1 Kings 22 - What's the deal with Ramoth-Gilead and why did they want it back? Ramoth was a Levitical…
Genesis 39 - Set against the backdrop of Joseph's brother Judah pursuing a harlot who was actually his daughter-in-law, here…
Genesis 38 - Social media has become a giant in today's culture. It's a place you can project the best…
Genesis 27 - What a story! As a Chicago fan, this is kind of like watching the Green Bay Packers…
Genesis 23 - It is significant that the age of Sarah is given when she dies. This is not the…
Genesis 19 - I find it interesting that there were two angels sent to Lot's house to save four people.…
Genesis 2 - Sometimes we fall into the trap of believing that God's wrath is greater than His grace. In…
Genesis 1 - In his book, The Good Book, author Deron Spoo gives us perspective on what we should treasure…
John 18 - "While human politics is based on the premise that society must be changed in order to change…
John 14 - Sometimes theology can overcomplicate the simple words of Jesus. In John 14, Jesus plainly states exactly what…
John 12 - Here in John 12, we are once again drawn to how Jesus' words and actions were in…
Esther 6 - Generally speaking, we tend to fall into one of two categories. Either we are detail-oriented thinkers or…
Nehemiah 12 - A few years ago a woman in town asked Hank and I to come over and cleanse…
Nehemiah 2 - Nehemiah had a rather... uh... interesting position in the royal court. He was the cupbearer and personal…
Hebrews 5 - First, let's just point out that this chapter is deep! Here in Hebrews 5, we see two…
Hebrews 2 - For in bringing many sons to glory, it was entirely appropriate that God—all things exist for Him…
Malachi 2 - God starts with the priests and then works His way down to marriage and divorce in this…
Zechariah 14 - In Philippians, Paul urges the church to "hold onto the truth we have attained." This means as…
Zechariah 6 - The scene here is connected, though it might not seem like it on the surface. In the…
Zechariah 2 - There is so much we could unpack in this short chapter of only 13 verses. It is…
Zechariah 1 - According to many scholars, Zechariah is the most messianic, apocalyptic, and end times descriptive book of the…
Zephaniah 2 - Urgency. Do you sense it? Are you living it? There are two massive truth bombs that come…
Micah 7 - Consider the similarities of Micah's world and our world today... There is undesirable fruit all around Everyone…
Micah 6 - Micah uses a sarcastic exaggeration to illustrate the hardness of the people's hearts. What shall I bring…
Jonah 3 - God's mercy is on full display here. God showed mercy to Jonah and called him to deliver…
Hosea 7 - "Two-faced and double-tongued,they steal you blind, pick you clean.It never crosses their mindthat I keep account of…
Daniel 12 - The prophetic events that Daniel witnesses are most likely referring to the end times. Here is what…
Daniel 8 - This chapter is one of the most controversial and heavily debated chapters in all the Bible. However,…
Daniel 4 - What do we make of these 7 years when King Neb lost his mind? "There is, understandably,…
2 Corinthians 12 - Paul's patience is evident in this chapter. The super apostles of Corinth could not stop talking…
2 Corinthians 11 - "A story is told about a dinner party where the guests were expected to stand after…
2 Corinthians 9 - Paul sarcastically (playfully) urges the Corinthians toward giving in verses 1-5. He mentions that they will…
2 Corinthians 5 - When Jesus took the form of a man, He stepped down from Heaven and entered into…
2 Corinthians 4 - Why jars of clay? "The Greek word means "baked clay," and refers to clay pots. They…
2 Corinthians 3 - The Corinthians, like many today, wanted written proof of Paul's legitimacy as an apostle. Like a…
1 Corinthians 1 - Paul, called as an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Sosthenes our…
Psalm 148 - It is a word that has become obsolete in many Christian circles. Sin. The rebellion of man…
Psalm 146 - Psalms 146:3 NASB Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.…
Psalm 133 - Through Jesus, the Holy Spirit has been poured out over us. Like a priest who would be…
Psalm 126 - Dr. J. Vernon McGee writes... "The Psalms are full of Christ. There is a more complete picture…
Psalm 124 - The storms that God allows only further serves to reveal His power and glory within. When we…
Psalm 120 - "The Meshechites were presumably descended from Meshech, a grandson of Noah through Japheth (Gen 10:2; 1Ch 1:5).…
Psalm 113 - Music connects with every person on the planet. More than likely, all of us can identify with…
Psalm 110 - Psalm 110 might be quoted more frequently in the NT than any other Psalm. The Lord declared…
Psalm 104 - Let the glory of the LORD endure forever; Let the LORD be glad in His works; 32 …
Psalm 99 - God is holy. Let them praise Your great and awe-inspiring name. He is holy. Psalms 99:3 HCSB…
Psalm 98 - Do we actually praise and worship God for His judgment? Let the sea and all that fills…
Psalm 97 - When we look back at Scripture, we see just how holy God really is. Anyone who came…
Psalm 96 - "Sing to the LORD a new song; Sing to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Sing to…
Psalm 87 - "I shall mention Rahab and Babylon among those who know Me; Behold, Philistia and Tyre with Ethiopia:…
Psalm 84 - A very wise woman (Mona Jean Workman) used to describe the highs and lows of her life…
Psalm 80 - There are some aspects to growth that can only happen in community. This is the central theme…
Psalm 78 - Coming off the heels of Psalm 77 where we are to remember God's faithfulness, we now move…
Psalm 71 - As an older man, David's primary concern in this Psalm is that he is protected and never…
Psalm 69 - Unto You be all the glory, Lord. Have we ever stopped to consider what this really means?…
Psalm 60 - Defeat is never easy. Never. But since Jesus took on sin and death and triumphed over it…
Psalm 53 - When God looks down from heaven at humanity, He's not looking at innocent people. He's looking at…
Psalm 51 - It is known as "The Sinner's Guide" and contains some of the most quoted verses in all…
Psalm 49 - Death. No one can escape it. It is a certainty that all of humanity agrees upon regardless…
Psalm 47 - In Psalm 47, I am drawn to God's sovereign choosing... He chose our heritage for us, the…
Psalm 45 - Psalms 45:3-5 describes our Savior Jesus Christ returning as a Warrior Gird your sword on your thigh,…
Psalm 31 - How do we move from anguish and sorrow to trust and assurance? People have smeared your name.…
Psalm 28 - What does it mean to trust in the Rock of our Salvation? David uses the phrase "My…
Psalm 26 - The key to Psalm 26, as Hank has written, is the second verse. If you read through…
Psalm 24 - Psalm 24 was written to be chanted/recited and comes with two choruses. It would have been sung…
Psalm 23 - Psalm 23 is known as the shepherd's psalm. Composed by David as a youth, he was keeping…
Psalm 22 - "I know not whether any Psalm throughout the whole book contains matter more weighty, or from which…
Psalm 20 - Already, but not yet. What a difficult attitude to have. How do you move from crying out…
Psalm 16 - Inheritance is something that's found extensively in Scripture. David writes of this inheritance in verse 5. The…
Psalm 15 - The term "Christian" can mean many different things. Some people immediately think of a moral person who…
Psalm 14 - When the psalmist refers to the unbeliever as a fool, he isn't insulting his intelligence. It's a…
Psalm 2 - This royal psalm was a familiar one, as it was recited often by God's followers. We read…
Mark 16 - The Great Commission is important. So important, in fact, that we find it 5 times in the…
Mark 11 - The Pharisees were reeling. Jesus had just cleansed the Temple and done it with supreme authority. Aside…
Mark 9 - We all know the greatest commandment according to Jesus. Here's a refresher... "Love the Lord your God…
Mark 7 - Judaism during Jesus' time not only put an emphasis on the written law (the Old Testament) but…
Mark 4 - The Purpose of the Parables By utilizing parables as His primary vehicle for delivering "the secrets of…
Deuteronomy 32 - Look at all the names Moses ascribed to God in one song! the Rock: Deu 31:4; Deu…
Deuteronomy 25 - "Do not muzzle an ox when you are using it to thresh grain." Deuteronomy 25:4 GNB On…
Deuteronomy 23 - As we've written many times in Deuteronomy, these laws can seem foreign to us. In some ways,…
Deuteronomy 22 - Many of these laws seem outdated or inapplicable to our modern culture. Furthermore, one might say that…
Deuteronomy 18 - "God said..." It's a phrase that has permeated our Christian culture. It's a statement that flies out…
Deuteronomy 5 - False teachers love to cherry-pick verses and twist the context to their liking. A perfect example of…
Ecclesiastes 5 - Fear God. Not exactly a popular message these days. You don't hear many sermons on the fear…
Numbers 30 - Keep in mind that ancient vows could be both positive and negative. They may be to motivate…
Numbers 28 - God was teaching the Israelites what it meant to have a heart full of love for Him.…
Numbers 26 - The census here marks a turning point in Israel's history. The first generation that was delivered from…
Numbers 22 - In 1967, archeaologists uncovered an inscription dating back to the eighth-century B.C. in the city of Jordan…
Numbers 18 - As mentioned in previous chapters, the Levites were given special authority and privileges among the spiritual duties…
Numbers 11 - Moses needed help, and God responded. The Lord commanded the gathering of 70 men from the elders…
Luke 23 Commentary by Brad Boyles He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He did not open His mouth;…
Luke 21 - Some speculate Jesus' warnings were to be interpreted for the people of that time and others speculate…
Luke 18 - Have you ever uttered these phrases? “Well, I’m not really that bad.” “I’m not as bad as…
Luke 17 Commentary by Brad Boyles It is a common occurrence for people to be tripped up in this life.…
Luke 16 Commentary by Brad Boyles At the end of Luke 16, we read a fascinating story contrasting the rich…
Luke 14 Commentary by Brad Boyles In Luke 14, Jesus visits a house of a chief Pharisee on the Sabbath.…
Luke 13 - Jewish belief at the time would have proclaimed that all Jews, except notorious sinners like tax collectors…
Luke 10 - The kingdom of God was sent out and manifest itself through the power of the 72 that…
Luke 8 Commentary by Brad Boyles Starting in verse 26 we see an amazing story of casting out a legion…
Luke 6 Commentary by Brad Boyles And Jesus said to them, "I ask you, is it lawful to do good…