healings of Jesus are well-documented and factual. Interestingly, the Jews did not dispute the healing power of Jesus, but rather, the source of that power. The Greeks did not dispute the healings either, ...

Mark 4

Mark 4

Mark 4 - The Purpose of the Parables By utilizing parables as His primary vehicle for delivering "the secrets of the kingdom," Jesus was assured more time to invest in those who were seeking. There's no doubt ...

Mark 5

Mark 5

Mark 5 - I want to make a few quick points about the demon-possessed man and then move to the woman who touched Jesus. We read several striking characteristics about this demon-possessed man. This man had been ...

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6 - Have you ever sat down and read Scripture and thought, "I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to live like that? Or how about, "Did Jesus really mean what I think He meant?" ...

Mark 7

Mark 7

Mark 7 - Judaism during Jesus' time not only put an emphasis on the written law (the Old Testament) but also the oral law. The oral law would have been man's interpretation of the written law passed ...

Mark 8

Mark 8

Mark 8 - A fascinating quality of Jesus' teaching style was the way in which the geographic location often added to the depth of the teaching. At the end of Mark 8, Jesus takes his disciples to ...

Mark 9

Mark 9

Mark 9 - We all know the greatest commandment according to Jesus. Here's a refresher... "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. ...

Mark 10

Mark 10

Mark 10 - Bartimaeus called Jesus the “son of David” which was a prophetic title. It revealed a spiritual depth of both trust and faith. He believed in the sovereign power of the Messiah. What's interesting about ...

Mark 11

Mark 11

Mark 11 - The Pharisees were reeling. Jesus had just cleansed the Temple and done it with supreme authority. Aside from that one event, however, they were most likely trying to figure out who this man really ...

Mark 12

Mark 12

Mark 12 - Total sacrifice. Do we understand it? Do we live it? Jesus pulls his disciples aside to highlight the faith of the poor widow. In this story, the NASB translation reads... A poor widow came ...

Mark 13

Mark 13

Mark 13 - No one knows the day or hour. This is a familiar passage, yet, there is one question that I've always wondered. If Jesus was both God and man, then why didn't He know the ...

Mark 14

Mark 14

Mark 14 - In Mark 14, Jesus sat down with his disciples during the Last Supper and broke the bread saying "This is my body." He poured the wine saying "This is my blood." Essentially, He was ...

Mark 15

Mark 15

Mark 15 - More than 1/3 of Mark's narrative is focused on passion week. He includes many details that other Gospel accounts do not. For instance, Matthew's Gospel reveals that Barabbas is a "notorious" criminal but Mark ...

Mark 16

Mark 16

Mark 16 - The Great Commission is important. So important, in fact, that we find it 5 times in the NT. It's found here in Mark 16, as well as Matthew 28, Luke 24, John 20 and ...