In 1 Samuel 2, Hannah offers a heartfelt prayer of praise while rejoicing in God's salvation, justice, and power over…
In 1 Samuel 1, a man named Elkanah from the hill country of Ephraim had two wives: Hannah (who was…
In Proverbs 1, the author identifies himself as Solomon, son of David and king of Israel. The Proverbs of Solomon…
In Ruth 4, Boaz meets the nearest kinsman at the city gate and presents the case of redeeming Elimelech’s property…
In Ruth 1, Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and their two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, leave Israel because of a famine…
In Judges 21, the Israelites mourned the desolation of the tribe of Benjamin and sought the Lord's guidance (Judges 21:1-4).…
In Judges 20, the 11 tribes of Israel gather at Mizpeh to address the murder of the Levite’s wife by…
In Judges 18, the Danite tribe was looking for land to settle in and sent five men to scout the…
In Judges 17, Micah, a man from the hill country of Ephraim, returns 1,100 pieces of silver to his mother…
In Judges 15, Samson visited his wife (from Judges 14) but found that her father had given her to another…
In Judges 14, Samson saw a Philistine woman in Timnah and demanded his parents arrange the marriage, despite their objections.…
In Judges 12, the Ephraimites confronted Jephthah angrily for not calling them to battle, threatening to burn his house (Judges…
In Judges 11, Jephthah, a warrior from Gilead and the son of a prostitute, was driven away by his half-brothers…
In Judges 9, Gideon's son Abimelech persuades the people of Shechem to make him king by arguing that it's better…
In Judges 8, Gideon was criticized by the men of Ephraim for not including them in the battle against Midian,…
Judges 5 is the Song of Deborah, a victory hymn sung by Deborah and Barak after Israel’s triumph over King…
Judges 4 recounts how Israel once again turned from the Lord after Ehud’s death. In response, God allowed King Jabin…
Judges 3 describes how the Lord left certain nations in Canaan to test Israel. These foreign nations would help determine…
Joshua 19 - When the people of Israel finished dividing up the land, they gave Joshua son of Nun a…
Joshua 15 - Joshua 15 details the land allocation for the tribe of Judah, highlighting Caleb's victories in Hebron and…
Joshua 14 - The rest of Joshua slows in pace with the land distribution becoming the focal point. However, we…
Joshua 11 - Let's set the backdrop. Joshua has just led Israel in defeating the cities in the south. News…
Joshua 10 - So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies.…
Joshua 8 - Joshua 7 left a bad taste in our mouths. After discovering the sin that had caused Israel…
Joshua 5 - There was a series of events that the Lord required of Joshua prior to conquering Jericho. Joshua…
Joshua 2 - It would not be an easy task to get a view of Jericho. Spies were sent by…
Ezekiel 19 - In this elegy, Ezekiel mourns the lion cubs (kings of Judah) who were brought up by the…
Ezekiel 17 - Let's start by getting an understanding of the allegory. The first great eagle represents Babylon, or, King…
Ezekiel 12 - "Son of man, what is this proverb you people have concerning the land of Israel, saying, 'The…
Ezekiel 10 - Think for a moment about the devastation caused by sin. This was not just a "mistake" or…
Acts 26 - In this chapter, Paul gives his most exhaustive and evangelistic appeal to Agrippa II. If you remember,…
Acts 24 - Paul now finds himself in limbo and at the mercy of the political system. He continues to…
Acts 12 - King Herod never saw it coming. The grandson of the infamous Herod the Great was part of…
Acts 10 - Many people like to ask the question, can you be saved if you are a genuine seeker…
Lamentations 4 - With graphic detail, Jeremiah describes all the ways in which his people suffered during the Babylonian attack…
Lamentations 2 - In the second chapter of Lamentations, God expresses His hatred for sin. It's important for us to…
Leviticus 4 - While the peace offering in Leviticus 3 was optional, the sin offering was mandatory. The sin offering,…
Revelation 19 - After this I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven,…
Revelation 18 - Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is…
Revelation 17 - We have already reiterated it over many chapters, but Rome stood proudly as a pagan symbol against…
Revelation 16 - The continuity of the seals and the trumpets is broken up with the bowls as they move…
Revelation 15 - The divine judgment which was revealed by the seals and proclaimed by the trumpets will now be…
Revelation 14 - First question I asked myself... who is Babylon? John, again, is writing symbolically here. Literal Babylon was…
Revelation 11 - I think a major issue with Revelation 11 is the fact that it relies heavily on Revelation…
Revelation 8 - Continuing on the theme from Chapter 7, John either heard or saw something with every seal that…
Revelation 7 - God’s primary motive in our hearts has always been this: transformation. I think it's important to understand…
Revelation 6 - I grew up in Berne, Indiana which sits directly on top of the continental divide. If you…
Revelation 5 - The Scroll In ancient times, the Romans would seal their wills seven times. Each wax seal usually…
Revelation 3 - Lukewarm I remember several years ago going to a music festival in Kentucky called Ichthus. It was…
Revelation 2 - Although these letters are addressed to specific congregations in the first century, I believe they are representative…
Revelation 1 - The comparison game. We all do it. When life throws us unpredictable storms, (and especially when we…
Jeremiah 48 - Moab can trace its ancestry all the way back to Lot. Historically, Israel and Moab experienced times…
Jeremiah 46 - Just as God promised, He outlines some of the details that will take place as Babylon prepares…
Jeremiah 41 - The scene here in chapter 41 is reminiscent of a Hollywood blockbuster action movie. The nation is…
Jeremiah 39 - After 2 ½ years of the people watching and wondering when the Babylonian army would penetrate their…
Jeremiah 38 - The brutality against Jeremiah is taken a step further. Led by officials, they inquired with the king…
Jeremiah 37 - If you have been following along in Jeremiah you may be confused at how the chapters skip…
Jeremiah 36 - Anyone could argue that God knew what was going to happen to these people. He knew their…
Jeremiah 34 - Every 7 years slaves were to be released. This had been an ordinance God had established hundreds…
Jeremiah 32 - This chapter essentially reiterates the destruction we've known will come upon Jerusalem and the peace and prosperity…
Jeremiah 31 - There is a lot going on in this chapter, and it can seem kind of confusing. I…
Jeremiah 27 - It is fascinating to me to see the way that God is handling wayward Judah in these…
Jeremiah 24 - Captivity has now set in and Jeremiah is once again given a message as to the fate…
Jeremiah 23 - In this chapter, we see God really target the people in positions of leadership among the Jews.…
Jeremiah 22 - God has a message and it will be delivered. It may not come the way we expected.…
Jeremiah 21 - It has finally happened. Babylon is bearing down on Judah and God is allowing it to happen.…
2 Chronicles 36 - The LORD, the God of their fathers, sent word to them again and again by His…
2 Chronicles 35 - Armchair Quarterback (noun) a person who offers advice or an opinion on something in which they…
2 Chronicles 34 - In this chapter, we have a brilliant example of what happens to us when we neglect…
2 Chronicles 33 - Sometimes it has to hurt in order to draw genuine Godly repentance. It's not a concept…
2 Chronicles 32 - There are times in my spiritual walk when I simply want to take a break. Although…
2 Chronicles 31 - What we notice about the kings of the past two books (1 & 2 Chronicles) is…
2 Chronicles 30 - Hezekiah wanted to do the right thing. He believed that Israel and Judah should come back…
2 Chronicles 29 - In the first month... There were many decisions that needed attention when coming into power as…
2 Chronicles 28 - Wow. What a chapter. Where do we begin? There are times in Scripture where we read…
2 Chronicles 27 - The people continued in rebellion under Jotham. Although he was a faithful king, he did have…
2 Chronicles 26 - It may not seem like a big deal to us, but in that time, it was…
2 Chronicles 25 - Amaziah is another example of someone who followed the Lord nominally but did not fully commit…
2 Chronicles 24 - But after the death of Jehoiada the officials of Judah came and bowed down to the…
2 Chronicles 23 - The drama surrounding this messianic promise is an interesting story. The offspring of David's line had…
2 Chronicles 22 - The family tree of Jehoshaphat and Ahab can get overwhelming. If you are reading and getting…
2 Chronicles 21 - There is a simple question with a simple answer. What's the cost? When you look at…
2 Chronicles 20 - Did God command his people to go into battle singing? I read this over and over…
2 Chronicles 19 - Jehoshaphat was a spiritual leader. Other than David or Solomon, he restored the nation to a…
2 Chronicles 18 - Would you rather be a well-liked king or a ridiculed prophet? In a bizarre revelation, God…
2 Chronicles 17 - Leadership has a trickle-down effect. Judah or Israel had not seen a king like Jehoshaphat since…
2 Chronicles 16 - There is so much in this chapter that is personal and meaningful for me. As someone…
2 Chronicles 15 - Several years ago my wife was trying to get me onboard with adoption. Shamefully, I was…
2 Chronicles 14 - The attack that comes upon Israel is from the Ethiopians but that is deceiving. During this…
2 Chronicles 13 - After reading this chapter, I am reminded of a common situation we have all encountered. It's…
2 Chronicles 12 - Rehoboam did what was evil, because he did not determine in his heart to seek the…
2 Chronicles 11 - I hate to be pessimistic, but here in Chapter 11, we have bad going to worse.…
2 Chronicles 10 - It seems like this whole situation began to unravel in such a short period of time.…
2 Chronicles 9 - Jesus actually spoke of this encounter between the Queen of Sheba and Solomon. In Matthew 12…
2 Chronicles 5 - There are moments when God shows up in a mighty way and we are simply called…
2 Chronicles 3 - The effort and detail Solomon and his people put into the newly constructed temple was simply…
2 Chronicles 2 - Solomon knew the dwelling place for God would not do Him justice. He makes this statement…
2 Chronicles 1 - Solomon commanded the people to go to a high place of worship at Gibeon. This was…
1 Chronicles 29 - 1 Chronicles 29:25 GNB The LORD made the whole nation stand in awe of Solomon, and…
1 Chronicles 28 - Loyalty of heart. I once had a pastor give me advice on how to preach a…