Acts 25

Acts 25

Acts 25 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

The reason Paul was able to appeal to Caesar and the higher court was because he was rightfully a Roman citizen. The tricky part, as I understand it, was that the Jews wanted to convict Paul for a religious crime, but Paul continually worked the system so that he was always under a Roman court. This is what made it so frustrating for the Jews.

In fact, they had tried to hatch a plan to kill Paul on his way from one place to another to face trial. This was most likely because they knew he would not be convicted in a Roman court. Even when it was suggested that he go back to Jerusalem and face the charges there, Paul refused.

He knew what that would lead to, and the Jews couldn’t be trusted. Both Felix and Festus knew Paul was innocent of any crime against Rome, but the pressure from the Jews was always lingering. So, Paul pulled his wild card which was his appeal to Caesar as a Roman citizen. He knew his chances were far better there than at the hands of the Jewish Sanhedrin.

It must have been unbelievably frustrating for Paul, but he knew that fruit would come from it. He trusted in the Lord, even in this waiting period, to protect him and give him the right words to say. Just as Jesus promised, He gave Paul many encounters with an audience he never could have reached had he not been arrested. Ultimately, as Hank has written, Paul wanted to preach in Rome. He most likely looked at this a timely opportunity.

Where in your life does this give practicality? Where can you view an inconvenience as an opportunity? Where can you begin to pray for your heart to grow and be changed rather than your circumstances to change?

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