Job 15

Job 15
Job 15 - Eliphaz brings a load of sarcasm to this chapter. He claims that his understanding of Scripture and his wisdom is completely reliable. He knows that Job is wicked because he's seen wicked people and ...

John 12

John 12
John 12 - Here in John 12, we are once again drawn to how Jesus' words and actions were in complete obedience to God and how He functioned as an extension of His Father in Heaven. We ...

John 11

John 11
John 11 - So much irony! The reasoning of the religious leaders is astounding. "Let's kill the man who is actively doing mighty works in the Name of God..." "Let's kill the man who has just proven ...

Luke 16

Luke 16
Luke 16 Commentary by Brad Boyles At the end of Luke 16, we read a fascinating story contrasting the rich man and Lazarus. Jesus does not start out this story as He does other parables. He also gives us the ...