Judges 18

Judges 18
In Judges 18, the Danite tribe was looking for land to settle in and sent five men to scout the territory. They arrived at Micah’s house in Ephraim and met the young Levite who was serving as his priest ...

Judges 15

Judges 15
In Judges 15, Samson visited his wife (from Judges 14) but found that her father had given her to another man.. He offered Samson her younger sister instead. This further enraged Samson and in ...

Judges 13

Judges 13
In Judges 13, the Israelites did evil in God's sight yet again. God allowed the Philistines to oppress them for 40 years. An angel appeared to the barren wife of Manoah, a man from the tribe of Dan, and told her

Judges 12

Judges 12
In Judges 12, the Ephraimites confronted Jephthah angrily for not calling them to battle, threatening to burn his house (Judges 12:1). Jephthah responded that he had called for their help, but they did not come ...

Judges 9

Judges 9
In Judges 9, Gideon's son Abimelech persuades the people of Shechem to make him king by arguing that it's better to be ruled by one man than by all of Gideon's seventy sons. With money from the temple of ...

Judges 8

Judges 8
In Judges 8, Gideon was criticized by the men of Ephraim for not including them in the battle against Midian, but he appeased them by highlighting their own victories. As he and his 300 men pursued the ...

Judges 7

Judges 7
In Judges 7, Gideon gathers his troops near the spring of Harod to face the Midianites. However, God instructs him to reduce the number of soldiers so that Israel will not boast in their own strength ...

Joshua 15

Joshua 15
Joshua 15 - Joshua 15 details the land allocation for the tribe of Judah, highlighting Caleb's victories in Hebron and the challenges of expelling the Jebusites from Jerusalem. It includes specific geographic boundaries and lists numerous cities within the region. ...

Joshua 11

Joshua 11
Joshua 11 - Let's set the backdrop. Joshua has just led Israel in defeating the cities in the south. News travels fast. The northern kings are becoming restless at the dominance of Israel. Specifically, Jabin of Hazor. ...

Joshua 10

Joshua 10
Joshua 10 - So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of ...

Joshua 9

Joshua 9
Joshua 9 - The Gibeonites, fearing Israel's conquests, deceive Joshua and the Israelites by pretending to be from a distant land. They present worn-out provisions to secure a peace treaty, which the Israelites agree to without consulting God. ...

Joshua 8

Joshua 8
Joshua 8 - Joshua 7 left a bad taste in our mouths. After discovering the sin that had caused Israel to be defeated at Ai, Joshua was left to pick up the pieces. ...

Deuteronomy 33

Deuteronomy 33
Deuteronomy 33 - Moses gives his final blessings to the tribes of Israel. I was drawn to the guidance given to the Levites. About the tribe of Levi he said: "You, LORD, reveal your will by the ...

Deuteronomy 28

Deuteronomy 28
Deuteronomy 28 - "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They will be like wool. ...

Deuteronomy 26

Deuteronomy 26
Deuteronomy 26 - Once again we enter into an Old Testament story which has significant implications for how we understand events documented in the New Testament. "Then it shall be, when you enter the land which the ...

Ezekiel 17

Ezekiel 17
Ezekiel 17 - Let's start by getting an understanding of the allegory. The first great eagle represents Babylon, or, King Nebuchadnezzar. The cedar is Judah. The topmost young twig is Jehoiachin, the king of Judah who was ...

Acts 28

Acts 28
Acts 28 - I love the image of Paul here at the end of Acts. He is a man who, under normal circumstances, would have no joy. He’s been falsely accused, spent a considerable amount of time ...

Acts 19

Acts 19
Acts 19 - Paul in Ephesus is a great reminder for our churches today. From his investment, we know that Ephesus was just the start of Christianity in Asia Minor. The churches in Revelation were all born ...

Acts 18

Acts 18
Acts 18 - Corinth had a bad reputation for being a city chock full of immorality. It was known as the hub for Aphrodite (fertility goddess) worship. It was also known for having a major temple dedicated ...

Acts 15

Acts 15
Acts 15 - The first question we want to know is, who was right and who was wrong between Paul and Barnabas? I feel that when we approach it from that angle we really miss Luke’s point. ...

Acts 12

Acts 12
Acts 12 - King Herod never saw it coming. The grandson of the infamous Herod the Great was part of long line of family dysfunction that fought against the people of God many times throughout history. His ...

Acts 11

Acts 11
Acts 11 - Unfortunately, the attitude that Peter experiences here in Acts 11 is all too common in our church culture today. People these days want to know, what is your background, what church did you grow ...

Acts 10

Acts 10
Acts 10 - Many people like to ask the question, can you be saved if you are a genuine seeker and have responded to God but have not yet heard the Gospel? Cornelius was described as a ...

Acts 7

Acts 7
Acts 7 - I can vividly remember the old seat belt PSA that was shown on TV all the time when I was a kid. Vince and Larry, the Crash Test Dummies, would facetiously admit that they ...

Acts 4

Acts 4
Acts 4 - As they were speaking to the people, the priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to them,  2  being greatly disturbed because they were teaching the people and ...

Acts 3

Acts 3
Acts 3 - The miraculous signs and wonders led to opportunities to authenticate the message of the Gospel. Peter did not hesitate to give the glory back to God. In fact, he literally asked the people why ...

Lamentations 5

Lamentations 5
Lamentations 5 - We don't often think in terms of the comprehensive suffering that Judah endured during exile. It was not just that their enemies came and put them in chains. They struggled immensely. Their sin cost ...

Lamentations 3

Lamentations 3
Lamentations 3 - The first 20 verses of Lamentations 3 recall the conditions that God has allowed to take place which has brought immense grief to Jeremiah's heart. He is a great lion waiting to ambush. He ...

Leviticus 14

Leviticus 14
Leviticus 14 - The book of Leviticus deals with holiness in terms of wholeness. It was extremely important for the priests of the OT to have knowledge in what is considered "clean" and "unclean." This allowed them ...

Leviticus 7

Leviticus 7
Leviticus 7 - If any of it is eaten on the third day, God will not accept your offering. The offering will not be counted to your credit but will be considered unclean, and whoever eats it ...

Revelation 20

Revelation 20
Revelation 20 - If someone comes up and asks you, "How do you interpret Revelation?" most likely, they are referring to Revelation 20:1-10.  The question of pre or postmillennialism is the first order of business. It simply answers ...

Revelation 18

Revelation 18
Revelation 18 - Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord. Romans 12:19 NASB Paul's words ring true ...

Revelation 17

Revelation 17
Revelation 17 - We have already reiterated it over many chapters, but Rome stood proudly as a pagan symbol against Christ and His church. Here in Revelation 17, she is personified as a notorious prostitute. She represents ...

Revelation 16

Revelation 16
Revelation 16 - The continuity of the seals and the trumpets is broken up with the bowls as they move seamlessly through all seven with no interlude between the 6th and 7th as we have traditionally seen. ...

Revelation 15

Revelation 15
Revelation 15 - The divine judgment which was revealed by the seals and proclaimed by the trumpets will now be poured out by the seven bowls. From a literary standpoint, the seventh seal was unleashed by the ...

Revelation 14

Revelation 14
Revelation 14 - First question I asked myself... who is Babylon? John, again, is writing symbolically here. Literal Babylon was a mere fraction of what it had been in years past. But, the wording certainly plays into ...

Revelation 13

Revelation 13
Revelation 13 - The First Beast At the end of Revelation 12, we read of Satan's rage. He sets out to destroy the people of God. Now, in Revelation 13, we are introduced to the two henchmen ...

Revelation 12

Revelation 12
Revelation 12 - The Woman It is out of Israel that the Messiah will come, therefore, it makes sense that the woman would represent not only Israel but also the Messianic community. We can marry these two ...

Revelation 11

Revelation 11
Revelation 11 - I think a major issue with Revelation 11 is the fact that it relies heavily on Revelation 10 for continuity. It is best to read on and view chapters 10 and 11 as one ...

Revelation 9

Revelation 9
Revelation 9 - The 5th Trumpet The 5th trumpet releases a key to open the abyss. Many scholars believe this is the same abyss that the demons begged Jesus not to throw them in. It may be ...

Revelation 8

Revelation 8
Revelation 8 - Continuing on the theme from Chapter 7, John either heard or saw something with every seal that was opened. Here in Revelation 8, the seventh seal is broken and he hears and sees nothing ...

Revelation 7

Revelation 7
Revelation 7 - God’s primary motive in our hearts has always been this: transformation. I think it's important to understand Revelation in terms of the overall picture instead of as individual narratives. We see a great transformation ...

Revelation 6

Revelation 6
Revelation 6 - I grew up in Berne, Indiana which sits directly on top of the continental divide. If you are not familiar with the continental divide, it is an area of raised terrain that ...

Revelation 5

Revelation 5
Revelation 5 - The Scroll In ancient times, the Romans would seal their wills seven times. Each wax seal usually contained an engraved emblem and sealed the letter for security or to designate ownership. Marriage contracts, leases, ...

Revelation 3

Revelation 3
Revelation 3 - Lukewarm I remember several years ago going to a music festival in Kentucky called Ichthus. It was basically a camping trip with live Christian music playing at all times across multiple stages. Now, I'm ...

Jeremiah 52

Jeremiah 52
Jeremiah 52 - The final chapter of Jeremiah gives a summary of the events which have occurred, giving us some additional details as to what took place. The thing that strikes me the most in reading this ...

Jeremiah 51

Jeremiah 51
Jeremiah 51 - As I look over the book of Jeremiah and see now how the final judgment of Babylon is going down, it's pretty amazing to think about all that Jeremiah has been through. God has ...

Jeremiah 50

Jeremiah 50
Jeremiah 50 - “Their Redeemer is strong, the Lord of hosts is His name.” Jeremiah 50:34 As the book of Jeremiah winds down with just a few chapters left, God speaks of the judgment against Babylon. It’s ...

Jeremiah 36

Jeremiah 36
Jeremiah 36 - Anyone could argue that God knew what was going to happen to these people.  He knew their hardened hearts.  He knew for certain that the King would do what he did ... 

Jeremiah 35

Jeremiah 35
Jeremiah 35 - What excuses are we giving for our lack of faithfulness to Jesus? Where are we settling for a lukewarm relationship with him similar to those who are around us? The message here was to ...

Jeremiah 31

Jeremiah 31
Jeremiah 31 - There is a lot going on in this chapter, and it can seem kind of confusing. I want to focus on the very interesting but highly controversial verse 15. Thus says the LORD: "A ...

Jeremiah 22

Jeremiah 22
Jeremiah 22 - God has a message and it will be delivered. It may not come the way we expected. It may not come at the time we thought it would. It may even come from someone ...

Jeremiah 21

Jeremiah 21
Jeremiah 21 - It has finally happened. Babylon is bearing down on Judah and God is allowing it to happen. He has warned them over so many chapters of this coming doom if they did not repent ...

2 Chronicles 36

2 Chronicles 36
2 Chronicles 36 - The LORD, the God of their fathers, sent word to them again and again by His messengers, because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place; 16 but they continually ...

2 Chronicles 35

2 Chronicles 35 - Armchair Quarterback (noun) a person who offers advice or an opinion on something in which they have no expertise or involvement How many people do you know who have lots of great ideas ...

2 Chronicles 29

2 Chronicles 29
2 Chronicles 29 - In the first month... There were many decisions that needed attention when coming into power as a king. Certainly, there would have been personal decisions, political decisions, military decisions and economic decisions. There ...

2 Chronicles 22

2 Chronicles 22
2 Chronicles 22 - The family tree of Jehoshaphat and Ahab can get overwhelming. If you are reading and getting confused, there is a great family tree of this chapter at the link below. 2 Chronicles 22 ...

2 Chronicles 21

2 Chronicles 21
2 Chronicles 21 - There is a simple question with a simple answer. What's the cost? When you look at the way you are living your life, what is it costing you? For Jehoram, the life he ...

2 Chronicles 18

2 Chronicles 18
2 Chronicles 18 - Would you rather be a well-liked king or a ridiculed prophet? In a bizarre revelation, God asks for a lying, deceitful spirit to go an entice Ahab to fall at Ramoth-gilead. Why was ...

2 Chronicles 16

2 Chronicles 16
2 Chronicles 16 - There is so much in this chapter that is personal and meaningful for me. As someone who has struggled with unexplained health issues, it seems that every day is a battle. The temptation ...

2 Chronicles 15

2 Chronicles 15
2 Chronicles 15 - Several years ago my wife was trying to get me onboard with adoption. Shamefully, I was hesitant. It just wasn't the direction or the plan I thought would unfold. For months, she would ...

2 Chronicles 13

2 Chronicles 13
2 Chronicles 13 - After reading this chapter, I am reminded of a common situation we have all encountered. It's that moment when someone is telling the truth, but not giving you the full story. When a ...

2 Chronicles 12

2 Chronicles 12
2 Chronicles 12 - Rehoboam did what was evil, because he did not determine in his heart to seek the LORD ...

2 Chronicles 11

2 Chronicles 11
2 Chronicles 11 - I hate to be pessimistic, but here in Chapter 11, we have bad going to worse. Rehoboam (Solomon's son) was now the king of the southern tribes of Judah. Jeroboam (Solomon's former official) ...

2 Chronicles 10

2 Chronicles 10
2 Chronicles 10 - It seems like this whole situation began to unravel in such a short period of time. If we go back in history, however, we see that is not the case. This struggle to ...

2 Chronicles 9

2 Chronicles 9
2 Chronicles 9 - Jesus actually spoke of this encounter between the Queen of Sheba and Solomon. In Matthew 12 the teachers of the Law and Pharisees question Jesus' authority and they demand a sign. Technically, they ...

1 Chronicles 29

1 Chronicles 29
1 Chronicles 29 - 1 Chronicles 29:25 GNB The LORD made the whole nation stand in awe of Solomon, and he made him more glorious than any other king that had ruled Israel. If you read my ...

1 Chronicles 24

1 Chronicles 24
1 Chronicles 24 - There is a fine line between structure and freedom in the Spirit. This chapter speaks to the structured process of the priesthood while attempting to preserve true worship and the influence of the ...

1 Chronicles 22

1 Chronicles 22
1 Chronicles 22 - Though David served Israel in many ways, his primary role was as a military leader. He was considered a man of war. Before a nation can build a palace or temple, they must ...

1 Chronicles 8

1 Chronicles 8
1 Chronicles 8 - Within the tribe of Benjamin, we are reminded of Israel's first king. He was the best looking man in all of Israel. He towered above all of his fellow Israelites. He seemed to ...

1 Chronicles 4

1 Chronicles 4
1 Chronicles 4 - I also find the mentioning of Jabez to be fascinating in this long list of names. His name meant "pain." More specifically though, it was translated "he causes pain" which ...

Isaiah 63

Isaiah 63
Isaiah 63 - At the beginning of Isaiah 63, we find a familiar theme in Scripture. There is someone with blood-stained clothes who is robed in splendor and striding forward in the greatness of strength. This can ...

Isaiah 60

Isaiah 60
Isaiah 60 - Isaiah 60 begins a new section that looks ahead Christ's Kingdom and rule. Remember, Isaiah was a prophet in the southern kingdom of Judah during the time when the northern kingdom, Israel, had already ...

Isaiah 59

Isaiah 59
Isaiah 59 - In a beautiful example of what it is like for the Lord to work in a person's heart, Isaiah speaks directly to the blindness of Israel. In reality, it is the blindness that all ...

Isaiah 55

Isaiah 55
Isaiah 55 - Faith in Jesus without a life filled with Jesus' attitude and behavior is no life of faith at all. There are no excuses because a reborn life is not done in our own strength ...

Isaiah 54

Isaiah 54
Isaiah 54 - This chapter focuses on the wonderful love God has for His people. Amazingly, even though human sin has corrupted the future God had promised, His words will not return void. Given the current exile ...

Isaiah 45

Isaiah 45
Isaiah 45 - Exodus 33:20 NASB But He said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!" He is the unseen God, and for good reason. If we would look at Him, ...

Isaiah 39

Isaiah 39
Isaiah 39 - The last verse of Chapter 39 is probably the most heavily scrutinized statement from Hezekiah. Many scholars are split on the correct interpretation of this verse. Surprising to me, most tend to agree that ...

Isaiah 38

Isaiah 38
Isaiah 38 - Let's review what's happened thus far and what will happen in the future. Assyria has built the strongest military the world has ever seen and has destroyed both Aram as well as Israel. Judah ...

Isaiah 32

Isaiah 32
Isaiah 32 - Isaiah's description of a true king is exactly what we all desire. He is righteous, just, and a source of protection and support. This king would contrast many other kings that ruled in ancient ...

Isaiah 31

Isaiah 31
Isaiah 31 - God had willed captivity for His people. He also willed restoration. When we must go through a season of captivity in order to receive restoration, we tend to resist. We want to take the ...

Isaiah 28

Isaiah 28
Isaiah 28 - Samaria is given a strong warning by Isaiah to begin the chapter. The problem was self-indulgence and a lack of true wisdom. He then turns to Judah in verse 7 and gives warning that ...

Isaiah 26

Isaiah 26
Isaiah 26 - Disease. Affliction. Poverty. The kingdom of man wrestles with the birth pains of this world. The city of God, however, is strong and unwavering. "Go into your houses, my people, and shut the door ...

Isaiah 25

Isaiah 25
Isaiah 25 - Following a chapter on the destruction and judgment of God, we read a deeply personal appeal to His faithfulness. It almost reads like a prayer, and this is significant. When we face trials, struggles, ...

Isaiah 17

Isaiah 17
Isaiah 17 - Mount Hermon was a massive ridge north of Damascus After focusing on the nations to the south, this prophecy shifts to the northern borders...

Isaiah 16

Isaiah 16
Isaiah 16 - Though Moab's nation was broken to pieces, they had far more hope through Salvation than did Babylon or Philistia. The language describing the destruction of Moab offers much hope. In fact, we read in ...

Isaiah 14

Isaiah 14
Isaiah 14 - There are some deep theological principles at work in this chapter. There is also some controversy as to the correct translation of the phrase, “Oh Lucifer, Son of the morning” in verse 12. Many ...

Isaiah 10

Isaiah 10
Isaiah 10 - 'Woe" is a dangerous word in Scripture. Chapter 10 kicks off with God using this word as a warning of the severe consequences to come.  It is the deprivation of the poor and ...

Isaiah 9

Isaiah 9
Isaiah 9 - Here we get a description of Jesus as a child, son, and eventually, prince. He is called the Prince of Peace. He follows in His Father’s footsteps. The God of peace will soon crush ...

Isaiah 7

Isaiah 7
Isaiah 7 - War has broken out and Jerusalem is under attack. Amazingly, God shows King Ahaz mercy by commanding him to stay calm and courageous, even though he was a terribly immoral king. The Lord sends ...

Isaiah 5

Isaiah 5
Isaiah 5 - Six woes are given to the nation of Israel starting in verse 8. The woes include greed, debauchery, unbelief, perversion, arrogance, and injustice. "To these sins are added prophecies of judgment: desolation, captivity or ...

Isaiah 2

Isaiah tank
Isaiah 2 - The first five verses of this chapter relate to the future Messiah and hint at the admission of the Gentiles to that kingdom. From there, the prophecies take a dramatic twist as they describe ...

Colossians 4

Colossians 4
Colossians 4 - A very practical and important set of instructions are given here by Paul on how we should act toward nonbelievers. Act wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time.  6  Your speech should ...

Colossians 2

Colossians 2
Colossians 2 - Think of it in these terms. Any philosopher, theologian, scientist, professor or quantum physicist, whether Christian or not, has borrowed their wisdom and knowledge from God. Without God, there is no logic or reason. ...

Philippians 2

Philippians 2
Philippians 2 - Paul's opening in Philippians 2 follows a delicate and precise structure. He opens with "Therefore" and unfortunately the breakup of these chapters forces us to lose part of the context if we don't go ...

Ephesians 4

Ephesians 4
Ephesians 4 - And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building ...

Ephesians 3

Ephesians 3
Ephesians 3 - It's one of my favorite prayers in Scripture. Ephesians 3:14-21. Once you really see and experience how much Jesus loves you, everything will begin to change.  The love of Christ is wide enough to ...

Galatians 4

Galatians 4
Galatians 4 - I admit that sometimes I get so caught up in my own wants and needs that I miss the bigger picture. We all tend to gravitate toward a "me first" attitude even if we ...

Galatians 2

Galatians 2
Galatians 2 - As we read in Chapter 1 of Galatians, Paul's message that he was delivering to the Gentiles came straight from God. In so many words, he was establishing that he was not the apostles' ...

Galatians 1

Galatians 1
Galatians 1 - Just like we see today in the political sphere, Paul was battling against two extreme views within the Christian movement. There were the Judaizers who were local Christians (Gentiles) that had succumbed to the ...