Deuteronomy 32

Deuteronomy 32

Deuteronomy 32 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

Look at all the names Moses ascribed to God in one song!

the Rock: Deu 31:4; Deu 31:15; Deu 31:18; Deu 31:30Jehovah: Deu 31:6Father: Deu 31:6the Most High: Deu 31:8God: Deu 31:3Lord: Deu 31:3

It’s interesting to consider how each was given to speak in a particular situation. In times of trouble, God became the Rock, a firm foundation. Jehovah was the sacred and holy name in which God revealed Himself to the Hebrews. According to some commentaries, this name was considered so sacred by the Jewish people that later in their history it was not to be uttered unless by a high priest on the Day of Atonement when entering the most holy place.

The Most High, or, Elohim describes God’s position. He is higher in title, beauty, position, intelligence, strength, authority, and every other possible way we can think of. There is nothing in the created world or in the spiritual realm that even remotely close to His level. Not only is He unmatched but He is also completely self-sufficient.

Knowing this about God, it is even more shocking that He would desire to know us. This is represented by the name Father, which illustrates God’s willingness to adopt us into His family. This name not only defines God but naturally defines us as His children. He is the most personal and loving Father we could ever have.

Finally, we have Lord. If He is our Lord then we must be His servants. The very nature of that title postures us to follow and obey Him. It commands submission and reverence. When you really think about what you are saying, it brings absolute humility.

Why do you suppose Moses used all these names?  I think it’s because he had come to know God in all of these ways. To Moses, God was sacred and holy. He was his firm foundation in times of need. He was the Most High who was worthy of praise. He was his Father who never left him or abandoned him. He was his Lord, the one who he desired to serve all his life. I wonder, do you know God in these ways?

Sadly, many Christians know Jesus as their Savior but do not honor Him as Lord. He is only a free ticket into heaven. Others know Him as Lord but have never reconciled God as their Heavenly Father. They obey the rules but don’t really believe that God can heal the wounds that their earthly father left. Our attitude toward the many names of God can reveal a lot about our struggles. If we emphasize one and neglect another, we do not grasp the complete nature of His character. His desire is that we would know Him and respect Him in all of these ways.

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