Leviticus 26

Leviticus 26
Leviticus 26 - First off, this is a crazy awesome chapter that raises many significant questions. In the most direct and straightforward language that He can use, God lays out the future possibilities for His people. These ...

Revelation 11

Revelation 11
Revelation 11 - I think a major issue with Revelation 11 is the fact that it relies heavily on Revelation 10 for continuity. It is best to read on and view chapters 10 and 11 as one ...

Jeremiah 17

Jeremiah 17
Jeremiah 17 - Does the Bible encourage us to "follow our heart?" What we find in chapter 17 of Jeremiah is such a sharp contrast between the destiny of a man who follows his heart and the ...

Jeremiah 14

Jeremiah 14
Jeremiah 14 - So the LORD said to me, "Do not pray for the welfare of this people." Jeremiah 14:11 NASB Don't pray for these people. What??? If you read the blog a few weeks ago you ...

Jeremiah 4

Jeremiah 4
Jeremiah 4 - Judah’s lovers have become her murderers. And you, O desolate one, what will you do? Although you dress in scarlet, Although you decorate yourself with ornaments of gold, Although you enlarge your eyes with ...

Job 38

Job 38
Job 38 - After all of Job's questions, and his friends weighing in, God answers their questions with some questions of His own. Do they sound familiar? We see the same pattern in the New Testament when ...

Job 36

Job 36
Job 36 - God is the most patient, relentless, and loving Father we will ever encounter. Unfortunately, many people of our day have turned to the false teaching that says if everything isn't "good" in your life ...

Matthew 7

Matthew 7
Matthew 7 - Judge not so you will not be judged. What was Jesus getting at here? This is a quote that is so often misrepresented, in my opinion. Was Jesus saying we should lower our standard ...

1 Samuel 12

1 Samuel 12
1 Samuel 12 - When our vision is blinded to reality, sometimes the most effective reminder comes from God flexing His muscles. It would be the power found in a storm that would shake the people's selfish ...

1 Samuel 5

1 Samuel 5
1 Samuel 5 - There are times when God uses circumstances to demolish the false gods that we all cling to. Initially, we tend to make excuses and stick with the status quo. This is especially true ...

2 Kings 12

2 Kings 12
2 Kings 12 - He is another leader in Scripture who started off so well but failed to finish. Joash had simply stopped trusting God. He did well when he was being mentored, but he never came ...

2 Kings 3

2 Kings 3
2 Kings 3 - The verses here in 2 Kings 3 really put into perspective just how evil Ahab and Jezebel really were. Their son, Jehoram (aka Joram), is now king over Israel. We read that he ...

1 Kings 18

1 Kings 18
1 Kings 18 - Obadiah was a manager of Ahab's royal palace and a devout worshiper of God. He demonstrated his faithfulness to the Lord by hiding 100 prophets from Jezebel. She had a history of killing ...

1 Kings 17

1 Kings 17
1 Kings 17 - Since Baal was considered the god of the sky, or "the storm god," it would be a drought that God would use to grab the people's attention. God was setting the scene to ...

Genesis 12

Genesis 12
Genesis 12 - "Faith is not a mushroom that grows overnight in damp soil; it is an oak tree that grows for a thousand years under the blast of the wind and rain." Donald Grey Barnhouse None ...

Habakkuk 1

Habakkuk 1
Habakkuk 1 - Many years ago, in 2010, I was driving home from work heading north toward Fort Wayne. My windshield wipers were frantically trying to keep pace with the torrential downpour of a typical Midwestern summer ...

Amos 4

Amos 4
Amos 4 - My most interesting takeaway from this passage is simply the accountability to which God claims full responsibility for. Many times, we are quick to try and cover up the characteristics of God that don't ...

Joel 2

Joel 2
Joel 2 - The plague of locusts would be devastating and overpowering. Their appearance would be like horses as they scaled walls like men and dodged arrows with speed and agility. The scene is poetic and reads ...

Hosea 10

Hosea 10
Hosea 10 - Their hearts were faithless, devious, and deceitful. The KJV and Jewish Bible translate verse 2 using a different word. Their heart is divided; now they will bear their guilt. He will break down their ...

Hosea 6

Hosea 6
Hosea 6 - A pattern we see over the past two chapters is God allowing for us to hit a place where we are driven to repentance. Living a life of repentance is not easy, but it ...

Psalm 147

Psalm 147
Psalm 147 - Many scholars believe this psalm was prepared for use when the new city walls were completed by Nehemiah. What I find most fascinating is that the psalmist never grows weary of praising God. The ...

Psalm 84

Psalm 84
Psalm 84 - A very wise woman (Mona Jean Workman) used to describe the highs and lows of her life alongside God as an "adventure." Throughout that adventure, there were valleys and mountaintops. This is similar to ...

Psalm 65

Psalm 65
Psalm 65 - "How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You To dwell in Your courts. We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple." Psalms 65:4 NASB ...

Psalm 32

Psalms 32
Psalm 32 - 8 years ago, I was headed back from work driving north. My windshield wipers were frantically trying to keep pace with the torrential downpour of a typical Midwestern summer thunderstorm. As I turned to ...

Psalm 29

Psalms 29
Psalm 29 - In Canaanite poetry, it was believed that Baal was the god of the storm who controlled the thunderous claps of the sky. It was also believed that Baal was victorious over the waters of ...

Deuteronomy 19

Deuteronomy 19
Deuteronomy 19 - We find the familiar "eye for an eye" passage in Deuteronomy 19. In such cases show no mercy; the punishment is to be a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a ...

Ezekiel 38

Ezekiel 38
Ezekiel 38 - This chapter has gained a lot of attention in recent years as expositors have focused on the connection to modern-day events. Though some scholars are quick to label this chapter as apocalyptic, many are ...