1 Chronicles 18

1 Chronicles 18

1 Chronicles 18 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

“So David reigned over all Israel, and he administered justice and equity to all his people.”

1 Chronicles 18:14 ESV

After reviewing all of David’s mighty conquests, the text pivots and reflects on what David was doing internally. We are all familiar with David the warrior. From the battle with Goliath throughout the rest of his life as King, the stories go on and on. However, David was more than just a warrior. He cared for his people.

Those who fear the Lord and are wise in their ways do what they ought to do. There is obedience on all levels. Notice, I said obedience, not perfection. David emotionally praised the Lord through psalms and hymns. He was a great friend to those in need (i.e. the story of Mephibosheth). He consulted the Lord over and over on behalf of the people.

I believe David had a strong desire to lead the people back to God and this is a strong point. It’s easy to get swept away by the accomplishments. It’s so tempting for us to identify David’s main desire for Israel to involve conquering other nations and increasing in stature. From a narrative standpoint, I think there were many things David did for his nation outside of his battles. His heart was to lead people back to the worship of their God.

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