Deuteronomy 15

Deuteronomy 15

Deuteronomy 15 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

A few years ago my wife and I had the opportunity to provide respite care to three little boys. Respite care is when current foster parents need to go away for a short time and cannot take along their foster children, for whatever reason. So, for two days and one night, our family was blessed with a rambunctious house!

At the end of the first day, we played so much that I was exhausted. My wife and I put all the kids to bed and went down to the basement to talk about the day and relax. What I noticed was that my wife and I have different ways of resting and recharging. She was energized the whole day by all the interaction while I was slowly depleted. However, at the end of the night, after I had sat and relaxed for 30 to 45 minutes, I was energized and ready to play a game. My wife and I typically play Sequence against each other every night, so I asked her if she was up for it. Those same 30 to 45 minutes of sitting and relaxing made her tired. She was ready for bed!

It’s interesting to consider how people operate in periods of activity and rest. Ask anyone and they will tell you how they recharge to avoid burn-out. It is fascinating to consider this was a theme that God continually spoke on.

The Israelites were taught to think in terms of cycles based on God’s own character. For instance, God created the world in 6 days and then rested on the 7th. He then prescribed the same cycle based on that timeframe for His people. They would work 6 days and rest on the 7th. But this wasn’t where the theme stopped. They were to have 6 years of business and the 7th of giving freedom to the poor (slaves). They were to have 6 years of farming and the 7th of rest. Finally, here in Deuteronomy 15, they were to collect on loans for 6 years and then cancel the debt on the 7th. So, this concept was ingrained in their lives both personally and relationally.

I don’t know how these would work today, but I think the point we can take away from this is that our God is specific, practical, and personal. He wants us to share His character and understand His ways. He knows precisely the best way to live life, and He is generous in providing grace and mercy in order to learn that process. I’m so thankful for His patience and guidance throughout my life.

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