1 Corinthians 5 - Paul once again comes out swinging against the Corinthians for their immorality and tolerance. Interestingly, his…
1 Corinthians 4 - Paul doesn't mince words with the church at Corinth. They had a very obvious pride issue.…
Psalm 147 - Many scholars believe this psalm was prepared for use when the new city walls were completed by…
Psalm 145 - “Observe that David is firmly resolved to praise God. My text has four ‘I wills’ in it.…
Psalm 143 - Depression. An estimated 19 million American adults are living with major depression characterized as a persistently depressed…
Psalm 142 - "Tell God all that is in your heart, as one unloads one’s heart, its pleasures and its…
Psalm 141 - David fixed his eyes on the Lord. There are many times in life where we are stunted…
Psalm 140 - When we go to God in our afflictions, we can rest knowing that He hears us. We…
Psalm 137 - How do we worship in a foreign land? Being completely cut off from their native land, and…
Psalm 136 - Mercy, kindness, lovingkindness, goodness, and favor. This is the translation for the Greek word checed which appears…
Psalm 135 - Our God is praise worthy in every age and season. No matter the circumstances, God is with…
Psalm 130 - Psalm 130 is known as a Pauline psalm because it speaks to the grace and mercy of…
Psalm 128 - "I'm so blessed." We hear this phrase often in our culture. It's not that I don't believe…
Psalm 127 - According to J. Vernon McGee, this psalm has been used on several important occasions. It was used…
Psalm 125 - It is a bold declaration, especially within the turmoil of our world today. Those who trust in…
Psalm 123 - What do we do when there is no move from God? Our God is a useful God.…
Psalm 119 - The original Hebrew version of this psalm is a complex acrostic. Each verse in a particular section…
Psalm 118 - Many scholars believe that Psalm 118 was written during Moses' day in the Exodus. If you compare…
Psalm 117 - Although short, this psalm packs a heavy punch. God calls all people to worship Him. The calling…
Psalm 116 - "How can I repay the LORD for all the good He has done for me? 13 I…
Psalm 115 - Israel, trust in the LORD! He is their help and shield. 10 House of Aaron, trust in…
Psalm 113 - Music connects with every person on the planet. More than likely, all of us can identify with…
Psalm 109 - What do we make of this prayer? On the surface, it appears to be vindictive, hateful, and…
Psalm 108 - Moab is My washbasin; I throw My sandal on Edom. I shout in triumph over Philistia." Psalms…
Psalm 107 - But He lifts the needy out of their suffering and makes their families multiply like flocks. 42 …
Psalm 105 - "The term translated as promise throughout the psalm is the Hebrew dāḇār—which is also the term used…
Psalm 103 - How long do you strive? It seems like an odd question on the surface. Let me rephrase…
Psalm 101 - "I will pay attention to the way of integrity. When will You come to me? I will…
Psalm 99 - God is holy. Let them praise Your great and awe-inspiring name. He is holy. Psalms 99:3 HCSB…
Psalm 97 - When we look back at Scripture, we see just how holy God really is. Anyone who came…
Psalm 96 - "Sing to the LORD a new song; Sing to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Sing to…
Psalm 95 - All worship is not equal. There are many today who bring false worship before the Father. Coming…
Psalm 94 - O LORD, God of vengeance, God of vengeance, shine forth! 2 Rise up, O Judge of the…
Psalm 92 - The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.…
Psalm 91 - Whoever goes to the LORD for safety, whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty, 2 can…
Psalm 89 - In similar fashion to Psalm 88, the writer here boldly introduces some deep theological questions. He records…
Psalm 88 - Psalm 88 will most likely not be made into a children's song one day. It's too raw.…
Psalm 85 - He has shown favor. He has restored. He has forgiven. He has covered. He withdrew his fury.…
Psalm 84 - A very wise woman (Mona Jean Workman) used to describe the highs and lows of her life…
Psalm 81 - Sin destroys. If we ever were to wonder what God thinks about sin, we only need to…
Psalm 80 - There are some aspects to growth that can only happen in community. This is the central theme…
Psalm 78 - Coming off the heels of Psalm 77 where we are to remember God's faithfulness, we now move…
Psalm 76 - God is faithful. His track record is perfect. He never fails and never shows up late. His…
Psalm 75 - Psalm 75 is a plea for justice. The dilemma with justice is that many of us want…
Psalm 74 - He purchased. He redeemed. He dwelt. The invasion by their enemies has devastated the people of Israel…
Psalm 69 - Unto You be all the glory, Lord. Have we ever stopped to consider what this really means?…
Psalm 68 - There is something to be said about the joy of the Lord being our daily strength. Our…
Psalm 67 - Many forget God's original intent when He chose Israel as His people. "I will make a covenant…
Psalm 65 - "How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You To dwell in Your…
Psalm 64 - "One of the most pressing theological questions today is “why do the evil ones prosper?” If one…
Psalm 63 - David is on the run from his son Absolam who has organized a revolt against him. King…
Psalm 61 - When we struggle through hard times, we lose confidence. Our demeanor changes and we just can't move…
Psalm 60 - Defeat is never easy. Never. But since Jesus took on sin and death and triumphed over it…
Psalm 59 - Twice in the first two verses, David cried out for God to deliver him. In verse 2,…
Psalm 58 - Verses 1-6We read a familiar description of those in leadership who deceive others. Consider the description. They…
Psalm 57 - My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. Psalms…
Psalm 56 - In his book "Happiness," Randy Alcorn writes, “I think it’s fair to say that many Christians don’t…
Psalm 54 - Though the opening verses do not indicate the specifics of the trouble at hand, the plea is…
Psalm 53 - When God looks down from heaven at humanity, He's not looking at innocent people. He's looking at…
Psalm 52 - Psalm 52 is a reminder that our words matter. Like a sharpened razor, your tongue devises destruction,…
Psalm 51 - It is known as "The Sinner's Guide" and contains some of the most quoted verses in all…
Psalm 49 - Death. No one can escape it. It is a certainty that all of humanity agrees upon regardless…
Psalm 47 - In Psalm 47, I am drawn to God's sovereign choosing... He chose our heritage for us, the…
Psalm 44 - Following God wholeheartedly is a practical act of cooperation (our response) and faith (assurance of God's love).…
Psalm 43 - What hurts more than the abandonment and rejection of our peers? It's the feeling we have been…
Psalm 41 - The timeless and inspired Word of God never ceases to amaze us. It has the ability to…
Psalm 39 - Let's track this psalm from the beginning. The psalmist opens with tremendous grief. There seems to be…
Psalm 38 - Once again, the psalmist is upset with his enemies and those who do evil. However, picking up…
Psalm 36 - The Warehouse staff has just begun to have weekly accountability meetings. Each pastor on staff has a…
Psalm 35 - Years ago, while working for Youth for Christ, my wife and I become close friends with a…
Psalm 33 - Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. 21 For our heart…
Psalm 32 - 8 years ago, I was headed back from work driving north. My windshield wipers were frantically trying…
Psalm 30 - One of the most difficult theological principles to reconcile in our hearts and minds is the idea…
Psalm 28 - What does it mean to trust in the Rock of our Salvation? David uses the phrase "My…
Psalm 27 - Rolf Jacobson writes in the New International Commentary about a personal story relating to this Psalm. "When…
Psalm 26 - The key to Psalm 26, as Hank has written, is the second verse. If you read through…
Psalm 22 - "I know not whether any Psalm throughout the whole book contains matter more weighty, or from which…
Psalm 21 - There is a theme of kingship within this psalm. It's likely it was originally composed for recital…
Psalm 19 - One of the issues addressed in this psalm is hidden sin. I'm not talking about sins you…
Psalm 18 - There are some things which can only be learned over time. God's faithfulness is one particular characteristic…
Psalm 17 - We face critical situations all the time. These trials batter our hearts and our minds. They trample…
Psalm 15 - The term "Christian" can mean many different things. Some people immediately think of a moral person who…
Psalm 13 - This psalm is general enough to speak to anyone going through a crisis but specific enough to…
Psalm 6 - This is the first of the Penitential Psalms. Most believe this piece would have begun with a…
Mark 16 - The Great Commission is important. So important, in fact, that we find it 5 times in the…
Mark 15 - More than 1/3 of Mark's narrative is focused on passion week. He includes many details that other…
Mark 14 - In Mark 14, Jesus sat down with his disciples during the Last Supper and broke the bread…
Mark 13 - No one knows the day or hour. This is a familiar passage, yet, there is one question…
Mark 12 - Total sacrifice. Do we understand it? Do we live it? Jesus pulls his disciples aside to highlight…
Mark 9 - We all know the greatest commandment according to Jesus. Here's a refresher... "Love the Lord your God…
Mark 8 - A fascinating quality of Jesus' teaching style was the way in which the geographic location often added…
Mark 5 - I want to make a few quick points about the demon-possessed man and then move to the…
Mark 2 - At the end of this chapter, we see a common problem that Jesus faced with the Pharisees.…
Mark 1 - It's fascinating to identify the different writing styles of the Gospel authors. Matthew began with genealogy. His…
Deuteronomy 30 - I was drawn specifically to verse 6 of this chapter because it relates closely to the process…
Deuteronomy 29 - When I was younger, I used to think it was enough to "keep my oath" with God.…
Deuteronomy 23 - As we've written many times in Deuteronomy, these laws can seem foreign to us. In some ways,…
Deuteronomy 22 - Many of these laws seem outdated or inapplicable to our modern culture. Furthermore, one might say that…
Deuteronomy 17 - There are many times that the Old Testament rituals and rules can seem odd and misplaced under…
Deuteronomy 13 - When did self-appointed titles become a "thing" in the church? When did "a word" become more important…