white horse

4 posts

Psalms 45

Psalm 45

Psalm 45 – Let us rejoice and be glad     and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come,     and his bride has made herself ready. 8 Fine linen, bright and…

Revelation 20

Revelation 20

Revelation 20 – Judging by the amount of attention given by so many people to the first 10 verses of the chapter you would think it’s the most important…

Revelation 19

Revelation 19

Revelation 19 – The darkness of man’s hearts and ways had reached the darkest of times. He no longer looked toward the God of their fathers, but instead searched…

Revelation 6

Revelation 6

Revelation 6 – For many believers, Revelation 6 is the Continental Divide – meaning, from this point on in the book of Revelation, there are different theological perspectives as to how the end times will unfold…