good samaritan

4 posts

Psalm 147

Psalm 147

Psalm 147 – Psalm 147 – It begins and ends with “Praise the Lord!” In 20 verses we read of the overarching protection and preservation of His people…

Psalms 15

Psalm 15

Psalm 15 – In an entrance liturgy to the temple, Psalm 15 poses a question, gives a response and is followed by a promise. The faith of the Israelite’s…

Deuteronomy 24

Deuteronomy 24

Deuteronomy 24 – Compassion and fairness were 2 things God called His people and still does today to live and reflect.  Hearkening the people of Israel to remember all…

Deuteronomy 22

Deuteronomy 22

Deuteronomy 22 – “Finders keepers, losers weepers” or so the childhood rhyme goes. In so many ways, God’s laws were practical.  His purpose was for His people to exercise…