Ezekiel 42

Ezekiel 42
Ezekiel 42 - The visual created by this chapter draws special interest. From a bird's-eye view, the design of the temple itself had many layers with different levels of holiness. Inside was the holy of holies where ...

Ezekiel 37

Ezekiel 37
Ezekiel 37 - The phrase, "I will be their God and they will be my people" is a familiar phrase. We read it here in Ezekiel as an analogy for how God will unify both Israel and ...

Ezekiel 34

Ezekiel 34
Ezekiel 34 - There are so many false teachers out there who twist the message of the Bible to have personal and selfish benefits. Muddled behind spiritual words is a subtle self-glorifying message. Ultimately, the concern is ...

Ezekiel 23

Ezekiel 23
Ezekiel 23 - "Playing harlot" can generally refer to any type of sinful behavior. In this case, it would be idol worship and trust in foreign nations that would seal Judah's fate. Specifically, in verses 11-14, Ezekiel ...