2 Samuel

24 posts

2 Samuel 1

2 Samuel 1

2 Samuel 1 – There are three versions of Saul’s death mentioned in Scripture and one of them is found here in 2 Samuel 1. Death Reference #1 1 Samuel 31:4 GNB He said to the young …

2 Samuel 2

2 Samuel 2

2 Samuel 2 – There is an interesting backstory on the relationships that take place in this chapter. Abner crowns Saul’s son Ishbosheth to be king over all Israel, Gilead, the Ashurites, Jezreel, Ephraim, and Benjamin. Ishbosheth …

2 Samuel 3

2 Samuel 3

2 Samuel 3 – In 2 Samuel 3, we find two men making a deal in order to see their enemy defeated. Abner, being personally offended by Ishbosheth, makes a deal to join David. David, wanting to …

2 Samuel 4

2 Samuel 4

2 Samuel 4 – In 2 Samuel 4, we see the collision of two different kingdoms. Humanity’s kingdom operates within an attitude of power and opportunity. The leaders in our world grab life by the horns and …

2 Samuel 5

2 Samuel 5

2 Samuel 5 – Every sports fan knows the term “bulletin board material.” It occurs days or weeks before a big game when your opponent makes some kind of degrading or insulting comment against you. It’s basically …

2 Samuel 6

2 Samuel 6

2 Samuel 6 – Familiarity can often produce deadly results. It was Jesus who proclaimed he could do no miracles in his hometown because of their familiarity. It was familiarity that caused Jesus’ brothers to initially discard …

2 Samuel 7

2 Samuel 7

2 Samuel 7 – We live in a society of bare minimums. What’s the least I can pay and still buy that? What’s the least I can spend and still earn rewards? What’s the least I can …

2 Samuel 8

2 Samuel 8

2 Samuel 8 – In many ways, David is presented as the “anti-Saul” even though at times, their behavior does not seem all that different. Thus far in Samuel, we’ve witnessed several questionable decisions by David. Here …

2 Samuel 9

2 Samuel 9

2 Samuel 9 – David had made a promise to Jonathan, and David was a man of his word. So as he was reflecting back on Saul’s family, David remembered his oath of friendship to Jonathan and …

2 Samuel 10

2 Samuel 10

2 Samuel 10 – After David’s men were humiliated by the Ammonites, a war was sure to break out. The Ammonites hired the Syrians to help fight because they knew David would be boiling. Upon hearing this, …

2 Samuel 11

2 Samuel 11

2 Samuel 11 – Most of us know the story of 2 Samuel 11. David’s sin and repentance are well-documented. The story is familiar to us because it’s real. The Bible doesn’t sugarcoat the sex, scandal, and …

2 Samuel 12

2 Samuel 12

2 Samuel 12 – Sin often causes innocent people to perish. This is because sin cannot be overlooked. Though David was forgiven for his sin, there was still a cost to pay. In this case, the consequences …

2 Samuel 13

2 Samuel 13

2 Samuel 13 – What a mess here in 2 Samuel 13! It’s hard to know where to begin. Amnon was obsessed. The thought of sinning consumed him. He seemingly had no relief from these lustful thoughts …

2 Samuel 14

2 Samuel 14

2 Samuel 14 – David’s go-to plan of action always centered around waiting on the Lord. I’m speculating, but it’s possible this was the state of mind that was natural to him. In other words, he was …

2 Samuel 15

2 Samuel 15

2 Samuel 15 – Absalom was good looking, charismatic, and a cutthroat politician. Modern-day politicians would do well to study the strategy of Absalom. First, he didn’t run a smear campaign against David. In fact, he doesn’t …

2 Samuel 16

2 Samuel 16

2 Samuel 16 – The reason why we read several chapters back about the grace David extended to Saul’s family is because here in 2 Samuel 16, we read of how Saul’s family wants to kick David …

2 Samuel 17

2 Samuel 17

2 Samuel 17 – Ahithophel had gone all in. He was firmly in Absalon’s camp after abruptly turning on David. How could this man have been a counselor for David for so long? According to Rabbinical literature, …

2 Samuel 18

2 Samuel 18

2 Samuel 18 – This is a difficult chapter to absorb. On one hand, justice was served and the rightful king of Israel was restored. On the other hand, a loving father grieves the loss of his …

2 Samuel 19

2 Samuel 19

2 Samuel 19 – It’s an awkward moment when the rebels realize their rebellion has failed and the king they opposed is still in authority. Some of those who supported Absalom double down on their opinion that …

2 Samuel 20

2 Samuel 20

2 Samuel 20 – Concubines, intestines, and a severed head being thrown over a wall! This chapter is not for the faint of heart. Coming off the heels of a civil war, David is drawn back in. …

2 Samuel 21

2 Samuel 21

2 Samuel 21 – King David was seemingly indestructible. He was a beast on the battlefield and a musician at heart. Although his sins are well-documented, it is a fact that David was blessed with many gifts …

2 Samuel 22

2 Samuel 22

2 Samuel 22 – My rock, my fortress, and my deliverer. These were the words David penned about God after he looked over the history of his relationship. There’s no doubt that the words of Scripture speak …

2 Samuel 23

2 Samuel 23

2 Samuel 23 – David was never ashamed of who he was and where he came from. In a culture that was all about notoriety and popularity, David was still the youngest son of Jesse, the peasant …

2 Samuel 24

2 Samuel 24

2 Samuel 24 – This account of a census is a puzzling chapter. We wonder today, what could be wrong with taking a census? It seems pretty harmless to us. In the ancient world, a man had …