Exodus 38

Exodus 38
Exodus 38 - The values are given here for the exact weight of the gold, silver and bronze used in construction. The GoldCommentators differ in their opinion of just how much gold was actually used. The weight ...

Exodus 23

Exodus 23
Exodus 23 - "You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. Exodus 23:1 NASB "Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill ...

Exodus 22

Exodus 22
Exodus 22 - I am most struck by verses 22 and 25 in this chapter. God has, from the beginning, always had special feelings toward the orphaned, the widowed, and the poor. If anyone wanted to set ...

Exodus 9

Exodus 9
Exodus 9 - Only in the land of Goshen, where the sons of Israel were, there was no hail. Exodus 9:26 NASB There are many instances of this same theme in Scripture. Here in Exodus, it reminds ...

1 Thessalonians 4

1 Thessalonians 4
1 Thessalonians 4 - What do we know about the coming of the Lord? Paul gives us a clue at the end of this chapter. Verses 13-18 are controversial, and (surprise, surprise) they center around the end ...

2 Thessalonians 1

2 Thessalonians 1
2 Thessalonians 1 - Paul knew that the Thessalonian church was enduring suffering, and he wanted to continue to encourage them in their suffering. This is what we read in verses 4-5. Therefore, we ourselves speak proudly ...

1 Thessalonians 3

1 Thessalonians 3
1 Thessalonians 3 - Dear Thessalonica, I'm burdened for you. Love, Paul In this chapter, we get a glimpse into the heart Paul had for the people he ministered to. You have to imagine that Paul, Silas ...

1 Thessalonians 2

1 Thessalonians 2
1 Thessalonians 2 - Paul covers a broad range of topics in this chapter. He starts with defending, and moves to loving, laboring, modeling, leading, feeding, and suffering. He also took care in leaving no doubt that ...

1 John 3

1 John 3
1 John 3 - This really is an incredible chapter! It's hard to summarize these thoughts in just a few paragraphs. I was really drawn to the first several verses that speak to believers being children of ...

Job 40

Job 40
Job 40 - Consider Job's humility in this chapter. Consider that he takes up none of the words with God that he had planned.  The entire book culminates to this point; Job is given permission to speak ...

Job 39

Job 39
Job 39 - Many times it's true that our expectations of God are outmatched by His unfolding plan. I can't tell you how many times I've worried about certain outcomes only to be surprised when God delivers ...

Job 36

Job 36
Job 36 - God is the most patient, relentless, and loving Father we will ever encounter. Unfortunately, many people of our day have turned to the false teaching that says if everything isn't "good" in your life ...

Job 22

Job 22
Job 22 - When we do not pay attention to the needs before us, true care can turn to condemnation. This is what summarizes Eliphaz's words to Job. He has a mold of what he understands to ...

Job 21

Job 21
Job 21 - Job thoroughly rejects the doctrine of retribution and he draws from common knowledge to do so. Throughout these chapters, Job's friends have questioned him, and he has responded. Up until this point, he hasn't ...

Job 4

Job 4
Job 4 - There is a difference between theology and common sense. I know that the word 'theology' sounds like a churchy, religious concept that only "the holiest people" can understand. The truth is, we all have ...

Ezra 8

Ezra 8
Ezra 8 - This trek consisted of over 900 miles on foot. But also consider that there would have been 1754 men that Ezra had to lead, and with women and ...

Ezra 2

Ezra 2
Ezra 2 - Why was genealogy so important to the Jews? We see this many times in Scripture and often it's hard to make it through the list because we don't know or understand the history. To ...

Ezra 1

Ezra 1
Ezra 1 - It is fascinating to consider the faith of Cyrus, King of Persia. Was he a believer in the one true God? The passage here mentions that "the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus ...

Matthew 28

Matthew 28
Matthew 28 - The appearances of the resurrected Christ are astonishing! Many people will concede that Jesus was a real man who died, but few will place their faith in His divinity. Naturally, more people take issue ...

Matthew 27

Matthew 27
Matthew 27 - Although we are typically hard on the Pharisees in Scripture, there were a few who sincerely had a heart change through Jesus' ministry. Joseph of Arimathea was one of these men. Mark and Luke ...

Matthew 25

Matthew 25
Matthew 25 - Leonard Kevin Bias was born on November 17, 1963, in Landover, Maryland. He was a tall, quiet young boy who was nicknamed “Frosty” by his pastor at church because of his cold, relaxed attitude. ...

Matthew 23

Matthew 23
Matthew 23 - Jesus uses a lot of phrases of that time period to describe what the Pharisees were like. In this scathing rebuke, it's important to understand what He was talking about so we can relate ...

Matthew 21

Matthew 21
Matthew 21 - During the Passover festival, scores of Jews came from all over Israel and the Roman Empire to worship and celebrate. Since many traveled long distances, it was cumbersome to carry with them their animal ...

Matthew 20

Matthew 20
Matthew 20 - Our plans and God's plans never really pan out the same. He gives us the main idea, but the details are usually mysterious and unexpected. God is not predictable. You can't put Him in ...

Matthew 19

Matthew 19
Matthew 19 - The topic of divorce was a hot-button issue back in Jesus' time, and it remains the same today. Back then, it was the issue that ultimately landed John the Baptist in prison shortly before ...

Matthew 18

Matthew 18
Matthew 18 - How do you approach confrontation and accountability in the church? The worldview of Jesus was not simply focused on "winning your brother" for the sake of a good deed, but because each person has ...

Matthew 17

Matthew 17
Matthew 17 - The half-shekel tax was equivalent to about 2 days of wages. It was collected annually from every male Jew above the age of 20. This was required for the upkeep of the temple. It ...

Matthew 16

Matthew 16
Matthew 16 - The Pharisees and Sadducees (who demanded signs in this chapter) were two of the five major political parties during the time of Jesus. There were also the Herodians, the Zealots,  and the Essenes. The ...

Matthew 13

Matthew 13
Matthew 13 - Here in Matthew 13, there are so many great parables it is hard to just reflect on one aspect of this chapter! You could do an in-depth study of each story.  I want to ...

Matthew 11

Matthew 11
Matthew 11 - Yet another piece of evidence that confirms Jesus was indeed the Messiah is the presence of John the Baptist. As prophecy foretold, in Malachi, there would be a forerunner. "Behold, I am going to ...

Matthew 9

Matthew 9
Matthew 9 - Interestingly, as Matthew writes his account of his own selection as a disciple, he chooses to use his new name, Matthew, instead of his old name, Levi. As Levi, he was a tax collector, ...

Matthew 8

Matthew 8
Matthew 8 - Jesus marveled. It's a strong phrase. What was it like for Jesus to marvel? What did it take? It was definitely a rare event. The only other time we read that Jesus marveled is ...

Matthew 7

Matthew 7
Matthew 7 - Judge not so you will not be judged. What was Jesus getting at here? This is a quote that is so often misrepresented, in my opinion. Was Jesus saying we should lower our standard ...

Matthew 6

Matthew 6
Matthew 6 - The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Many people came to hear about the kingdom and left hearing about a lifestyle in the kingdom. I would imagine most people who came to hear Jesus ...

Matthew 5

Matthew 5
Matthew 5 - I love the depth and practicality of Jesus' message here. Many of his critics thought he was abolishing the law. In his teaching, Jesus was verifying that the law is both temporary and eternal. ...

Matthew 4

Matthew 4
Matthew 4 - "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." Matthew 4:1 NASB  Wow! What a chapter! Let's read and re-read this opening verse. Satan didn't just ...

Matthew 3

Matthew 3
Matthew 3 - Photo credit: Nelson's New Illustrated Commentary Pictured is the traditionally accepted site (the Jordan River) for the baptism of Jesus. As I read this chapter, there are many questions that come to mind. Why ...

Matthew 1

Matthew 1
Matthew 1 - The Gospels do not record a single word spoken by this man. Yet, the Gospel account written by Matthew is a bridge to the past. If a person had just read the Old Testament ...

Proverbs 25

Proverbs 25
Proverbs 25 - "If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, 22  for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will ...

Proverbs 23

Proverbs 23
Proverbs 23 - "Don't let your heart envy sinners; instead, always fear the LORD.  18  For then you will have a future, and your hope will never fade." Proverbs 23:17-18 HCSB  I'm guilty. I know there have ...

Proverbs 18

Proverbs 18
Proverbs 18 - Communication is essential for life, and it's a big part of how we reach the world as Christians. A lot of times you hear the phrase, "It's not what you say, but how you ...

Proverbs 12

Proverbs 12
Proverbs 12 - Discipline is hard. Accepting instruction is difficult. They both require us to delay our satisfaction. When we are in the middle of being corrected, it can feel threatening. Our flesh wants to resist becoming ...

Proverbs 6

Proverbs 6
Proverbs 6 - Satisfaction comes when we do what we ought to do. Taking care of our responsibilities and prioritizing those responsibilities in light of God's Word brings purpose. Proverbs 6 encourages us to take our cues ...

2 Peter 1

2 Peter 1
2 Peter 1 - Peter was a bond-servant and apostle. This is a unique combination, being subject to all others in service and humility as well as being called by Jesus to follow and see firsthand the ...

Titus 3

Titus 3
Titus 3 - Have you ever been involved in a foolish conversation? How about an endless quarrel about a technicality? Most likely, all of us have been ...

2 Samuel 23

2 Samuel 23
2 Samuel 23 - David was never ashamed of who he was and where he came from. In a culture that was all about notoriety and popularity, David was still the youngest son of Jesse, the peasant ...

2 Samuel 20

2 Samuel 20
2 Samuel 20 - Concubines, intestines, and a severed head being thrown over a wall! This chapter is not for the faint of heart. Coming off the heels of a civil war, David is drawn back in. ...

2 Samuel 18

2 Samuel 18
2 Samuel 18 - This is a difficult chapter to absorb. On one hand, justice was served and the rightful king of Israel was restored. On the other hand, a loving father grieves the loss of his ...

2 Samuel 15

2 Samuel 15
2 Samuel 15 - Absalom was good looking, charismatic, and a cutthroat politician. Modern-day politicians would do well to study the strategy of Absalom. First, he didn't run a smear campaign against David. In fact, he doesn't ...

2 Samuel 9

2 Samuel 9
2 Samuel 9 - David had made a promise to Jonathan, and David was a man of his word. So as he was reflecting back on Saul's family, David remembered his oath of friendship to Jonathan and ...

2 Samuel 8

2 Samuel 8
2 Samuel 8 - In many ways, David is presented as the "anti-Saul" even though at times, their behavior does not seem all that different. Thus far in Samuel, we've witnessed several questionable decisions by David. Here ...

2 Samuel 4

2 Samuel 4
2 Samuel 4 - In 2 Samuel 4, we see the collision of two different kingdoms. Humanity's kingdom operates within an attitude of power and opportunity. The leaders in our world grab life by the horns and ...

2 Samuel 3

2 Samuel 3
2 Samuel 3 - In 2 Samuel 3, we find two men making a deal in order to see their enemy defeated. Abner, being personally offended by Ishbosheth, makes a deal to join David. David, wanting to ...

1 Samuel 31

1 Samuel 31
1 Samuel 31 - Let's do a quick recap. In desperation, Saul traveled to see a witch who brought back Samuel from the dead and predicted Saul's death the next day. Today is the next day. Also ...

1 Samuel 30

1 Samuel 30
1 Samuel 30 - David returns to Zikleg, where he had fled from Saul only to find that while he and his men were gone, the Amalekites had come and raided their city. They burned the place ...

1 Samuel 26

1 Samuel 26
1 Samuel 26 - If there was ever a justifiable moment for David to end Saul's life, this was it. Saul had repented of his wrongdoing back when David had his first opportunity to kill Saul in ...

1 Samuel 24

1 Samuel 24
1 Samuel 24 - David retreats with his men to the caves of the Wilderness of En Gedi. This was a strategic move and a very good one on David's part. The canyon of En Gedi is ...

1 Samuel 20

1 Samuel 20
1 Samuel 20 - Saul has become a volcanic madman. David is struggling with trust and discernment. Jonathan is caught in the middle. The first day of the month was the New Moon festival which was celebrated ...

1 Samuel 15

1 Samuel 15
1 Samuel 15 - Do what you want, and ask for forgiveness later. If God is full of love, and He always forgives, then I can just follow my heart and apologize on the way. Do you ...

1 Samuel 14

1 Samuel 14
1 Samuel 14 - Those who are dialed into the Spirit are sensitive to the timing of the Lord. In 1 Samuel 14, Jonathan demonstrated that kind of dialed-in mindset. Unfortunately, Saul operated on his own timing. ...

1 Samuel 13

1 Samuel 13
1 Samuel 13 - Here in 1 Samuel 13, we see the battle between the Philistines and the Israelites begin when Jonathan decides to attack a Philistine garrison. Up until this point, the Israelites were at peace ...

1 Samuel 8

1 Samuel 8
1 Samuel 8 - Samuel's reputation as a judge was top-notch. He followed in a long line of judges who would call God's people back to repentance, but only for a specific period of time. Because Samuel's ...

1 Timothy 5

1 Timothy 5
1 Timothy 5 - Through Jesus' sacrifice and forgiveness, we enter into a new relationship with God. As our father, He loves us unconditionally and leads us into truth and light. The point is, it is Jesus ...

Romans 16

Romans 16
Romans 16 - This is a phenomenal chapter that champions the role of women in the church. Romans 16 begins with an affirmation of a woman serving in a position of leadership. I commend to you our ...

2 Kings 20

2 Kings 20
2 Kings 20 - Through all of Hezekiah's successes, we finally come to a weakness. It is a strange chapter in which many commentators are divided with their analysis. In this story, God speaks to Hezekiah four ...

2 Kings 17

2 Kings 17
2 Kings 17 - Hoshea was the last king of Israel before it was captured by the Assyrians. In this chapter, the writer goes back and highlights exactly why Israel was led off to captivity. It's an ...

2 Kings 18

2 Kings 18
2 Kings 18 - A major theme the past several chapters has begged the question - who will step up and wholeheartedly trust the Lord to defend them? We've seen some kings who have trusted for a ...

2 Kings 15

2 Kings 15
2 Kings 15 - If you get bored and skim through 2 Kings 15, you will miss a very significant detail in verse 19. Pul, king of Assyria, came against the land, and Menahem gave Pul a ...

2 Kings 14

2 Kings 14
2 Kings 14 - What I am struck by in this 14th chapter of 2 Kings is just how much of an impact a single generation can have on all the generations that follow. Take these verses, ...

2 Kings 12

2 Kings 12
2 Kings 12 - He is another leader in Scripture who started off so well but failed to finish. Joash had simply stopped trusting God. He did well when he was being mentored, but he never came ...

2 Kings 11

2 Kings 11
2 Kings 11 - The history can get pretty confusing when the stories switch back and forth from the northern kingdom to the southern kingdom. In addition, there are details outlined in the book of Chronicles that ...

2 Kings 10

2 Kings 10
2 Kings 10 - When this chapter begins you get a sense that Jehu is going to be a ferocious warrior for the Lord. He eliminates Ahab's family, doing everything the Lord has asked. He follows that ...

2 Kings 9

2 Kings 9
2 Kings 9 - One of my favorite parts to this story is the fact that Jehu was recognized by his furious driving. Again the watchman reported, "He reached them, but he is not coming back. And ...

1 Kings 20

1 Kings 20
1 Kings 20 - There are some incredible spiritual metaphors we can glean from these passages which build on the disobedience of Ahab in 1 Kings 19. Right off the bat, there is the threat of warfare. ...

1 Kings 19

1 Kings 19
1 Kings 19 - The events in 1 Kings 19 could be known as "The Pastor's Chapter." After the triumphant, cataclysmic fire-from-the-sky victory over the prophets of Baal, Elijah found himself defeated. The smoldering flames of God ...

1 Kings 16

1 Kings 16
1 Kings 16 - As we see many other places in Scripture, the sins of Jeroboam had a lasting effect on his family line. It was a brutal time for Israel. King Ahab would rise to capture ...

1 Kings 15

1 Kings 15
1 Kings 15 - If you are like me, you've read the last few chapters and been a little confused by all the names. We have two different Abijah's and also the prophet Ahijah in chapter 14. ...

1 Kings 14

1 Kings 14
1 Kings 14 - King Jeroboam decided it was time to seek the Lord, but only after his son was inflicted with sickness. In the past, the idol worship worked out just fine for him, but when ...

1 Kings 13

1 Kings 13
1 Kings 13 - As we read in 1 Kings 12, Jeroboam’s kingdom was in a terrible state and God had a message for him. There are three different scenarios we see play out in this scene. ...

1 Kings 12

1 Kings 12
1 Kings 12 - What happens when the vessel that is destined to carry God's image into the world is split up and divided? What happens when civil war threatens the existence of those who represent His ...

1 Kings 11

1 Kings 11
1 Kings 11 - When Solomon was old, his wives seduced him to follow other gods. He was not completely devoted to Yahweh his God, as his father David had been. 1 Kings 11:4 HCSB How many ...

1 Kings 8

1 Kings 8
1 Kings 8 - We really cannot understand the massive celebration that took place here until we look deep into the context. It seems that Solomon delayed the dedication of the temple (11 months) to take place ...

1 Kings 6

1 Kings 6
1 Kings 6 - It's amazing to me that the Lord spoke these same words over and over to Solomon. "If you obey all my laws and commands, I will do for you what I promised your ...

1 Kings 4

1 Kings 4
1 Kings 4 - This was the golden age for Israel as we read in verses 20-21... The people of Judah and Israel were as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore; they ate and ...

1 Kings 3

1 Kings 3
1 Kings 3 - Incredibly, we see both the pinnacle of Solomon's character as well as a foreshadowing of his downfall here in chapter 3. Solomon desired to serve the Lord. He could have asked God for ...

1 Kings 2

1 Kings 2
1 Kings 2 - After the peaceful resolution in chapter 1, we are now back to the chaos of David's family lineage. As David lies on his deathbed, he gives Solomon a list of action steps to ...

1 Kings 1

1 Kings 1
1 Kings 1 - The book of Kings picks up with an older David (70) still serving as king but declining in health. The time to pass the torch was near, and this sets the backdrop for ...

Genesis 14

Genesis 14
Genesis 14 - Here in Genesis 14, we find the bizarre story of Melchizedek. Melchizedek came to Abraham after his defeat of Chedorlaomer and his three allies. He gave bread and wine to Abraham and his men ...

Genesis 11

Genesis 11
Genesis 11 - Josephus wrote of how the Tower of Babel originated from the heart and mind of Nimrod. "Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. ...

Genesis 10

Genesis 10
Genesis 10 - Here in Genesis 10, we are introduced to an individual whose full-fledged insurrection led to all sorts of rebellion among humanity. Now Cush became the father of Nimrod; he became a mighty one on ...

Genesis 9

Genesis 9
Genesis 9 - Noah was unique in the sense that his life spanned two different worlds. He saw the corruption of the world before the flood and, unfortunately, he witnessed the corruption after as well. Overall, Noah's ...

Genesis 2

Genesis 2
Genesis 2 - Sometimes we fall into the trap of believing that God's wrath is greater than His grace. In Genesis 2, we read of God's unbelievable grace when allowing Adam to roam freely in creation. And ...

James 2

James 2
James 2 - Not surprisingly, James fires out more questions for believers here in Chapter 2. Among them are several targeting unfair treatment based on stereotypes. Has not God chosen the poor in the world to be ...

John 18

John 18
John 18 - "While human politics is based on the premise that society must be changed in order to change people, in the politics of the Kingdom it is people who must be changed in order to ...

John 8

John 8
John 8 - It would not be a stretch to call this the "chapter of traps." After trying to get Jesus to condemn a woman caught in adultery, the Pharisees continue their verbal trickery. I Am The ...

John 4

John 4
John 4 - Jesus told him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe." John 4:48 HCSB Jesus used signs and wonders as a tool to lead people into faith. Later in His ministry, ...

John 3

John 3
John 3 - If we take a bird's eye view of chapter 3, we find that John is intentional about giving us stories that refute the familiar view of Salvation in ancient times. The Path To Salvation ...

Esther 7

Esther 7
Esther 7 - The time has come for Esther to speak up. It was not God's timing earlier because many events had to unfold. Haman was lured into a trap by his own arrogance. He unknowingly constructed ...

Esther 3

Esther 3
Esther 3 - Haman was a descendant of Agag, the mortal enemies of the Jews. So, of course, when Haman found out that Mordecai was a Jew it only compounded the issue at hand. Mordecai's choice not ...

Esther 1

Esther 1
Esther 1 - At this point in Israel's history, Ezra has just returned from the exile to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. The Persian Empire is firmly in control and its territory extends from India to Ethiopia ...