Genesis 18

Genesis 18
Genesis 18 - I have to admit, I'm not a great intercessor. I sometimes fall victim to the attitude that "the Lord will do what the Lord will do." But the Bible prescribes a persistent, faith-filled prayer ...

Genesis 15

Genesis 15
Genesis 15 - God spoke, Abraham believed. Then he believed in the LORD; and He reckoned it to him as righteousness. Genesis 15:6 NASB I love that we see the first expression of the Gospel here between ...

Genesis 13

Genesis 13
Genesis 13 - Between chapters 12 and 13, we see a spiritual maturity unfolding in Abram's life. His journey into Egypt illustrated his lack of trust in God's provision. Now, we read that he has decided to ...

Genesis 4

Genesis 4
Genesis 4 - I'll be honest, this story has always confused me. Why was Abel's offering acceptable to God but Cain's was not? All we know from the story here in Genesis is that Abel offered the ...

Genesis 3

Genesis 3
Genesis 3 - Blatant evil is not our greatest threat as believers; it is deceptive evil wrapped in a package of truth. But I fear that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your minds may ...

Genesis 2

Genesis 2
Genesis 2 - Sometimes we fall into the trap of believing that God's wrath is greater than His grace. In Genesis 2, we read of God's unbelievable grace when allowing Adam to roam freely in creation. And ...

Genesis 1

Genesis 1
Genesis 1 - In his book, The Good Book, author Deron Spoo gives us perspective on what we should treasure about Genesis 1. In his opinion, the primary purpose of this first chapter is to affirm that ...

James 5

James 5
James 5 - How should we respond to sickness and what is the church's responsibility? In Chapter 5, James gives practical advice with a balance between physical and spiritual. First, we read that anyone who is sick ...

James 2

James 2
James 2 - Not surprisingly, James fires out more questions for believers here in Chapter 2. Among them are several targeting unfair treatment based on stereotypes. Has not God chosen the poor in the world to be ...

John 18

John 18
John 18 - "While human politics is based on the premise that society must be changed in order to change people, in the politics of the Kingdom it is people who must be changed in order to ...

John 17

John 17
John 17 - I cannot think of a more powerful prayer in all of Scripture. Through Jesus' words, much is revealed. Eternal life = knowing Jesus Christ and the one true God (John 17:3) Glorification on Earth ...

John 14

John 14
John 14 - Sometimes theology can overcomplicate the simple words of Jesus. In John 14, Jesus plainly states exactly what He requires from His followers. Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, "Lord, how is it You're going ...

John 13

John 13
John 13 - John would have known the story well. He (the disciple whom Jesus loved) was reclining against Jesus when it all unfolded, so this firsthand account is most likely as accurate a picture as we ...

John 12

John 12
John 12 - Here in John 12, we are once again drawn to how Jesus' words and actions were in complete obedience to God and how He functioned as an extension of His Father in Heaven. We ...

John 11

John 11
John 11 - So much irony! The reasoning of the religious leaders is astounding. "Let's kill the man who is actively doing mighty works in the Name of God..." "Let's kill the man who has just proven ...

John 9

John 9
John 9 - Jesus and the disciples are out for a stroll when suddenly they encounter a blind man. In the ancient world, blind people were especially helpless in many ways. They were easily manipulated and exploited. ...

John 7

John 7
John 7 - Have you experienced frustration or grief because a close friend or family member has rejected the Gospel? You aren't alone. In John 7, we learn that even Jesus' own family didn't believe in Him. ...

John 6

John 6
John 6 - Jesus was not going to be defined by the people’s interpretation of who He should be. He came to do the Father’s will. Out of all the themes of this chapter, this one speaks ...

John 5

John 5
John 5 - Bearing witness to yourself is not reliable in court. Jesus didn't need to provide witnesses for His authority, but in His grace, He would. John the Baptist John's lamp testified to Jesus but he ...

John 3

John 3
John 3 - If we take a bird's eye view of chapter 3, we find that John is intentional about giving us stories that refute the familiar view of Salvation in ancient times. The Path To Salvation ...

Esther 10

Esther 10
Esther 10 - As Chapter 10 winds down, I can't help but reflect on the sovereignty of God. First and foremost, God had a plan. He knew exactly how this entire situation would bring glory to Himself. ...

Esther 8

Esther 8
Esther 8 - Throughout the book of Esther, I have been drawing lines connecting Haman with Satan and this chapter is no different. Haman was defeated and eliminated but the King's decree still stood over the Jewish ...

Esther 7

Esther 7
Esther 7 - The time has come for Esther to speak up. It was not God's timing earlier because many events had to unfold. Haman was lured into a trap by his own arrogance. He unknowingly constructed ...

Esther 4

Esther 4
Esther 4 - "...if I perish, I perish" Don't miss these words. Don't gloss over them. I know maybe you have read them before when you've studied this story, but take a moment and let that thought ...

Nehemiah 13

Nehemiah 13
Nehemiah 13 - So, remember that guy Tobiah? Back in Nehemiah 6 he was one of Israel's enemies who formulated a smear campaign against Nehemiah to stop the construction of the walls. Now we read that while ...

Nehemiah 10

Nehemiah 10
Nehemiah 10 - Cutting corners. To me, this is what the covenant was all about. The people vowed to obey God's law and swore a penalty on themselves if they broke it. We don't do this today, ...

Nehemiah 4

Nehemiah 4
Nehemiah 4 - This chapter is a case study for how the enemy works when you decide to follow through with God's calling. In Nehemiah 3, Nehemiah planned a strategy to get the walls up all at ...

Nehemiah 1

Nehemiah 1
Nehemiah 1 - Back in the minor prophets, we learned that very few Jewish people left Babylon to return to their own land when they were granted permission. Out of approximately 2.5 million Jews, only about 50,000 ...

Hebrews 10

Hebrews 10
Hebrews 10 - If you are tracking with the author of Hebrews thus far, it may seem overwhelmingly theological. The second half of Hebrews 10 is a practical response to the foundation that has been established thus ...

Hebrews 6

Hebrews 6
Hebrews 6 - Here we go. You want to start a heated debate among your Christian friends? Look no further than Hebrews 6. It all centers around the question of whether or not someone can lose their ...

Hebrews 4

Hebrews 4
Hebrews 4 - The Law demanded perfection. This was the standard accomplished by Jesus. Despite our best efforts, we don't even come close. However, we continue to live in a society built upon works. Nearly everything we ...

Hebrews 2

Hebrews 2
Hebrews 2 - For in bringing many sons to glory, it was entirely appropriate that God—all things exist for Him and through Him—should make the source of their salvation perfect through sufferings. Hebrews 2:10 HCSB It was ...

Malachi 3

Malachi 3
Malachi 3 - "Because I, Yahweh, have not changed, you descendants of Jacob have not been destroyed. Malachi 3:6 HCSB Picking up on the truth of God's refining process, we read in verse 6 that He is ...

Malachi 1

Malachi 1
Malachi 1 - Malachi's ministry would have overlapped with Nehemiah. The temple had been rebuilt (v. 13), and there was a presiding governor over the nation (v. 8), but the people were struggling with the same sins ...

Zechariah 12

Zechariah 12
Zechariah 12 - Zechariah's name means "The Lord Remembers" and in this chapter, we get a striking image of God remembering His Jewish people. Theology is not the most important thing here, but it does determine what ...

Zechariah 9

Zechariah 9
Zechariah 9 - Before Jesus was Savior, He was King. But He was not a king as you or I know one. Jesus ushered in a different kind of Kingdom. Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout in triumph, ...

Zechariah 8

Zechariah 8
Zechariah 8 - Oh my! There are few verses more worthy of our desperate pursuit than Zechariah 8:6. The verse illustrates a life of faith, trust, and perseverance. The LORD of Hosts says this: "Though it may ...

Zechariah 7

Zechariah 7
Zechariah 7 - What kind of motives do we have for the rituals and traditions we hold onto? by asking the priests who were at the house of the LORD of Hosts as well as the prophets, ...

Zechariah 6

Zechariah 6
Zechariah 6 - The scene here is connected, though it might not seem like it on the surface. In the Bible, divine warfare follows a pattern that was common in the Near East: War-Victory-Kingship-Building-Celebration. Zechariah 6 shows ...

Zechariah 4

Zechariah 4
Zechariah 4 - Verse 6 is the key to unlocking the truth of Zechariah 4. So he answered me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by strength or by might, but by My ...

Zechariah 2

Zechariah 2
Zechariah 2 - There is so much we could unpack in this short chapter of only 13 verses. It is rich with symbolism and prophecy. But I want to draw your focus to one section that stuck ...

Zechariah 1

Zechariah 1
Zechariah 1 - According to many scholars, Zechariah is the most messianic, apocalyptic, and end times descriptive book of the Old Testament. That's a big statement considering many have probably never read it. Haggai led the charge ...

Nahum 1

Nahum 1
Nahum 1 - The book of Jonah was God's grace to Ninevah, and Nahum is His truth. God would judge Nineveh. For some, the thought of His judgment invokes imagery of an all-powerful Being looking down on ...

Haggai 2

Haggai 2
Haggai 2 - The main event of Haggai is the rebuilding of the temple, however, there are other several other storylines that run alongside this narrative. One such example is verse 13 where Haggai offers two opposing ...

Habakkuk 3

Habakkuk 3
Habakkuk 3 - O LORD, I have heard of what you have done, and I am filled with awe. Now do again in our times the great deeds you used to do. Be merciful, even when you ...

Habakkuk 1

Habakkuk 1
Habakkuk 1 - Many years ago, in 2010, I was driving home from work heading north toward Fort Wayne. My windshield wipers were frantically trying to keep pace with the torrential downpour of a typical Midwestern summer ...

Micah 7

Micah 7
Micah 7 - Consider the similarities of Micah's world and our world today... There is undesirable fruit all around Everyone is scheming, waiting for a chance to do evil People in authority take bribes as money trumps ...

Micah 6

Micah 6
Micah 6 - Micah uses a sarcastic exaggeration to illustrate the hardness of the people's hearts. What shall I bring to the LORD, the God of heaven, when I come to worship him? Shall I bring the ...

Micah 5

Micah 5
Micah 5 - Micah 5:1-5 can be confusing because three different contexts are covered in such a short span of verses. They have elements of the current context, the future Messiah's birth, and the Second Coming. Verse ...

Micah 2

MIcah 2
Micah 2 - People only want to hear what tickles their ears. They don't want to hear the truth. "Men haven't changed much. They don't want to hear really of the judgment of God that is to ...

Micah 1

Micah 1
Micah 1 - Dates Approximate Micah was a prophet during a very critical time for both Israel and Judah. He mostly served the nation of Judah and his ministry spanned over the kings of Jotham, Ahaz, and ...

Jonah 4

Jonah 4
Jonah 4 - Jonah 4 exposes a horrendous sin that all of us have been guilty of at one time or another. Judgment. Jonah loathed Nineveh. Actually, he hated the people of this city. He had decided ...

Jonah 3

Jonah 3
Jonah 3 - God's mercy is on full display here. God showed mercy to Jonah and called him to deliver the message a second time. God was under no obligation to use Jonah a second time. However, ...

Jonah 2

Jonah 2
Jonah 2 - Jonah was in hell... or so he thought. It wouldn't take one or two days to convince Jonah to turn back to God. It would be three days and three nights before he uttered ...

Jonah 1

Jonah 1
Jonah 1 - Nineveh was both a great and wicked city. It was the capital of the Assyrian Empire and the Assyrians had a reputation for being extremely cruel. It was quite possibly the largest city in ...

Amos 9

Amos 9
Amos 9 - Within the judgment of Amos, there is hope to be found. There is always hope with God because He is full of both grace and truth. "The days are coming," says the LORD, "when ...

Amos 6

Hosea 6
Amos 6 - You never know a good thing until it's goneYou never see a crash until it's head onWhy we think we're right when we're dead wrong,You never know a good thing 'til it's gone As ...

Amos 4

Amos 4
Amos 4 - My most interesting takeaway from this passage is simply the accountability to which God claims full responsibility for. Many times, we are quick to try and cover up the characteristics of God that don't ...

Amos 3

Amos 3
Amos 3 - How can two people walk hand in hand if they aren’t going in the same direction? "They do not need to be agreed about everything. They must, however, wish to keep each others company, ...

Amos 2

Amos 2
Amos 2 - Amos 1 and 2 are really meant to be read and analyzed together as they are a review of the judgements from God. In Amos 2, however, we see God turn his attention away ...

Amos 1

Amos 1
Amos 1 - Nelson's Commentary gives an informative but concise background on the book of Amos. "The Lord sent Amos, a Judean, to Bethel to prophesy of coming judgment on Israel. But in Bethel, Amos faced a ...

Joel 3

Joel 3
Joel 3 - Judgment is the theme here - specifically with those who are against God and against his people. A lot of times, we seem to think that God casually watches as his people are ravaged ...

Joel 2

Joel 2
Joel 2 - The plague of locusts would be devastating and overpowering. Their appearance would be like horses as they scaled walls like men and dodged arrows with speed and agility. The scene is poetic and reads ...

Hosea 14

Hosea 14
Hosea 14 - Many people today worship their own abilities and accomplishments. For others, it is their intellect. Still others worship their spouse or their children or their jobs. Whatever it is that separates us from our ...

Hosea 13

Hosea 13
Hosea 13 - Chapter 13 of Hosea brings much of the same for the people of Israel. How bad has it gotten? They are in the business of sacrificing babies to their false gods. And let's just ...

Hosea 12

Hosea 12
Hosea 12 - "It is interesting to note that today medicine and psychology have said that probably the most important period of a man's life is when he is in the womb, because even in the womb ...

Hosea 11

Hosea 11
Hosea 11 - As a father, I can understand these same feelings. I can't imagine the grief of watching my daughter run off and leave me after I had raised and taken care of her. The verses ...

Hosea 10

Hosea 10
Hosea 10 - Their hearts were faithless, devious, and deceitful. The KJV and Jewish Bible translate verse 2 using a different word. Their heart is divided; now they will bear their guilt. He will break down their ...

Hosea 8

Hosea 8
Hosea 8 - Here we see the consequences and punishments of Israel. It was one compromise after another as they decided to bring idol worship and pagan rituals into their lives. They said they knew God with ...

Hosea 7

Hosea 7
Hosea 7 - "Two-faced and double-tongued,they steal you blind, pick you clean.It never crosses their mindthat I keep account of their every crime" Hosea 7:2 God exposes Israel's two-sided nature in this chapter. He compares them to ...

Hosea 6

Hosea 6
Hosea 6 - A pattern we see over the past two chapters is God allowing for us to hit a place where we are driven to repentance. Living a life of repentance is not easy, but it ...

Hosea 5

Hosea 5
Hosea 5 - "I will return again to my place,    until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face,    and in their distress earnestly seek me." Hosea 5:15 It is such a strong statement. You know, this phrase is ...

Hosea 4

Hosea 4
Hosea 4 - God is honest and open with Israel about their sins. As The Message translation puts it, it was sheer anarchy. "No doubt, this happened after the pattern of human nature. When Hosea and Gomer ...

Hosea 3

Hosea 3
Hosea 3 - What impacts me the most about this short chapter in Hosea 3 is the fact that God makes the first move. Scripture tells us in Romans 5... "But God demonstrates his own love for ...

Hosea 2

Hosea 2
Hosea 2 - Grace and truth. They are the inescapable character traits of God. God is a fair and just God. He doesn't compromise like we do. I think that sometimes we take for granted the holiness ...

Hosea 1

Hosea 1
Hosea 1 - Hosea and Jonah were most likely the only writing prophets who lived in the Northern Kingdom. We know this because Hosea addresses the king of Israel as "our king" in Hosea 7. Historically, Hosea ...

Daniel 12

Daniel 12
Daniel 12 - The prophetic events that Daniel witnesses are most likely referring to the end times. Here is what we know so far over the past several chapters... There will be a ruler who is over ...

Daniel 11

Daniel 11
Daniel 11 - Daniel 11 contains some of the most specifically accurate prophecies in the entire Bible. Critics have often wondered if this chapter was written after the historical events took place because it is so deadly ...

Daniel 8

Daniel 8
Daniel 8 - This chapter is one of the most controversial and heavily debated chapters in all the Bible. However, there is still solid truth we can take away. First, we must realize that even the interpreter ...

Daniel 6

Daniel 6
Daniel 6 - I am simply in awe when I read these passages about Daniel. It is inspiring to think about what this mentality would look like in our current culture. I am so intrigued by it. ...

Daniel 4

Daniel 4
Daniel 4 - What do we make of these 7 years when King Neb lost his mind? "There is, understandably, no preserved secular record of this; but Abydenus, a Greek historian, wrote in 268 BC that Nebuchadnezzar ...

Daniel 3

Daniel 3
Daniel 3 - I want to present three challenging points to consider within the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. Would we really do what they did? Be honest. Most (or all) of us have never really ...

2 Corinthians 13

2 Corinthians 13
2 Corinthians 13 - When Paul first visited Corinth and established the church, he stayed a year and six months. Most scholars believe his second visit was between the two letters of 1 and 2 Corinthians and ...

2 Corinthians 11

2 Corinthians 11
2 Corinthians 11 - "A story is told about a dinner party where the guests were expected to stand after the meal and recite something for the group. A famous actor was present, and he recited the ...

2 Corinthians 10

2 Corinthians 10
2 Corinthians 10 - Most likely, Paul was dealing with a false teacher or many false teachers who had infiltrated the Corinthian church and discredited his ministry and teaching. He pivots here in chapter 10 to bring ...

2 Corinthians 9

2 Corinthians 9
2 Corinthians 9 - Paul sarcastically (playfully) urges the Corinthians toward giving in verses 1-5. He mentions that they will be put to shame if he sends someone to collect their offering and they are unprepared. Paul ...

2 Corinthians 8

2 Corinthians 8
2 Corinthians 8 - Christians who believe the New Testament has little to say about financial giving have not really studied the Bible intently. Paul refers to giving money as 'charis' (or, grace) four times in this ...

2 Corinthians 5

2 Corinthians 5
2 Corinthians 5 - When Jesus took the form of a man, He stepped down from Heaven and entered into a finite, flawed human body. It was a heart and mind just like ours. He dealt with ...

2 Corinthians 4

2 Corinthians 4
2 Corinthians 4 - Why jars of clay? "The Greek word means "baked clay," and refers to clay pots. They were cheap, breakable, and replaceable, but they served necessary household functions. Sometimes they were used as a ...

2 Corinthians 3

2 Corinthians 3
2 Corinthians 3 - The Corinthians, like many today, wanted written proof of Paul's legitimacy as an apostle. Like a certification or degree, letters of commendation would have authenticated the status of a leader of God. They ...

2 Corinthians 2

2 Corinthians 2
2 Corinthians 2 - The man Paul is referring to in this chapter was most likely the same man who was having an incestuous affair when Paul wrote his first letter to the ...

2 Corinthians 1

2 Corinthians 1
2 Corinthians 1 - "Paul's purpose in this eulogy is not merely to praise God for personal comfort received or to discuss the nature of the gospel ministry. His primary concern is to show the Corinthians that ...

1 Corinthians 16

1 Corinthians 16
1 Corinthians 16 - Paul begins with a collection for the saints. The Nelson's New Illustrated Commentary provides a solid summary of what this means for Jesus followers today. "Paul once again addressed a question asked by ...

1 Corinthians 14

1 Corinthians 14
1 Corinthians 14 - Gifts that are meant to edify the body, share with the body. Gifts that are meant to edify you personally, keep them personal. Paul's stance on tongues is clear. If there is no ...

1 Corinthians 13

1 Corinthians 13
1 Corinthians 13 - The Greeks had four different words to describe love. 'Eros' described erotic love. It was the word used to describe sexual love. 'Storge' referred to family love. It described the love between father ...

1 Corinthians 9

1 Corinthians 9
1 Corinthians 9 - Paul was a man with his priorities straight. He was a man who had given up all his rights for the sake of Jesus. His life's mission was to preach the Gospel and ...

1 Corinthians 8

1 Corinthians 8
1 Corinthians 8 - Knowledge can be like a puffer fish. It puffs us up into a state where our thorny exterior rips the flesh of others. Using food as an example, Paul illustrates that Christians who ...

1 Corinthians 5

1 Corinthians 5
1 Corinthians 5 - Paul once again comes out swinging against the Corinthians for their immorality and tolerance. Interestingly, his clarification toward the end of this chapter contains a lot of insight. Paul, just like Jesus, had ...

1 Corinthians 4

1 Corinthians 4
1 Corinthians 4 - Paul doesn't mince words with the church at Corinth. They had a very obvious pride issue. Humble Servant. Paul reminds them he is a servant of Christ and a steward of the mystery. ...

Psalm 147

Psalm 147
Psalm 147 - Many scholars believe this psalm was prepared for use when the new city walls were completed by Nehemiah. What I find most fascinating is that the psalmist never grows weary of praising God. The ...