Nehemiah 11 - Nehemiah came up with a brilliant solution to repopulate Jerusalem with God's people. Of all the people…
Nehemiah 3 - In my mind, there are two critical applications of this chapter. Back in Nehemiah 1, I stated…
Hebrews 11 - The Hall of Faith. It is by far the most popular and most quoted chapter of Hebrews.…
Hebrews 8 - Hebrews 8 is an important chapter because it proves Jesus was the Messiah and His covenant was…
Hebrews 1 - We do not know the writer of Hebrews and honestly, it doesn't matter. The book is absolutely…
Zechariah 14 - In Philippians, Paul urges the church to "hold onto the truth we have attained." This means as…
Zechariah 11 - The LORD my God said to me, "Act the part of the shepherd of a flock of…
Zechariah 9 - Before Jesus was Savior, He was King. But He was not a king as you or I…
Zechariah 8 - Oh my! There are few verses more worthy of our desperate pursuit than Zechariah 8:6. The verse…
Zechariah 1 - According to many scholars, Zechariah is the most messianic, apocalyptic, and end times descriptive book of the…
Zephaniah 1 - The twelve minor prophets are divided into two categories based on the time period of their ministry.…
Haggai 1 - We just finished studying Zephaniah who warned of God's future judgment on Judah, and as predicted, they…
Micah 5 - Micah 5:1-5 can be confusing because three different contexts are covered in such a short span of…
Micah 4 - Micah's Messianic kingdom is nearly identical to Isaiah's in chapter 2. It will be greater than all…
Obadiah 1 - Obadiah is unique in the sense that he one of the only minor prophets to address a…
Amos 8 - What can be more susceptible to rot and disease than ripened fruit? There is a short window…
Amos 3 - How can two people walk hand in hand if they aren’t going in the same direction? "They…
Amos 1 - Nelson's Commentary gives an informative but concise background on the book of Amos. "The Lord sent Amos,…
Hosea 10 - Their hearts were faithless, devious, and deceitful. The KJV and Jewish Bible translate verse 2 using a…
Hosea 1 - Hosea and Jonah were most likely the only writing prophets who lived in the Northern Kingdom. We…
Daniel 12 - The prophetic events that Daniel witnesses are most likely referring to the end times. Here is what…
Daniel 7 - The prophetic part of Daniel starts here with Chapter 7. It is unlikely that we can know…
Daniel 6 - I am simply in awe when I read these passages about Daniel. It is inspiring to think…
Daniel 5 - "Though you knew all this..." It's a frightening statement. Consider the fact that Belshazzar didn't grow up…
Daniel 4 - What do we make of these 7 years when King Neb lost his mind? "There is, understandably,…
Daniel 2 - What does Daniel's interpretation mean? He tells us that the gold represents King Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian Empire. Three…
Daniel 1 - There is some speculation (as there is with many books of the Bible) as to who actually…
2 Corinthians 9 - Paul sarcastically (playfully) urges the Corinthians toward giving in verses 1-5. He mentions that they will…
2 Corinthians 8 - Christians who believe the New Testament has little to say about financial giving have not really…
1 Corinthians 12 - Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are different ministries, but the…
1 Corinthians 9 - Paul was a man with his priorities straight. He was a man who had given up…
1 Corinthians 6 - Paul's had some specific issues with the Corinthians in regard to legal matters. First and foremost,…
1 Corinthians 4 - Paul doesn't mince words with the church at Corinth. They had a very obvious pride issue.…
Psalm 149 - Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song, And His praise in the congregation of…
Psalm 145 - “Observe that David is firmly resolved to praise God. My text has four ‘I wills’ in it.…
Psalm 144 - David is physically and emotionally spent. He pleads with God to be rescued. This is a common…
Psalm 139 - Consider the fruit of knowing God and acknowledging that He knows us. Before pursuing God, we pursued…
Psalm 138 - The LORD will accomplish what concerns me; Your lovingkindness, O LORD, is everlasting; Do not forsake the…
Psalm 136 - Mercy, kindness, lovingkindness, goodness, and favor. This is the translation for the Greek word checed which appears…
Psalm 134 - "As I look back on my ministry I realize my services were too formal. I believe worship…
Psalm 132 - This psalm is a prayer that pleads with God to remember His covenant. Some ascribe it to…
Psalm 127 - According to J. Vernon McGee, this psalm has been used on several important occasions. It was used…
Psalm 120 - "The Meshechites were presumably descended from Meshech, a grandson of Noah through Japheth (Gen 10:2; 1Ch 1:5).…
Psalm 118 - Many scholars believe that Psalm 118 was written during Moses' day in the Exodus. If you compare…
Psalm 117 - Although short, this psalm packs a heavy punch. God calls all people to worship Him. The calling…
Psalm 108 - Moab is My washbasin; I throw My sandal on Edom. I shout in triumph over Philistia." Psalms…
Psalm 106 - What is risk? It is a decision to act in a way that opens us to danger,…
Psalm 102 - "The Psalm has been attributed to Daniel, to Jeremiah, to Nehemiah, or to some of the other…
Psalm 101 - "I will pay attention to the way of integrity. When will You come to me? I will…
Psalm 98 - Do we actually praise and worship God for His judgment? Let the sea and all that fills…
Psalm 78 - Coming off the heels of Psalm 77 where we are to remember God's faithfulness, we now move…
Psalm 72 - Psalm 72 is considered a royal psalm and coronation hymn. It presents the job description of the…
Psalm 69 - Unto You be all the glory, Lord. Have we ever stopped to consider what this really means?…
Psalm 64 - "One of the most pressing theological questions today is “why do the evil ones prosper?” If one…
Psalm 58 - Verses 1-6We read a familiar description of those in leadership who deceive others. Consider the description. They…
Psalm 49 - Death. No one can escape it. It is a certainty that all of humanity agrees upon regardless…
Psalm 45 - Psalms 45:3-5 describes our Savior Jesus Christ returning as a Warrior Gird your sword on your thigh,…
Psalm 40 - Gratefulness. Some days it seems to escape us. Our day starts off on the wrong foot and…
Psalm 37 - It is sometimes difficult to understand why the evil continues to prosper. We struggle to reconcile how…
Psalm 30 - One of the most difficult theological principles to reconcile in our hearts and minds is the idea…
Psalm 23 - Psalm 23 is known as the shepherd's psalm. Composed by David as a youth, he was keeping…
Psalm 18 - There are some things which can only be learned over time. God's faithfulness is one particular characteristic…
Psalm 15 - The term "Christian" can mean many different things. Some people immediately think of a moral person who…
Psalm 14 - When the psalmist refers to the unbeliever as a fool, he isn't insulting his intelligence. It's a…
Psalm 3 - When studying the Psalms, you can generally classify them into three different categories of petition, thanksgiving, and…
Mark 12 - Total sacrifice. Do we understand it? Do we live it? Jesus pulls his disciples aside to highlight…
Mark 10 - Bartimaeus called Jesus the “son of David” which was a prophetic title. It revealed a spiritual depth…
Mark 9 - We all know the greatest commandment according to Jesus. Here's a refresher... "Love the Lord your God…
Mark 5 - I want to make a few quick points about the demon-possessed man and then move to the…
Mark 4 - The Purpose of the Parables By utilizing parables as His primary vehicle for delivering "the secrets of…
Mark 3 - The healings of Jesus are well-documented and factual. Interestingly, the Jews did not dispute the healing power…
Deuteronomy 22 - Many of these laws seem outdated or inapplicable to our modern culture. Furthermore, one might say that…
Deuteronomy 6 - Here in Deuteronomy 6, we find the "shema." The word itself means "hear" or "listen" and begins…
Deuteronomy 1 - What should have taken 11 days took 40 years. If you have read the book of Numbers,…
Ecclesiastes 8 - For the king's word is authoritative, and who can say to him, "What are you doing?" Ecclesiastes…
Ecclesiastes 2 - Wow. As I studied this chapter, I began to picture how relevant these statements are for our…
Ecclesiastes 1 - The Bible quite often emphasizes its main point by using a common Hebrew superlative. We see this…
Numbers 31 - Although the lesson of this chapter is overshadowed by the war, there are some very miraculous accomplishments.…
Numbers 26 - The census here marks a turning point in Israel's history. The first generation that was delivered from…
Numbers 20 - So... do you want the bad news or the worse news? Well, the bad news is that…
Numbers 18 - As mentioned in previous chapters, the Levites were given special authority and privileges among the spiritual duties…
Numbers 11 - Moses needed help, and God responded. The Lord commanded the gathering of 70 men from the elders…
Numbers 4 - Numbers 1 dealt with numbering the tribes. Numbers 2 was all about the ordering of the camps.…
Luke 24 Commentary by Brad Boyles Then he said to them, "These are the very things I told you about…
Luke 23 Commentary by Brad Boyles He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He did not open His mouth;…
Luke 22 Commentary by Brad Boyles A hotly debated topic from Luke 22 is the notorious "two swords" passage. A…
Luke 21 - Some speculate Jesus' warnings were to be interpreted for the people of that time and others speculate…
Luke 19 - In Chapter 19, Jesus tells the parable of the ten minas. A mina was 1/60 of a…
Luke 17 Commentary by Brad Boyles It is a common occurrence for people to be tripped up in this life.…
Luke 14 Commentary by Brad Boyles In Luke 14, Jesus visits a house of a chief Pharisee on the Sabbath.…
Luke 13 - Jewish belief at the time would have proclaimed that all Jews, except notorious sinners like tax collectors…
Luke 10 - The kingdom of God was sent out and manifest itself through the power of the 72 that…
Luke 9 Commentary by Brad Boyles Feeding of the 5,000 This sign/miracle of feeding the 5,000 is recorded in all…
Luke 8 Commentary by Brad Boyles Starting in verse 26 we see an amazing story of casting out a legion…
Song of Solomon 1 Commentary by Brad Boyles Just like the phrase "holy of holies" and "king of kings," Song…
Ezekiel 47 - If we read this chapter as a future prophecy of the end times, we get a picture…
Ezekiel 46 - First, this is a tough chapter to reconcile with our modernized Christian worldview. Second, there are many…
Ezekiel 43 - In chapters 8-11 of Ezekiel, we find the presence of the Lord leaving the temple. This was…
Ezekiel 40 - Ezekiel's ministry began with a vision of God. The last 9 chapters end with a vision for…
Ezekiel 35 - The land of Edom was just south of the Dead Sea. Located in Edom, we find Mount Seir.…