Numbers 5

Numbers 5

The Creation of the World

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.


Numbers 5 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

The ceremony (Num 5:11-31) which was developed as a means to test someone suspected of adultery is very strange in our modern context. God instructed a specific way to handle these affairs because He took seriously the marriage covenant between a husband and wife. Though elaborate, this practice was two-fold. It would determine if the husband had a jealousy issue or the wife was an adulterer.

“This law was given partly to deter wives from adulterous practices, and partly to secure wives against the rage of their hard-hearted husbands, who otherwise might upon mere suspicions destroy them, or at least put them away.”

Matthew Poole

The ritual itself would not produce results without a supernatural aspect to it. If the woman took the oath and lied about her sin, the guilt from that statement before God would be overwhelming. This was by design. However, if she was innocent and took the oath in good conscience, then the entire community would need to deal with this false accusation.

It is very clear from the text that God did not want couples to live in an ongoing state of jealousy. The ceremony itself was designed to draw out a black and white answer. There was no explanation given for marginal adultery or even excuses for falling in love. The person was either guilty or innocent.

I wonder how much of our choices in life would change if we were put through a test like this based on an accusation given. Would we swear an oath to curse ourselves if we indeed sinned? Praise God that we now have the Holy Spirit that guides us in all truth. He brings conviction so that others do not have to “force us” to confess our sins through an elaborate ceremony. He grants us access to God’s holiness so that we can know immediately what is good and what is evil.

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