Deuteronomy 33

Deuteronomy 33

Deuteronomy 33 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

Moses gives his final blessings to the tribes of Israel. I was drawn to the guidance given to the Levites.

About the tribe of Levi he said: “You, LORD, reveal your will by the Urim and Thummim Through your faithful servants, the Levites; You put them to the test at Massah And proved them true at the waters of Meribah. 9 They showed greater loyalty to you Than to parents, brothers, or children. They obeyed your commands And were faithful to your covenant. 10 They will teach your people to obey your Law; They will offer sacrifices on your altar. 11 LORD, help their tribe to grow strong; Be pleased with what they do. Crush all their enemies; Let them never rise again.”

Deuteronomy 33:8-11 GNB

First question… what does Moses mean by Urim and Thummim? offers an accurate, concise definition.

“The Urim (“lights”) and Thummim (“perfections”) were gemstones that were carried by the high priest of Israel on the ephod/priestly garments. They were used by the high priest to determine God’s will in some situations. Some propose that God would cause the Urim and Thummim to light up in varying patterns to reveal His decision. Others propose that the Urim and Thummim were kept in a pouch and were engraved with symbols identifying yes/no and true/false.

No one knows the precise nature of the Urim and Thummim or exactly how they were used. The Bible simply does not give us enough information.”

The main point to consider is that Moses was praying for wisdom and discernment to be revealed through God’s servants. We pray the same thing today when we ask the Holy Spirit to give insight to a believer. The Levites were also to have an educational role in the interpretation and application of God’s law. They were responsible for Israel’s formal system of worship. So, consider what all this means for us today. The Levites would have functioned in a similar role as today’s pastors and teachers. They led the people in worship and taught the Word. They were also held to a stricter standard (v. 9).

It is so fascinating to consider what Moses prays for them at the end of their blessing.

LORD, help their tribe to grow strong; Be pleased with what they do. Crush all their enemies; Let them never rise again.”

Deuteronomy 33:11 GNB

The focus is on strength and protection. Many today are well aware of the fact that strong leaders produce strong churches. Leaders with selfish motives will have an unhealthy body. This is nothing new. However, I find it fascinating that out of everything Moses could have prayed for these Levites, he chose to focus on strength and protection. This assumes that in such a position, these leaders would experience weakness and discouragement at some point. It also assumes that they would square off against people who were hell-bent on destruction. Moses simply refers to these people as “enemies,” but he is confident that God will prevail.

His prayer is directed with a laser focus at struggles that are often overlooked. When I entered ministry, I didn’t envision myself becoming a target of the enemies of God. Maybe I was ignorant, but I never attended a class or seminar entitled, “Enemy Defense 101.” I went into ministry to spread the Good News of Jesus to lost souls. Years ago, this prayer of Moses would have seemed a bit strange to me. Today, it resonates so deeply.

Jesus took the prayers of Moses and defined them. In His Kingdom, those who lead with humility are considered strong. Those who crush their enemies do so by praying for them. Those who please God do so by starting with faith, not by starting with works. We need strong leaders today who allow God to fight for them. We need rock-solid, humble, prayer warriors who trust God so relentlessly that they will never give up. Lord, humble us that we might be made strong. Give us Your Spirit that produces righteousness. Give us an attitude like our Savior Jesus who prayed, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.”

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