1 Chronicles 13

1 Chronicles 13

1 Chronicles 13 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

There is a strong theme of unity within the writings of Chronicles. Just as intensely as Saul divided the nation, David began to unify it. Part of that process involved moving the Ark of the Covenant (the presence of God) to David’s headquarters in Jerusalem. It seemed like a good thing. It made sense. All the people were in agreement. There was a massive emotional celebration with song and dance as they carried the Ark toward their political stronghold. But then, something went horribly wrong.

As they carried the Ark, the oxen stumbled, and Uzzah reacted by reaching out to grab it. The Lord’s anger burned and He struck down Uzzah instantly. It’s kind of a bizarre story. It’s easy to assume this was not fair. Why would God do this? What did Uzzah do that was so wrong? Honestly, it’s a narrative that I’ve read many times and struggled with. I don’t know if I have the perfect answer, but I do want to weigh in and try and answer some of these questions.

The first thing we notice at the beginning of this chapter is that David “consults with the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, with every leader.” Scripture clearly states that the decision to move the Ark “was right in the eyes of the people.” This reminds me of the book of Judges where “every man did what was good in his own eyes.” The glaring weakness of this decision was the absence of consulting the Lord.

In Luke 12, we read about the parable of the rich fool. He decides to tear down his small buildings seeking bigger and better structures to house all of his wealth. He doesn’t consult the Lord. Jesus says that night “his soul is required of him.” The man dies and loses everything. His plan, though seemingly wise, was exposed as a waste.

Not every decision is created equal. I believe there are some choices where common sense and morality can guide us successfully. This was not just any decision. This was the holiness of God. It was literally His presence. When God speaks in the Word about His holiness, He makes it perfectly clear that we will fear it. Proverbs tells us “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” The story of Uzzah is a prime example of this.

David was angry, but probably with himself. The text says David was angry that the Lord had broken out against Uzzah. I would speculate he second-guessed his decision to move the Ark without consulting God. It cost a man his life and ultimately the responsibility fell on David. As spiritual leaders of our families and churches, this is a sobering reminder of how we must weigh our desires against the will of God. The consequences of not doing so will not only affect us but all of those who are following our lead.

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