Proverbs 29

Proverbs 29

Proverbs 29 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

“Bloodthirsty men hate an honest person, but the upright care about him.”

Proverbs 29:10 HCSB 

“When the wicked increase, rebellion increases, but the righteous will see their downfall.”

Proverbs 29:16 HCSB 

“An unjust man is detestable to the righteous, and one whose way is upright is detestable to the wicked.”

Proverbs 29:27 HCSB 

This chapter is full of verses contrasting good with evil.

In verse 10, we read of the increasing tension between those who seek to cause hate, destruction and bloodshed, and those who are upright, righteous followers of God’s ways. Take note that these “men of bloodshed” are not rebuked for refusing to be all-inclusive. The idea of tolerance is very popular these days. They are rebuked for hating God’s ways and hating God’s people.

Verse 16 highlights the fall that takes places when the wicked get their way. This is especially true for leaders. When a wicked person is put into a position of leadership, transgression increases. In my opinion, the most difficult aspect of watching a wicked person on a rampage is wrestling with the tension of God’s patience. Often, we want to see Him do more in the situation.

Like Jonah, we want to see God’s wrath poured out on Nineveh. We desire for conniving people to be supernaturally disarmed in this life. Verse 16 promises that the righteous will see the downfall of their own evil. This requires an insane amount of trust because we may not see that downfall in our lifetime.

Verse 27 further illustrates the point made in verse 10. Are we surprised when people who hate God also hate us? Jesus told us in this life we will have trouble. Just as Proverbs reminds us in chapter 25, we are to love our enemies and in doing so, will reap hot coals on their heads. Love them, pray for them, and do not be surprised when persecution comes. Trust that God will right every wrong. Believe that His love never fails.

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