Romans 8

Romans 8

Romans 8 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

Christ lived a sinless life. He willingly gave Himself as a living sacrifice for our sin so that the judgment for sin would be satisfied. It would follow logically then, that if we are hidden IN Christ, we too are blameless in the sight of God. If Christ cannot be condemned than the true believer also stands justified with Christ.

Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Romans 8:1 NASB

Now that Jesus has paid for sin, we receive the Holy Spirit which allows us to live a holy life. We are no longer obligated to pursue the flesh. A new spring of life is now flowing through our bodies.

“This may fitly be called the ‘chapter of the Holy Spirit.’ The Apostle has carefully kept this great theme in the background till he has well prepared the ground, by showing us our inability to attain our ideals apart from reinforcements of divine energy. Here is the motive power to drive our machinery! Here is the life-giving power of spring, which shall cause the seeds buried within us to burst forth in the garden of the Lord!”

F.B. Meyer

The Spirit has opened our vision to see the path of righteousness through the Spirit of God. We can choose to continue to walk along the path of the flesh, but that would be foolishness in Paul’s eyes! We have been enlightened to a new way to live according to the Spirit!

Through both of these themes, we have complete victory as a follower of Christ. We have been forgiven of our sin through Jesus Christ and we have the power of the Spirit living inside conforming us to the likeness of Christ.

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