Amos 2 - Amos 1 and 2 are really meant to be read and analyzed together as they are a…
Amos 1 - Nelson's Commentary gives an informative but concise background on the book of Amos. "The Lord sent Amos,…
Joel 2 - The plague of locusts would be devastating and overpowering. Their appearance would be like horses as they…
Joel 1 - The book of Joel centers around The Day of the Lord. Here is a brief synopsis of…
Hosea 5 - "I will return again to my place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face, and in their…
Hosea 3 - What impacts me the most about this short chapter in Hosea 3 is the fact that God…
Hosea 1 - Hosea and Jonah were most likely the only writing prophets who lived in the Northern Kingdom. We…
Daniel 9 - All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for…
Daniel 1 - There is some speculation (as there is with many books of the Bible) as to who actually…
2 Corinthians 13 - When Paul first visited Corinth and established the church, he stayed a year and six months.…
2 Corinthians 9 - Paul sarcastically (playfully) urges the Corinthians toward giving in verses 1-5. He mentions that they will…
2 Corinthians 2 - The man Paul is referring to in this chapter was most likely the same man who…
1 Corinthians 12 - Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are different ministries, but the…
1 Corinthians 9 - Paul was a man with his priorities straight. He was a man who had given up…
1 Corinthians 8 - Knowledge can be like a puffer fish. It puffs us up into a state where our…
1 Corinthians 6 - Paul's had some specific issues with the Corinthians in regard to legal matters. First and foremost,…
Psalm 148 - It is a word that has become obsolete in many Christian circles. Sin. The rebellion of man…
Psalm 147 - Many scholars believe this psalm was prepared for use when the new city walls were completed by…
Psalm 135 - Our God is praise worthy in every age and season. No matter the circumstances, God is with…
Psalm 133 - Through Jesus, the Holy Spirit has been poured out over us. Like a priest who would be…
Psalm 131 - “Here we find the description of a humble, a broken and contrite spirit. It has well been…
Psalm 129 - The enemies of God will not prevail. Even though it seems like they are winning, God promises…
Psalm 128 - "I'm so blessed." We hear this phrase often in our culture. It's not that I don't believe…
Psalm 125 - It is a bold declaration, especially within the turmoil of our world today. Those who trust in…
Psalm 124 - The storms that God allows only further serves to reveal His power and glory within. When we…
Psalm 122 - In the Christian Jewish Bible, verse 4 speaks to two reasons for going to the house of…
Psalm 121 - The Lord is our protector. He is our strength and our refuge. He fights our battles. He…
Psalm 120 - "The Meshechites were presumably descended from Meshech, a grandson of Noah through Japheth (Gen 10:2; 1Ch 1:5).…
Psalm 116 - "How can I repay the LORD for all the good He has done for me? 13 I…
Psalm 115 - Israel, trust in the LORD! He is their help and shield. 10 House of Aaron, trust in…
Psalm 111 - The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His instructions have good…
Psalm 110 - Psalm 110 might be quoted more frequently in the NT than any other Psalm. The Lord declared…
Psalm 109 - What do we make of this prayer? On the surface, it appears to be vindictive, hateful, and…
Psalm 106 - What is risk? It is a decision to act in a way that opens us to danger,…
Psalm 105 - "The term translated as promise throughout the psalm is the Hebrew dāḇār—which is also the term used…
Psalm 99 - God is holy. Let them praise Your great and awe-inspiring name. He is holy. Psalms 99:3 HCSB…
Psalm 96 - "Sing to the LORD a new song; Sing to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Sing to…
Psalm 94 - O LORD, God of vengeance, God of vengeance, shine forth! 2 Rise up, O Judge of the…
Psalm 89 - In similar fashion to Psalm 88, the writer here boldly introduces some deep theological questions. He records…
Psalm 86 - We are all familiar with the tumultuous relationship between joy and sorrow. In Psalm 86, David moves…
Psalm 83 - Psalm 83 is speaking directly to those of us who deal with arrogant and stubborn people. Some…
Psalm 80 - There are some aspects to growth that can only happen in community. This is the central theme…
Psalm 79 - The Psalms continue to reveal the human struggle with control. When we have control (or think we…
Psalm 76 - God is faithful. His track record is perfect. He never fails and never shows up late. His…
Psalm 75 - Psalm 75 is a plea for justice. The dilemma with justice is that many of us want…
Psalm 69 - Unto You be all the glory, Lord. Have we ever stopped to consider what this really means?…
Psalm 68 - There is something to be said about the joy of the Lord being our daily strength. Our…
Psalm 67 - Many forget God's original intent when He chose Israel as His people. "I will make a covenant…
Psalm 66 - The end of Psalm 66 highlights various ways in which we are to walk out the mercy…
Psalm 61 - When we struggle through hard times, we lose confidence. Our demeanor changes and we just can't move…
Psalm 54 - Though the opening verses do not indicate the specifics of the trouble at hand, the plea is…
Psalm 50 - What does our praise look like when we face trouble and adversity? Or, do we praise at…
Psalm 49 - Death. No one can escape it. It is a certainty that all of humanity agrees upon regardless…
Psalm 48 - Several years ago I witnessed one of the most miraculous events I've ever seen God perform in…
Psalm 47 - In Psalm 47, I am drawn to God's sovereign choosing... He chose our heritage for us, the…
Psalm 45 - Psalms 45:3-5 describes our Savior Jesus Christ returning as a Warrior Gird your sword on your thigh,…
Psalm 44 - Following God wholeheartedly is a practical act of cooperation (our response) and faith (assurance of God's love).…
Psalm 42 - “(Thirst) is more than hungering; hunger you can palliate, but thirst is awful, insatiable, clamorous, deadly.” Charles…
Psalm 41 - The timeless and inspired Word of God never ceases to amaze us. It has the ability to…
Psalm 40 - Gratefulness. Some days it seems to escape us. Our day starts off on the wrong foot and…
Psalm 34 - Many people do not realize that the Psalms were written with a specific poetic order and structure.…
Psalm 33 - Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. 21 For our heart…
Psalm 32 - 8 years ago, I was headed back from work driving north. My windshield wipers were frantically trying…
Psalm 31 - How do we move from anguish and sorrow to trust and assurance? People have smeared your name.…
Psalm 30 - One of the most difficult theological principles to reconcile in our hearts and minds is the idea…
Psalm 27 - Rolf Jacobson writes in the New International Commentary about a personal story relating to this Psalm. "When…
Psalm 26 - The key to Psalm 26, as Hank has written, is the second verse. If you read through…
Psalm 24 - Psalm 24 was written to be chanted/recited and comes with two choruses. It would have been sung…
Psalm 22 - "I know not whether any Psalm throughout the whole book contains matter more weighty, or from which…
Psalm 21 - There is a theme of kingship within this psalm. It's likely it was originally composed for recital…
Psalm 20 - Already, but not yet. What a difficult attitude to have. How do you move from crying out…
Psalm 15 - The term "Christian" can mean many different things. Some people immediately think of a moral person who…
Psalm 14 - When the psalmist refers to the unbeliever as a fool, he isn't insulting his intelligence. It's a…
Psalm 9 - According to Spurgeon, the title of this Psalm is, “A Psalm on the death of the son,”…
Psalm 7 - As I read Psalm 7, I found myself asking if God was not righteous, would I pray…
Psalm 2 - This royal psalm was a familiar one, as it was recited often by God's followers. We read…
Mark 16 - The Great Commission is important. So important, in fact, that we find it 5 times in the…
Mark 15 - More than 1/3 of Mark's narrative is focused on passion week. He includes many details that other…
Mark 14 - In Mark 14, Jesus sat down with his disciples during the Last Supper and broke the bread…
Mark 9 - We all know the greatest commandment according to Jesus. Here's a refresher... "Love the Lord your God…
Mark 7 - Judaism during Jesus' time not only put an emphasis on the written law (the Old Testament) but…
Mark 5 - I want to make a few quick points about the demon-possessed man and then move to the…
Mark 1 - It's fascinating to identify the different writing styles of the Gospel authors. Matthew began with genealogy. His…
Deuteronomy 32 - Look at all the names Moses ascribed to God in one song! the Rock: Deu 31:4; Deu…
Deuteronomy 18 - "God said..." It's a phrase that has permeated our Christian culture. It's a statement that flies out…
Deuteronomy 16 - Favoritism. Bribes. Bias. Corruption. Does this not describe our current political climate? God gave specific laws regarding…
Deuteronomy 13 - When did self-appointed titles become a "thing" in the church? When did "a word" become more important…
Deuteronomy 11 - Remember. Teach. Obey. This is the instruction given to those who were responsible for raising the next…
Deuteronomy 10 - "Now, people of Israel, listen to what the LORD your God demands of you: Worship the LORD…
Ecclesiastes 2 - Wow. As I studied this chapter, I began to picture how relevant these statements are for our…
Numbers 36 - Unfortunately, the evangelical church today has become a place where people feel they cannot seek truth through…
Numbers 35 - When we take a deeper look into the cities which were selected as places of refuge and…
Numbers 32 - The LORD became angry with the people and made them wander in the wilderness forty years until…
Numbers 30 - Keep in mind that ancient vows could be both positive and negative. They may be to motivate…
Numbers 29 - The feasts we read here are the fall feasts. Many people believe that these speak toward prophecies…
Numbers 28 - God was teaching the Israelites what it meant to have a heart full of love for Him.…
Numbers 23 - This chapter reminds me of an encounter Elijah had with the prophets of Baal when they were…
Numbers 22 - In 1967, archeaologists uncovered an inscription dating back to the eighth-century B.C. in the city of Jordan…
Numbers 18 - As mentioned in previous chapters, the Levites were given special authority and privileges among the spiritual duties…
Numbers 16 - Numbers 16 is part of a much bigger picture of Moses' leadership of Israel. This rollercoaster of…