Esther 5 - This is an interesting chapter. Many commentators and scholars will be quick to point out the timing…
Esther 4 - "...if I perish, I perish" Don't miss these words. Don't gloss over them. I know maybe you…
Hebrews 4 - The Law demanded perfection. This was the standard accomplished by Jesus. Despite our best efforts, we don't…
Zechariah 14 - In Philippians, Paul urges the church to "hold onto the truth we have attained." This means as…
Zechariah 6 - The scene here is connected, though it might not seem like it on the surface. In the…
Nahum 1 - The book of Jonah was God's grace to Ninevah, and Nahum is His truth. God would judge…
Habakkuk 3 - O LORD, I have heard of what you have done, and I am filled with awe. Now…
Micah 2 - People only want to hear what tickles their ears. They don't want to hear the truth. "Men…
Amos 4 - My most interesting takeaway from this passage is simply the accountability to which God claims full responsibility…
Hosea 3 - What impacts me the most about this short chapter in Hosea 3 is the fact that God…
Daniel 7 - The prophetic part of Daniel starts here with Chapter 7. It is unlikely that we can know…
Daniel 5 - "Though you knew all this..." It's a frightening statement. Consider the fact that Belshazzar didn't grow up…
Daniel 4 - What do we make of these 7 years when King Neb lost his mind? "There is, understandably,…
Psalm 148 - It is a word that has become obsolete in many Christian circles. Sin. The rebellion of man…
Psalm 146 - Psalms 146:3 NASB Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.…
Psalm 132 - This psalm is a prayer that pleads with God to remember His covenant. Some ascribe it to…
Psalm 131 - “Here we find the description of a humble, a broken and contrite spirit. It has well been…
Psalm 101 - "I will pay attention to the way of integrity. When will You come to me? I will…
Psalm 99 - God is holy. Let them praise Your great and awe-inspiring name. He is holy. Psalms 99:3 HCSB…
Psalm 97 - When we look back at Scripture, we see just how holy God really is. Anyone who came…
Psalm 89 - In similar fashion to Psalm 88, the writer here boldly introduces some deep theological questions. He records…
Psalm 87 - "I shall mention Rahab and Babylon among those who know Me; Behold, Philistia and Tyre with Ethiopia:…
Psalm 57 - My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. Psalms…
Psalm 47 - In Psalm 47, I am drawn to God's sovereign choosing... He chose our heritage for us, the…
Psalm 45 - Psalms 45:3-5 describes our Savior Jesus Christ returning as a Warrior Gird your sword on your thigh,…
Psalm 39 - Let's track this psalm from the beginning. The psalmist opens with tremendous grief. There seems to be…
Psalm 23 - Psalm 23 is known as the shepherd's psalm. Composed by David as a youth, he was keeping…
Psalm 22 - "I know not whether any Psalm throughout the whole book contains matter more weighty, or from which…
Psalm 12 - Lies. Deception. Delusion. We all do it. We use coping mechanisms to help us deal with reality.…
Psalm 9 - According to Spurgeon, the title of this Psalm is, “A Psalm on the death of the son,”…
Psalm 7 - As I read Psalm 7, I found myself asking if God was not righteous, would I pray…
Psalm 6 - This is the first of the Penitential Psalms. Most believe this piece would have begun with a…
Psalm 3 - When studying the Psalms, you can generally classify them into three different categories of petition, thanksgiving, and…
Psalm 2 - This royal psalm was a familiar one, as it was recited often by God's followers. We read…
Mark 3 - The healings of Jesus are well-documented and factual. Interestingly, the Jews did not dispute the healing power…
Mark 1 - It's fascinating to identify the different writing styles of the Gospel authors. Matthew began with genealogy. His…
Deuteronomy 23 - As we've written many times in Deuteronomy, these laws can seem foreign to us. In some ways,…
Ecclesiastes 8 - For the king's word is authoritative, and who can say to him, "What are you doing?" Ecclesiastes…
Numbers 36 - Unfortunately, the evangelical church today has become a place where people feel they cannot seek truth through…
Numbers 35 - When we take a deeper look into the cities which were selected as places of refuge and…
Numbers 30 - Keep in mind that ancient vows could be both positive and negative. They may be to motivate…
Luke 13 - Jewish belief at the time would have proclaimed that all Jews, except notorious sinners like tax collectors…
Luke 4 - The entire chapter here in Luke 4 captures the struggle for power and authority. Jesus' temptation, obviously,…
Song of Solomon 3 - The beautiful pageantry described in verses 6-11 really reflects on how Solomon was viewed during…
Song of Solomon 1 Commentary by Brad Boyles Just like the phrase "holy of holies" and "king of kings," Song…
Ezekiel 47 - If we read this chapter as a future prophecy of the end times, we get a picture…
Ezekiel 46 - First, this is a tough chapter to reconcile with our modernized Christian worldview. Second, there are many…
Ezekiel 43 - In chapters 8-11 of Ezekiel, we find the presence of the Lord leaving the temple. This was…
Ezekiel 32 - There is really not much to say here other than what has been said over and over…
Ezekiel 28 - This chapter raises a lot of questions. From where did Ezekiel derive his imagery used in this…