Judges 11

Judges 11
In Judges 11, Jephthah, a warrior from Gilead and the son of a prostitute, was driven away by his half-brothers and settled in Tob where he gathered a group of followers. When the Ammonites waged war ...

Judges 10

Judges 10
In Judges 10, Tola from the tribe of Issachar led Israel for 23 years and was buried at Shamir. Jair from Gilead then led Israel for 22 years, having 30 sons who each rode a donkey and controlled 30 cities in ...

Joshua 19

Joshua 19
Joshua 19 - When the people of Israel finished dividing up the land, they gave Joshua son of Nun a part of the land as his own. 50 As the LORD had commanded, they gave him the ...

Joshua 10

Joshua 10
Joshua 10 - So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of ...

Joshua 9

Joshua 9
Joshua 9 - The Gibeonites, fearing Israel's conquests, deceive Joshua and the Israelites by pretending to be from a distant land. They present worn-out provisions to secure a peace treaty, which the Israelites agree to without consulting God. ...

Joshua 7

Joshua 7
Joshua 7 - Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death. James 1:15 NASB This is a sad story after such a joyful victory for Israel. ...

Joshua 2

Joshua 2
Joshua 2 - It would not be an easy task to get a view of Jericho. Spies were sent by Joshua and through the sovereignty of the Lord, they were able to find help from Rahab. Though ...

Deuteronomy 28

Deuteronomy 28
Deuteronomy 28 - "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They will be like wool. ...

Ezekiel 19

Ezekiel 19
Ezekiel 19 - In this elegy, Ezekiel mourns the lion cubs (kings of Judah) who were brought up by the lioness (nation of Judah). An elegy is a poem of serious reflection that is typically a lament ...

Ezekiel 15

Ezekiel 15
Ezekiel 15 - The grapevine was of utmost importance to the agriculture of ancient Israel. Coming off the heels of Chapter 14 (which was about false prophets), it's interesting to consider that Jesus makes a direct correlation ...

Acts 23

Acts 23
Acts 23 - "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. 17  "But beware of men, for they will hand you over to the ...

Acts 21

Acts 21
Acts 21 - This was a tough chapter for me. We read that the voice of the Holy Spirit is speaking through these believers and giving warnings to Paul of what he will face in Jerusalem. Yet, ...

Acts 15

Acts 15
Acts 15 - The first question we want to know is, who was right and who was wrong between Paul and Barnabas? I feel that when we approach it from that angle we really miss Luke’s point. ...

Acts 13

Acts 13
Acts 13 - Paul and Barnabas visit multiple synagogues and work there way across the island of Cyprus from east to west. When they reached Paphos, they encounter a snag. A Jewish false prophet by the name ...

Acts 7

Acts 7
Acts 7 - I can vividly remember the old seat belt PSA that was shown on TV all the time when I was a kid. Vince and Larry, the Crash Test Dummies, would facetiously admit that they ...

Acts 5

Acts 5
Acts 5 - The early church faced persecution from both the Pharisees and the Sadducees. After hearing the testimony of Peter, they were ready to kill these men just like they had Jesus. But wisdom prevailed. But ...

Leviticus 24

Leviticus 24
Leviticus 24 - When I read the "eye for an eye" passage, I immediately think of the Sermon on the Mount. "You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR ...

Leviticus 22

Leviticus 22
Leviticus 22 - As do many of the chapters in Leviticus, there is a background painted in order to better understand the NT teachings.  An emphasis is continually placed on holiness. This was achieved by the law ...

Leviticus 20

Leviticus 20
Leviticus 20 - In Chapter 18, we read that the laws of the OT are still applicable in the NT and beyond. Here in Chapter 20, we get a glimpse of the punishment for those who disobey ...

Leviticus 19

Leviticus 19
Leviticus 19 - We read some strange laws in this chapter that are not easily understood by our culture. Skeptics love to point out the bizarre laws found in Leviticus and accuse Christians of not following them. ...

Leviticus 16

Leviticus 16
Leviticus 16 - The goat chosen for Azazel shall be presented alive to the LORD and sent off into the desert to Azazel, in order to take away the sins of the people. Leviticus 16:10 GNB It's ...

Leviticus 11

Leviticus 11
Leviticus 11 - In Leviticus 11, God outlines both the clean and unclean animals. A general rule which was given to Israel was that clean animals would "chew the curd" but also have a completely divided hoof. ...

Leviticus 10

Leviticus 10
Leviticus 10 - By the end of Leviticus 9, everything seems to be going great... until we turn the page to Leviticus 10. Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, each took his fire pan, put live coals in ...

Leviticus 6

Leviticus 6
Leviticus 6 - In Leviticus 6, we get a picture of the reparation offering. There were many offenses that constituted having to make such an offering and they fell under two main categories. Trespassing against God Withholding ...

Leviticus 3

Leviticus 3
Leviticus 3 - In Leviticus 1, we explored the burnt offering. In Leviticus 2, it was the grain offering. Now, in Leviticus 3, we come to the peace offering. If you remember, the burnt offering required only ...

Leviticus 2

Leviticus 2
Leviticus 2 - The grain or cereal offering of the OT symbolized man's work for God. The offering would be brought to the priest and would symbolize man's willingness to keep the law. But, the grain offering ...

Revelation 20

Revelation 20
Revelation 20 - If someone comes up and asks you, "How do you interpret Revelation?" most likely, they are referring to Revelation 20:1-10.  The question of pre or postmillennialism is the first order of business. It simply answers ...

Revelation 16

Revelation 16
Revelation 16 - The continuity of the seals and the trumpets is broken up with the bowls as they move seamlessly through all seven with no interlude between the 6th and 7th as we have traditionally seen. ...

Revelation 14

Revelation 14
Revelation 14 - First question I asked myself... who is Babylon? John, again, is writing symbolically here. Literal Babylon was a mere fraction of what it had been in years past. But, the wording certainly plays into ...

Revelation 13

Revelation 13
Revelation 13 - The First Beast At the end of Revelation 12, we read of Satan's rage. He sets out to destroy the people of God. Now, in Revelation 13, we are introduced to the two henchmen ...

Revelation 12

Revelation 12
Revelation 12 - The Woman It is out of Israel that the Messiah will come, therefore, it makes sense that the woman would represent not only Israel but also the Messianic community. We can marry these two ...

Revelation 6

Revelation 6
Revelation 6 - I grew up in Berne, Indiana which sits directly on top of the continental divide. If you are not familiar with the continental divide, it is an area of raised terrain that ...

Revelation 3

Revelation 3
Revelation 3 - Lukewarm I remember several years ago going to a music festival in Kentucky called Ichthus. It was basically a camping trip with live Christian music playing at all times across multiple stages. Now, I'm ...

Revelation 1

Revelation 1
Revelation 1 - The comparison game. We all do it. When life throws us unpredictable storms, (and especially when we wrestle with why God would allow such things) we feel sorry for ourselves. We ask ourselves questions ...

Jeremiah 35

Jeremiah 35
Jeremiah 35 - What excuses are we giving for our lack of faithfulness to Jesus? Where are we settling for a lukewarm relationship with him similar to those who are around us? The message here was to ...

Jeremiah 31

Jeremiah 31
Jeremiah 31 - There is a lot going on in this chapter, and it can seem kind of confusing. I want to focus on the very interesting but highly controversial verse 15. Thus says the LORD: "A ...

2 Chronicles 15

2 Chronicles 15
2 Chronicles 15 - Several years ago my wife was trying to get me onboard with adoption. Shamefully, I was hesitant. It just wasn't the direction or the plan I thought would unfold. For months, she would ...

2 Chronicles 9

2 Chronicles 9
2 Chronicles 9 - Jesus actually spoke of this encounter between the Queen of Sheba and Solomon. In Matthew 12 the teachers of the Law and Pharisees question Jesus' authority and they demand a sign. Technically, they ...

1 Chronicles 29

1 Chronicles 29
1 Chronicles 29 - 1 Chronicles 29:25 GNB The LORD made the whole nation stand in awe of Solomon, and he made him more glorious than any other king that had ruled Israel. If you read my ...

1 Chronicles 3

1 Chronicles 3
1 Chronicles 3 - Why the detailed genealogies? In order to affirm God's plan for Christ to come from Adam, David, and Abraham. These names are the historical proof of the fulfilled promises of God. Of course, ...

Isaiah 60

Isaiah 60
Isaiah 60 - Isaiah 60 begins a new section that looks ahead Christ's Kingdom and rule. Remember, Isaiah was a prophet in the southern kingdom of Judah during the time when the northern kingdom, Israel, had already ...

Isaiah 42

Isaiah 42
Isaiah 42 - God is the only Savior. His creation will bring glory to Him alone and it will not be shared with an idol. In the beautiful and symbolic open verses, the theme of restoration continues. ...

Isaiah 34

Isaiah 34
Isaiah 34 - The idea of this chapter is that the Lord will conquer all who oppose Him. There is no question about it. Within the text, the language is bold and abrasive. Divine wrath will be ...

Isaiah 26

Isaiah 26
Isaiah 26 - Disease. Affliction. Poverty. The kingdom of man wrestles with the birth pains of this world. The city of God, however, is strong and unwavering. "Go into your houses, my people, and shut the door ...

Isaiah 10

Isaiah 10
Isaiah 10 - 'Woe" is a dangerous word in Scripture. Chapter 10 kicks off with God using this word as a warning of the severe consequences to come.  It is the deprivation of the poor and ...

Philippians 3

Philippians 3
Philippians 3 - Have you ever met someone who always tries to one-up you? No matter how the story goes, they always pull the trump card with some experience or credential that's bigger and better. It's not ...

Galatians 5

Galatians 5
Galatians 5 - The fruit of keeping the law is exposed here in Galatians 5. According to Paul, the devotion to the law was leading to a cold, empty legalism. They were  "biting and devouring one another." ...

Exodus 39

Exodus 39
Exodus 39 - At the end of the chapter, Scripture tells us that everything God had commanded, the children of Israel completed. The construction went without a hitch. We see no evidence of an argument or distraction. ...

Exodus 22

Exodus 22
Exodus 22 - I am most struck by verses 22 and 25 in this chapter. God has, from the beginning, always had special feelings toward the orphaned, the widowed, and the poor. If anyone wanted to set ...

Exodus 20

Exodus 20
Exodus 20 - The 10 Commandments illustrate the vertical and horizontal obedience that God desired for humanity. Jesus came to fulfill and (in many ways) raise the standard of the law. Mount Sinai was a particular summit ...

Exodus 12

Exodus 12
Exodus 12 - The Passover is a powerful event in both Jewish tradition as well as Christianity. One major difference, obviously, is that the Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah. It's tradition when the Jews celebrate the ...

Jude 1

Jude 1
Jude 1 - Jude was one of four half-brothers of Jesus. In the Greek, the name Jude was synonymous with Judas. "Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers, James ...

Job 32

Job 32
Job 32 - Elihu may have been younger, but he had the genealogy going for him. But the anger of Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram burned; against Job his anger ...

Matthew 28

Matthew 28
Matthew 28 - The appearances of the resurrected Christ are astonishing! Many people will concede that Jesus was a real man who died, but few will place their faith in His divinity. Naturally, more people take issue ...

Matthew 27

Matthew 27
Matthew 27 - Although we are typically hard on the Pharisees in Scripture, there were a few who sincerely had a heart change through Jesus' ministry. Joseph of Arimathea was one of these men. Mark and Luke ...

Matthew 26

Matthew 26
Matthew 26 - Judas Iscariot is an interesting person to study. There are so many questions that center around his existence and ministry alongside Jesus. First, we must realize that even before Satan entered him, Judas had ...

Matthew 25

Matthew 25
Matthew 25 - Leonard Kevin Bias was born on November 17, 1963, in Landover, Maryland. He was a tall, quiet young boy who was nicknamed “Frosty” by his pastor at church because of his cold, relaxed attitude. ...

Matthew 24

Matthew 24
Matthew 24 - There is a break between verses 2 and 3 that separate the thoughts of Jesus. He starts by describing the ransacking of Jerusalem which eventually happened in 70 AD. Legend has it that future ...

Matthew 23

Matthew 23
Matthew 23 - Jesus uses a lot of phrases of that time period to describe what the Pharisees were like. In this scathing rebuke, it's important to understand what He was talking about so we can relate ...

Matthew 22

Matthew 22
Matthew 22 - The Sadducees and Pharisees were always playing games with Jesus. They, like some today, thought they could outsmart God. Here in Matthew 22, we find some intense back-and-forth debating from the teachers of the ...

Matthew 21

Matthew 21
Matthew 21 - During the Passover festival, scores of Jews came from all over Israel and the Roman Empire to worship and celebrate. Since many traveled long distances, it was cumbersome to carry with them their animal ...

Matthew 20

Matthew 20
Matthew 20 - Our plans and God's plans never really pan out the same. He gives us the main idea, but the details are usually mysterious and unexpected. God is not predictable. You can't put Him in ...

Matthew 19

Matthew 19
Matthew 19 - The topic of divorce was a hot-button issue back in Jesus' time, and it remains the same today. Back then, it was the issue that ultimately landed John the Baptist in prison shortly before ...

Matthew 18

Matthew 18
Matthew 18 - How do you approach confrontation and accountability in the church? The worldview of Jesus was not simply focused on "winning your brother" for the sake of a good deed, but because each person has ...

Matthew 17

Matthew 17
Matthew 17 - The half-shekel tax was equivalent to about 2 days of wages. It was collected annually from every male Jew above the age of 20. This was required for the upkeep of the temple. It ...

Matthew 16

Matthew 16
Matthew 16 - The Pharisees and Sadducees (who demanded signs in this chapter) were two of the five major political parties during the time of Jesus. There were also the Herodians, the Zealots,  and the Essenes. The ...

Matthew 15

Matthew 15
Matthew 15 - It's the worst feeling that any human can experience in this life. It's the realization that I wasted my life. I can't imagine a more horrifying reaction than those who thought they were living ...

Matthew 14

Matthew 14
Matthew 14 - The miraculous feeding of the 5000 is recorded in all 4 Gospels. Matthew 14:21 specifies 5,000 males, and further emphasizes the point by adding, “Besides women and children.” Many Bible scholars believe the actual ...

Matthew 13

Matthew 13
Matthew 13 - Here in Matthew 13, there are so many great parables it is hard to just reflect on one aspect of this chapter! You could do an in-depth study of each story.  I want to ...

Matthew 12

Matthew 12
Matthew 12 - This chapter contains the controversial "unpardonable sin" which involves blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The first question we must ask is, what is blasphemy of the Spirit and how is it different from blasphemy ...

Matthew 11

Matthew 11
Matthew 11 - Yet another piece of evidence that confirms Jesus was indeed the Messiah is the presence of John the Baptist. As prophecy foretold, in Malachi, there would be a forerunner. "Behold, I am going to ...

Matthew 10

Matthew 10
Matthew 10 - Jesus' selections were complete. Among his disciples were some strange picks by human standards. Among those chosen were a tax collector, several fishermen, and a religious zealot who opposed Rome. Many were unschooled men. ...

Matthew 9

Matthew 9
Matthew 9 - Interestingly, as Matthew writes his account of his own selection as a disciple, he chooses to use his new name, Matthew, instead of his old name, Levi. As Levi, he was a tax collector, ...

Matthew 8

Matthew 8
Matthew 8 - Jesus marveled. It's a strong phrase. What was it like for Jesus to marvel? What did it take? It was definitely a rare event. The only other time we read that Jesus marveled is ...

Matthew 7

Matthew 7
Matthew 7 - Judge not so you will not be judged. What was Jesus getting at here? This is a quote that is so often misrepresented, in my opinion. Was Jesus saying we should lower our standard ...

Matthew 6

Matthew 6
Matthew 6 - The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Many people came to hear about the kingdom and left hearing about a lifestyle in the kingdom. I would imagine most people who came to hear Jesus ...

Matthew 5

Matthew 5
Matthew 5 - I love the depth and practicality of Jesus' message here. Many of his critics thought he was abolishing the law. In his teaching, Jesus was verifying that the law is both temporary and eternal. ...

Matthew 4

Matthew 4
Matthew 4 - "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." Matthew 4:1 NASB  Wow! What a chapter! Let's read and re-read this opening verse. Satan didn't just ...

Matthew 3

Matthew 3
Matthew 3 - Photo credit: Nelson's New Illustrated Commentary Pictured is the traditionally accepted site (the Jordan River) for the baptism of Jesus. As I read this chapter, there are many questions that come to mind. Why ...

Matthew 2

Matthew 2
Matthew 2 - Remarkably, the calendar we all depend on was originally created around Jesus' birth. Medieval creators tried to set Jesus's birth at A.D. 1 in order to properly date events, however, they were slightly off. ...

Matthew 1

Matthew 1
Matthew 1 - The Gospels do not record a single word spoken by this man. Yet, the Gospel account written by Matthew is a bridge to the past. If a person had just read the Old Testament ...

Proverbs 21

Proverbs 21
Proverbs 21 - A very intriguing verse in this chapter of Proverbs includes a reference back to the days of King Saul. "Doing what is righteous and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice." Proverbs ...

Proverbs 1

Proverbs 1
Proverbs 1 - A blunt tagline to the book of Proverbs could very easily be "Proverbs: Don't live in stupidity." When we encounter Jesus, we discover two very profound realities. We discover the truth of who God ...

2 Peter 2

2 Peter 2
2 Peter 2 - 2 Peter 2 opens by describing two different kinds of false people within the church. Maybe we have never taken the time to consider the difference between false prophets and false teachers? Maybe ...

1 Peter 4

1 Peter 4
1 Peter 4 - Arm yourself! This is a powerful opening in 1 Peter 4. Our thought process regarding suffering is not some crazy or impossible goal to strive for. It is the mindset that Christ had ...

2 Samuel 13

2 Samuel 13
2 Samuel 13 - What a mess here in 2 Samuel 13! It's hard to know where to begin. Amnon was obsessed. The thought of sinning consumed him. He seemingly had no relief from these lustful thoughts ...

2 Samuel 11

2 Samuel 11
2 Samuel 11 - Most of us know the story of 2 Samuel 11. David's sin and repentance are well-documented. The story is familiar to us because it's real. The Bible doesn't sugarcoat the sex, scandal, and ...

1 Samuel 28

1 Samuel 28
1 Samuel 28 - I've always had lots of questions about 1 Samuel 28. Was David actually going to fight with the Philistines? Why did Saul think that he could contact Samuel through a witch? Was it ...

1 Samuel 24

1 Samuel 24
1 Samuel 24 - David retreats with his men to the caves of the Wilderness of En Gedi. This was a strategic move and a very good one on David's part. The canyon of En Gedi is ...

1 Samuel 23

1 Samuel 23
1 Samuel 23 - All Saul cares about is killing David. He doesn't care about worshiping God. He doesn't care about hearing from God. He doesn't want to follow God. Yet, he justifies his actions by using ...

1 Samuel 7

1 Samuel 7
1 Samuel 7 - Coming off the heels of their defeat to the Philistines, Samuel would bring forth a challenge. Often in our weakest moments is when God's voice will speak the loudest. God had stirred their ...

2 Timothy 3

2 Timothy 3
2 Timothy 3 - We have already seen it mentioned times over the last several chapters, but Paul once again is warning Timothy of the godlessness which will take place in the future. The identifying characteristic for ...

Romans 16

Romans 16
Romans 16 - This is a phenomenal chapter that champions the role of women in the church. Romans 16 begins with an affirmation of a woman serving in a position of leadership. I commend to you our ...

Romans 13

Romans 13
Romans 13 - In Chapter 13, Paul's focus is the authority of the government, and how the Christian should respond to such authority. In Paul's time, there were overzealous Jews who claimed that they would honor no ...

Romans 12

Romans 12
Romans 12 - Starting in verse 9 of Romans 12, Paul rattles off a disjointed list of Christian principles. On the surface, it may seem haphazard. In reality, Paul is most likely using a style known as ...

Romans 2

Romans 2
Romans 2 - When you hold up God as the standard, as you should, that standard is one that not only condemns the person you are correcting but yourself as well. As the old saying goes, "You're ...

2 Kings 11

2 Kings 11
2 Kings 11 - The history can get pretty confusing when the stories switch back and forth from the northern kingdom to the southern kingdom. In addition, there are details outlined in the book of Chronicles that ...

2 Kings 10

2 Kings 10
2 Kings 10 - When this chapter begins you get a sense that Jehu is going to be a ferocious warrior for the Lord. He eliminates Ahab's family, doing everything the Lord has asked. He follows that ...

1 Kings 22

1 Kings 22
1 Kings 22 - What's the deal with Ramoth-Gilead and why did they want it back? Ramoth was a Levitical city so it was considered important to the Jews. During King Solomon's reign, it was a key ...

1 Kings 21

1 Kings 21
1 Kings 21 - When Elijah finished speaking, Ahab tore his clothes, took them off, and put on sackcloth. He refused food, slept in the sackcloth, and went about gloomy and depressed. 1 Kings 21:27 The tearing ...