Luke 15 Commentary by Brad Boyles What about the other son? What about the older "obedient" son? “Then he became…
Luke 13 - Jewish belief at the time would have proclaimed that all Jews, except notorious sinners like tax collectors…
Luke 12 - "I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled!…
Luke 10 - The kingdom of God was sent out and manifest itself through the power of the 72 that…
Luke 8 Commentary by Brad Boyles Starting in verse 26 we see an amazing story of casting out a legion…
Luke 7 Commentary by Brad Boyles We see a very powerful indicator of the faith that this centurion soldier had…
Luke 6 Commentary by Brad Boyles And Jesus said to them, "I ask you, is it lawful to do good…
Luke 4 - The entire chapter here in Luke 4 captures the struggle for power and authority. Jesus' temptation, obviously,…
Luke 3 - The way the Holy Spirit moved in order for Jesus Christ to come into this world is…
Luke 2 - Luke narrates the routine events that surrounded the arrival of Jesus in a way that presents the…
Luke 1 Commentary by Brad Boyles Who made the most significant contribution to the New Testament in terms of total…
Song of Solomon 7 Commentary by Brad Boyles In today's culture, being liberated is often defined as being free from…
Song of Solomon 5 - As with any marriage, there is miscommunication. Hurt and conflict naturally follow. It is hard…
Song of Solomon 4 - If we study these chapters carefully we can see that there has been no mention…
Song of Solomon 3 - The beautiful pageantry described in verses 6-11 really reflects on how Solomon was viewed during…
Song of Solomon 2 - The chapter begins as a young woman is excited by the arrival of her lover.…
Song of Solomon 1 Commentary by Brad Boyles Just like the phrase "holy of holies" and "king of kings," Song…
Ezekiel 48 - Some view the final chapters of Ezekiel as a literal prophecy to be fulfilled during the end…
Ezekiel 45 - Nelson's New Illustrated Commentary points out the emphasis of holiness in this chapter. There are specific details…
Ezekiel 47 - If we read this chapter as a future prophecy of the end times, we get a picture…
Ezekiel 46 - First, this is a tough chapter to reconcile with our modernized Christian worldview. Second, there are many…
Ezekiel 44 - "They shall enter My sanctuary; they shall come near to My table to minister to Me and…
Ezekiel 40 - Ezekiel's ministry began with a vision of God. The last 9 chapters end with a vision for…
Ezekiel 37 - The phrase, "I will be their God and they will be my people" is a familiar phrase.…
Ezekiel 36 - Verses 22-38 immediately drew my attention. The title over the section reads "I Will Put My Spirit…
Ezekiel 35 - The land of Edom was just south of the Dead Sea. Located in Edom, we find Mount Seir.…
Ezekiel 34 - There are so many false teachers out there who twist the message of the Bible to have…
Ezekiel 33 - The role of watchman that was given to Ezekiel is one of the most fascinating metaphors for…
Ezekiel 24 - Ministry is hard. And I don't just mean formal ministry positions. I really mean following Jesus is…
Ezekiel 23 - "Playing harlot" can generally refer to any type of sinful behavior. In this case, it would be…