In 1 Samuel 3, the text states that Samuel served under Eli during a time when God's revelations were rarely…
In 1 Samuel 2, Hannah offers a heartfelt prayer of praise while rejoicing in God's salvation, justice, and power over…
In 1 Samuel 1, a man named Elkanah from the hill country of Ephraim had two wives: Hannah (who was…
In Proverbs 1, the author identifies himself as Solomon, son of David and king of Israel. The Proverbs of Solomon…
In Ruth 2, Naomi had a relative on her husband’s side who was a noble man named Boaz (Ruth 2:1).…
In Judges 21, the Israelites mourned the desolation of the tribe of Benjamin and sought the Lord's guidance (Judges 21:1-4).…
In Judges 17, Micah, a man from the hill country of Ephraim, returns 1,100 pieces of silver to his mother…
In Judges 7, Gideon gathers his troops near the spring of Harod to face the Midianites. However, God instructs him…
Judges 3 describes how the Lord left certain nations in Canaan to test Israel. These foreign nations would help determine…
In Judges 1, we pick up on the journey after Joshua's death. Verse 1 states that the Israelites sought guidance…
Joshua 24 - In Joshua 24, Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel at Shechem, summoning their leaders to present…
Joshua 21 - This statement of God's promises is such an encouragement. Let's take a look back and review some…
Joshua 15 - Joshua 15 details the land allocation for the tribe of Judah, highlighting Caleb's victories in Hebron and…
Joshua 12 - Joshua 12 lists the 31 kings defeated by the Israelites during their conquest of Canaan. The chapter…
Joshua 11 - Let's set the backdrop. Joshua has just led Israel in defeating the cities in the south. News…
Joshua 6 - Joshua 6 is one of the most vivid demonstrations of God’s power in the Old Testament. The…
Joshua 5 - There was a series of events that the Lord required of Joshua prior to conquering Jericho. Joshua…
Joshua 3 - In Joshua 3, the Israelites prepared to cross the Jordan River under Joshua's leadership. Early in the…
Joshua 1 - The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years due to a lack of faith and a…
Deuteronomy 34 - So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the…
Deuteronomy 28 - "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "Though your sins are as scarlet, They…
Deuteronomy 27 - F.B. Meyer paints a beautiful picture of the scene we find in Deuteronomy 27. "Mount Gerizim and…
Deuteronomy 26 - Once again we enter into an Old Testament story which has significant implications for how we understand…
Ezekiel 18 - Turn away from your sins and live. In this chapter, a foundational Christian belief is described in…
Ezekiel 6 - "However, I will leave a remnant, for you will have those who escaped the sword among the…
Ezekiel 3 - First, let's paint a backdrop of what Ezekiel is dealing with here. The people of Israel have…
Ezekiel 2 - It is intriguing to consider that God's Spirit entered Ezekiel in order to empower him to complete…
Acts 27 - It's interesting to me that Paul could have fallen by the wayside so many times in his…
Acts 26 - In this chapter, Paul gives his most exhaustive and evangelistic appeal to Agrippa II. If you remember,…
Acts 22 - Paul never wastes an opportunity to talk about the Gospel. Whether he's imprisoned, being beaten, being interrogated,…
Acts 20 - In a bittersweet scene, Paul lays it all on the line for the leaders of Ephesus as…
Acts 16 - I want to focus on a somewhat bizarre section of this chapter – the end. It struck…
Acts 13 - Paul and Barnabas visit multiple synagogues and work there way across the island of Cyprus from east…
Acts 9 - Saul We are reminded here in chapter 9 that even the most rebellious and hard-hearted people can…
Acts 8 - It's an awesome thing when the Holy Spirit begins to transform lives and show himself in amazing…
Acts 7 - I can vividly remember the old seat belt PSA that was shown on TV all the time…
Acts 2 - At the end of Acts 2, we read the three essentials that contributed to a fruitful body.…
Acts 1 - At the end of Chapter 1, the apostles have just witnessed the ascension of Jesus and are…
Lamentations 2 - In the second chapter of Lamentations, God expresses His hatred for sin. It's important for us to…
Lamentations 1 - The mere existence of the book of Lamentations shows us that God takes seriously our need as…
Leviticus 26 - First off, this is a crazy awesome chapter that raises many significant questions. In the most direct…
Leviticus 20 - In Chapter 18, we read that the laws of the OT are still applicable in the NT…
Leviticus 10 - By the end of Leviticus 9, everything seems to be going great... until we turn the page…
Revelation 20 - If someone comes up and asks you, "How do you interpret Revelation?" most likely, they are referring…
Revelation 15 - The divine judgment which was revealed by the seals and proclaimed by the trumpets will now be…
Revelation 5 - The Scroll In ancient times, the Romans would seal their wills seven times. Each wax seal usually…
Revelation 4 - The Throne We just recently studied the book of Ezekiel and Leviticus which have some strong ties…
Revelation 3 - Lukewarm I remember several years ago going to a music festival in Kentucky called Ichthus. It was…
Jeremiah 37 - If you have been following along in Jeremiah you may be confused at how the chapters skip…
Jeremiah 36 - Anyone could argue that God knew what was going to happen to these people. He knew their…
Jeremiah 34 - Every 7 years slaves were to be released. This had been an ordinance God had established hundreds…
Jeremiah 32 - This chapter essentially reiterates the destruction we've known will come upon Jerusalem and the peace and prosperity…
Jeremiah 22 - God has a message and it will be delivered. It may not come the way we expected.…
Jeremiah 17 - Does the Bible encourage us to "follow our heart?" What we find in chapter 17 of Jeremiah…
Jeremiah 15 - The insecurities of Jeremiah are starting to show. He's really stuck between a rock and hard place.…
2 Chronicles 32 - There are times in my spiritual walk when I simply want to take a break. Although…
2 Chronicles 31 - What we notice about the kings of the past two books (1 & 2 Chronicles) is…
2 Chronicles 27 - The people continued in rebellion under Jotham. Although he was a faithful king, he did have…
2 Chronicles 21 - There is a simple question with a simple answer. What's the cost? When you look at…
2 Chronicles 20 - Did God command his people to go into battle singing? I read this over and over…
2 Chronicles 13 - After reading this chapter, I am reminded of a common situation we have all encountered. It's…
2 Chronicles 4 - Then he made the ten golden lampstands in the way prescribed for them and he set…
1 Chronicles 18 - So David reigned over all Israel, and he administered justice and equity to all his people.…
1 Chronicles 10 - The Philistines Who were the Philistines? They were sea-faring people who immigrated from the island of…
1 Chronicles 7 - God has used women to build, lead and change the world from the beginning of time.…
1 Chronicles 6 - One particular name that sticks out in this chapter is Hilkiah. An unknown to most people,…
Isaiah 65 - God has made Himself available. He is standing with arms outstretched ready to help His people. God…
Isaiah 60 - Isaiah 60 begins a new section that looks ahead Christ's Kingdom and rule. Remember, Isaiah was a…
Isaiah 49 - His words were like a sharp arrow ready to pierce the heart. Israel would be his servant…
Isaiah 43 - Should we forget the past or remember it? This is a troubling question. On the surface, it…
Isaiah 36 - The goal of the enemy is to render us hopeless in the face of our circumstances. The…
Isaiah 35 - The promise at the end of the chapter is beautiful. There will be no lion there, and…
Isaiah 31 - God had willed captivity for His people. He also willed restoration. When we must go through a…
Isaiah 26 - Disease. Affliction. Poverty. The kingdom of man wrestles with the birth pains of this world. The city…
Isaiah 22 - How do you handle the immense spiritual burdens of others? Isaiah wept over Israel. You can feel…
Isaiah 20 - Let's first set the stage. Coming on the heels of Isaiah 19 and the oracle concerning Egypt,…
Isaiah 17 - Mount Hermon was a massive ridge north of Damascus After focusing on the nations to the south,…
Isaiah 15 - Moab was the region on the east side of the Dead Sea. The total land surface would…
Isaiah 6 - The first 5 chapters of Isaiah outline his prophecies, but do not establish his calling. In chapter…
Isaiah 3 - Strong Christian leadership is important. Most likely during the time that Isaiah was writing this, the readers…
Colossians 2 - Think of it in these terms. Any philosopher, theologian, scientist, professor or quantum physicist, whether Christian or…
Philippians 2 - Paul's opening in Philippians 2 follows a delicate and precise structure. He opens with "Therefore" and unfortunately…
Galatians 5 - The fruit of keeping the law is exposed here in Galatians 5. According to Paul, the devotion…
Galatians 4 - I admit that sometimes I get so caught up in my own wants and needs that I…
Exodus 40 - The glory of God came down and dwelled in the constructed tent. Previously, when God came near…
Exodus 37 - Let's take a moment to briefly summarize what makes this chapter so fruitful. We have the Holy…
Exodus 33 - Perseverance. Can you imagine being Moses? On one hand, he is a spiritual leader for these obstinate…
Exodus 20 - The 10 Commandments illustrate the vertical and horizontal obedience that God desired for humanity. Jesus came to…
Exodus 19 - When I read how the people trembled with fear at the thunder and lightning, I think about…
Exodus 17 - The team was assembled and ready to go! Joshua would lead the army into battle. This is…
Exodus 12 - The Passover is a powerful event in both Jewish tradition as well as Christianity. One major difference,…
Exodus 9 - Only in the land of Goshen, where the sons of Israel were, there was no hail. Exodus…
Exodus 1 - The bitter labor that was given to Israel actually made them multiply and grow. In the future,…
1 Thessalonians 1 - In the opening verses of this letter, we read Paul's words which seem to indicate he…
2 John 1 - We read in 2 John a more traditional opening as it's a letter written to a…
1 John 5 - At the time of this writing, John was battling the incredible deception that had come against…
1 John 2 - and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also…
Job 24 - Job continues on his theme of questioning why the wicked get away with so much. To the…
Ezra 10 - A powerful victory is found here in Chapter 10 with humility and repentance. In fact, the whole…
Ezra 6 - The people trusted God they were delivered from the threat to their temple. God knew exactly where…