Joshua 8

Joshua 8

Joshua 8 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

This chapter reminds me so much of our position within the kingdom of God today.

Sin Was Put Away

With both Achan and Joshua, the sin was dealt with and God was pleased. This opened communication and renewed the dependence on God for the nation of Israel. Similarly, our sin has been paid for by Jesus and we can now approach God with full confidence knowing we are forgiven.

It Was God’s Plan

God laid out the plan, and Joshua took orders. The elaborate plan worked brilliantly because Joshua listened and obeyed God. He was the author and commander on the battlefield. Today, we have God’s plan for our battle in both in His Word and with the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

They Were Growing

There was overwhelming power. Israel went to battle with a strategy and an unbelievable amount of confidence. Joshua directed 30,000 men to ransack Ai (with only a total population of 12,000). They also deployed a decoy army used at the front of the city as a bait-and-switch tactic and sent 5,000 men to guard the west side of the city preventing any aid from Bethel.

We go to our battleground today with the same power that raised Christ from the dead. As believers, we are seated with Christ in heavenly places, and Scripture tells us that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. We must approach our battles with the same fiery confidence.

The most important point here is that through grace and truth, victory was accomplished.  God allowed the people to be forgiven for their prior sins. This enabled them the confidence to depend on God and trust Him in battle. The same is true for us. We have been forgiven of so much! How could we not trust Jesus?

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