Acts 27

Acts 27

Acts 27 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

It’s interesting to me that Paul could have fallen by the wayside so many times in his life. Luke gives us an amazing description of how and why Paul ended up in Rome. When everyone thought he would die in Jerusalem, Paul continued to run the race, pleading for people to know Christ, and using his opportunities to the fullest. Now, as they face the food shortage, the storm, and the wreck aboard the ship, Paul continues down this faithful path. He breaks bread among them thanking God for his provision. He predicts all will make it to land safely, and they do.

The point is, Paul was different, and he was continuously showing it to others. Even in the simple tasks, he was showing Christ at all times. He was leading by example and putting others first. He was giving warnings while also handing out encouragement. We should not overlook the life Paul lived outside of his preaching and teaching. In everything he did, he truly was filled with Christ.

“During these two years in Rome, Paul wrote Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon. He expected to be released and most students agree that he was. During this time, he had Timothy with him, as well as John Mark, Luke, Aristarchus, Epaphras, Justus, and Demas. He also met Philemon’s runaway slave Onesimus and led him to faith in Christ.”

Warren Wiersbe

Paul was an absolute workhorse!

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