Judges 20

Judges 20
In Judges 20, the 11 tribes of Israel gather at Mizpeh to address the murder of the Levite’s wife by the Benjaminites. After hearing the Levite’s account, the other tribes resolve to punish the tribe of Benjamin ...

Judges 6

Judges 6
In Judges 6, the Israelites once again sinned against the Lord and were oppressed by the Midianites for seven years. The Midianites, along with the Amalekites and other desert tribes devastated Israel's crops ...

Acts 23

Acts 23
Acts 23 - "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. 17  "But beware of men, for they will hand you over to the ...

Acts 22

Acts 22
Acts 22 - Paul never wastes an opportunity to talk about the Gospel. Whether he's imprisoned, being beaten, being interrogated, or just passing through a town; he was diligent to look for these opportunities. What helped him ...

Acts 21

Acts 21
Acts 21 - This was a tough chapter for me. We read that the voice of the Holy Spirit is speaking through these believers and giving warnings to Paul of what he will face in Jerusalem. Yet, ...

Acts 18

Acts 18
Acts 18 - Corinth had a bad reputation for being a city chock full of immorality. It was known as the hub for Aphrodite (fertility goddess) worship. It was also known for having a major temple dedicated ...

Acts 15

Acts 15
Acts 15 - The first question we want to know is, who was right and who was wrong between Paul and Barnabas? I feel that when we approach it from that angle we really miss Luke’s point. ...

Acts 13

Acts 13
Acts 13 - Paul and Barnabas visit multiple synagogues and work there way across the island of Cyprus from east to west. When they reached Paphos, they encounter a snag. A Jewish false prophet by the name ...

Acts 11

Acts 11
Acts 11 - Unfortunately, the attitude that Peter experiences here in Acts 11 is all too common in our church culture today. People these days want to know, what is your background, what church did you grow ...

Acts 10

Acts 10
Acts 10 - Many people like to ask the question, can you be saved if you are a genuine seeker and have responded to God but have not yet heard the Gospel? Cornelius was described as a ...

Leviticus 26

Leviticus 26
Leviticus 26 - First off, this is a crazy awesome chapter that raises many significant questions. In the most direct and straightforward language that He can use, God lays out the future possibilities for His people. These ...

Leviticus 11

Leviticus 11
Leviticus 11 - In Leviticus 11, God outlines both the clean and unclean animals. A general rule which was given to Israel was that clean animals would "chew the curd" but also have a completely divided hoof. ...

Revelation 18

Revelation 18
Revelation 18 - Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord. Romans 12:19 NASB Paul's words ring true ...

Revelation 15

Revelation 15
Revelation 15 - The divine judgment which was revealed by the seals and proclaimed by the trumpets will now be poured out by the seven bowls. From a literary standpoint, the seventh seal was unleashed by the ...

Revelation 11

Revelation 11
Revelation 11 - I think a major issue with Revelation 11 is the fact that it relies heavily on Revelation 10 for continuity. It is best to read on and view chapters 10 and 11 as one ...

Revelation 9

Revelation 9
Revelation 9 - The 5th Trumpet The 5th trumpet releases a key to open the abyss. Many scholars believe this is the same abyss that the demons begged Jesus not to throw them in. It may be ...

Revelation 7

Revelation 7
Revelation 7 - God’s primary motive in our hearts has always been this: transformation. I think it's important to understand Revelation in terms of the overall picture instead of as individual narratives. We see a great transformation ...

1 Chronicles 9

1 Chronicles 9
1 Chronicles 9 - Psalms 99:5-6 ESV Exalt the LORD our God; worship at his footstool! Holy is he! 6 Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel also was among those who called upon his name. ...

Isaiah 61

Isaiah 61
Isaiah 61 - Isaiah 61 is such an interesting chapter. In Luke 4, Jesus reads the first two verses of Isaiah 61 in the synagogue. "The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him, and unrolling ...

Isaiah 42

Isaiah 42
Isaiah 42 - God is the only Savior. His creation will bring glory to Him alone and it will not be shared with an idol. In the beautiful and symbolic open verses, the theme of restoration continues. ...

Isaiah 25

Isaiah 25
Isaiah 25 - Following a chapter on the destruction and judgment of God, we read a deeply personal appeal to His faithfulness. It almost reads like a prayer, and this is significant. When we face trials, struggles, ...

Isaiah 9

Isaiah 9
Isaiah 9 - Here we get a description of Jesus as a child, son, and eventually, prince. He is called the Prince of Peace. He follows in His Father’s footsteps. The God of peace will soon crush ...

Isaiah 2

Isaiah tank
Isaiah 2 - The first five verses of this chapter relate to the future Messiah and hint at the admission of the Gentiles to that kingdom. From there, the prophecies take a dramatic twist as they describe ...

Ephesians 2

Ephesians 2
Ephesians 2 - Many of us today live under the illusion that we simply can’t change. Hidden deep under a “that’s just the way I am” attitude is a deadliest of all sins - human pride. It’s ...

Galatians 4

Galatians 4
Galatians 4 - I admit that sometimes I get so caught up in my own wants and needs that I miss the bigger picture. We all tend to gravitate toward a "me first" attitude even if we ...

Galatians 3

Galatians 3
Galatians 3 - Correction is tough. Nobody wants to be corrected. It can be humiliating and degrading. Furthermore, the person who is doing the correcting usually comes across as arrogant or "holier than thou." Anytime we are ...

Galatians 2

Galatians 2
Galatians 2 - As we read in Chapter 1 of Galatians, Paul's message that he was delivering to the Gentiles came straight from God. In so many words, he was establishing that he was not the apostles' ...

Galatians 1

Galatians 1
Galatians 1 - Just like we see today in the political sphere, Paul was battling against two extreme views within the Christian movement. There were the Judaizers who were local Christians (Gentiles) that had succumbed to the ...

Exodus 12

Exodus 12
Exodus 12 - The Passover is a powerful event in both Jewish tradition as well as Christianity. One major difference, obviously, is that the Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah. It's tradition when the Jews celebrate the ...

1 Thessalonians 2

1 Thessalonians 2
1 Thessalonians 2 - Paul covers a broad range of topics in this chapter. He starts with defending, and moves to loving, laboring, modeling, leading, feeding, and suffering. He also took care in leaving no doubt that ...

Matthew 7

Matthew 7
Matthew 7 - Judge not so you will not be judged. What was Jesus getting at here? This is a quote that is so often misrepresented, in my opinion. Was Jesus saying we should lower our standard ...

Matthew 4

Matthew 4
Matthew 4 - "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." Matthew 4:1 NASB  Wow! What a chapter! Let's read and re-read this opening verse. Satan didn't just ...

Matthew 1

Matthew 1
Matthew 1 - The Gospels do not record a single word spoken by this man. Yet, the Gospel account written by Matthew is a bridge to the past. If a person had just read the Old Testament ...

Proverbs 5

Proverbs 5
Proverbs 5 - Upon an initial read of this chapter, it seems as if Solomon is painting a negative picture of women in general. But when we consider the instruction within the context of Solomon's life, we ...

1 Peter 2

1 Peter 2
1 Peter 2 - Peter opens with the process of transformation. The true progression of spiritual growth is measured by a craving to immerse yourself in God's Word. The Psalms are filled with verses illustrating this. Peter, ...

2 Samuel 21

2 Samuel 21
2 Samuel 21 - King David was seemingly indestructible. He was a beast on the battlefield and a musician at heart. Although his sins are well-documented, it is a fact that David was blessed with many gifts ...

Romans 16

Romans 16
Romans 16 - This is a phenomenal chapter that champions the role of women in the church. Romans 16 begins with an affirmation of a woman serving in a position of leadership. I commend to you our ...

Romans 15

Romans 15
Romans 15 - This week, I learned a very relevant historical fact that alters the way I read and understand the book of Romans. The very first house churches in Rome would have been comprised of mostly ...

Romans 11

Romans 11
Romans 11 - To me, the most interesting part of Romans 11 starts in verse 25. After outlining the difference again between works and grace, and the stumbling that Israel has had over the years, Paul writes ...

Romans 1

Romans 1
Romans 1 - John Calvin said of Romans, "When anyone understands this Epistle, he has a passage opened to him to the understanding of the whole Scripture." Martin Luther praised the Book of Romans: "It is the ...

Genesis 41

Genesis 41
Genesis 41 - Joseph began as a shepherd of animals and become a shepherd of men. He, like Jesus, was loved by his father but despised by his brothers. He, like Jesus, was prophesied to receive authority ...

Genesis 38

Genesis 38
Genesis 38 - Social media has become a giant in today's culture. It's a place you can project the best version of you. It's a space where you can share your best pictures and your best life ...

John 2

John 2
John 2 - Jesus cleansed the temple twice. The first, recorded here in John 2, was early in His ministry. The second is recorded by the other gospel accounts during passion week. Jews and proselytes from all ...

Hebrews 8

Hebrews 8
Hebrews 8 - Hebrews 8 is an important chapter because it proves Jesus was the Messiah and His covenant was both needed and expected. The Jews reject Jesus as their Messiah primarily on the grounds that His ...

Zechariah 12

Zechariah 12
Zechariah 12 - Zechariah's name means "The Lord Remembers" and in this chapter, we get a striking image of God remembering His Jewish people. Theology is not the most important thing here, but it does determine what ...

2 Corinthians 4

2 Corinthians 4
2 Corinthians 4 - Why jars of clay? "The Greek word means "baked clay," and refers to clay pots. They were cheap, breakable, and replaceable, but they served necessary household functions. Sometimes they were used as a ...

1 Corinthians 15

1 Corinthians 15
1 Corinthians 15 - 1 Corinthians 15 is a critical chapter that supports the evidence of Jesus Christ as well as His death and resurrection. Paul records an ancient oral tradition, "that Christ died for our sins ...

Psalm 146

Psalm 146
Psalm 146 - Psalms 146:3 NASB  Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation. Dr. A.C. Gaebelein describes his conversation with an Orthodox Jew who interpreted this passage incorrectly. “He stated ...

Psalm 129

Psalm 129
Psalm 129 - The enemies of God will not prevail. Even though it seems like they are winning, God promises to make right what is wrong. In our country, we don't really know what it is like ...

Psalm 117

Psalm 117
Psalm 117 - Although short, this psalm packs a heavy punch. God calls all people to worship Him. The calling of the Gentiles (all people other than Jews) was in the plan of God from the beginning. ...

Psalm 67

Psalm 67
Psalm 67 - Many forget God's original intent when He chose Israel as His people. "I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will place them ...

Psalm 2

Psalms 2
Psalm 2 - This royal psalm was a familiar one, as it was recited often by God's followers. We read of two instances in the book of Acts where this Psalm is quoted. The one I want ...

Deuteronomy 30

Deuteronomy 30
Deuteronomy 30 - I was drawn specifically to verse 6 of this chapter because it relates closely to the process a believer undergoes within the New Covenant. "Moreover the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and ...

Deuteronomy 16

Deuteronomy 16
Deuteronomy 16 - Favoritism. Bribes. Bias. Corruption. Does this not describe our current political climate? God gave specific laws regarding the judges that He Himself would appoint for Israel. First, there would be impartiality. Everyone would be ...

Deuteronomy 5

Deuteronomy 5
Deuteronomy 5 - False teachers love to cherry-pick verses and twist the context to their liking. A perfect example of this is found in Deuteronomy 5:9. 'You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness ...

Numbers 4

Numbers 4
Numbers 4 - Numbers 1 dealt with numbering the tribes. Numbers 2 was all about the ordering of the camps. Numbers 3 introduced us to the duties of the priests and Levites. Now, in Numbers 4, it ...

Luke 3

Luke 3
Luke 3 - The way the Holy Spirit moved in order for Jesus Christ to come into this world is really fascinating. There are so many wonderful stories in Christ’s family tree. The interesting thing is, the ...

Luke 1

Luke 1
Luke 1 Commentary by Brad Boyles Who made the most significant contribution to the New Testament in terms of total verses? Most would say Paul or maybe even John, but those answers would be incorrect. Who was the only non-Jewish ...

Ezekiel 47

Ezekiel 47
Ezekiel 47 - If we read this chapter as a future prophecy of the end times, we get a picture of the amazing geographical changes that will occur in the middle east. The water becomes a source ...

Ezekiel 36

Ezekiel 36
Ezekiel 36 - Verses 22-38 immediately drew my attention. The title over the section reads "I Will Put My Spirit Within You." We must remember that when we read this, it is God speaking to His people, ...

Ezekiel 32

Ezekiel 32
Ezekiel 32 - There is really not much to say here other than what has been said over and over again over the last several chapters. The plain and simple truth is that God will judge righteously. ...

Ezekiel 25

Ezekiel 25
Ezekiel 25 - It's easy to read the first 24 chapters of Ezekiel and think that God is only concerned with punishing His own people. This is not the case. He has demonstrated from the beginning of ...