Deuteronomy 19

Deuteronomy 19
Deuteronomy 19 - We find the familiar "eye for an eye" passage in Deuteronomy 19. In such cases show no mercy; the punishment is to be a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a ...

Deuteronomy 3

Deuteronomy 3
Deuteronomy 3 - They told Moses, "We explored the land and found it to be rich and fertile; and here is some of its fruit. 28 But the people who live there are powerful, and their cities ...

Numbers 19

Numbers 19
Numbers 19 - It's a tricky task to explain the uncleanliness laws in our modern context. On one hand, being ritually unclean mirrored our fallen sin condition. Being human, we inevitably find ourselves stained with sin and ...

Numbers 4

Numbers 4
Numbers 4 - Numbers 1 dealt with numbering the tribes. Numbers 2 was all about the ordering of the camps. Numbers 3 introduced us to the duties of the priests and Levites. Now, in Numbers 4, it ...

Song of Solomon 7

Song of Solomon 7
Song of Solomon 7 Commentary by Brad Boyles In today's culture, being liberated is often defined as being free from marriage. Many today would rather scrap the old marriage and move on to something new and exciting. But in Song ...

Ezekiel 39

Ezekiel 39
Ezekiel 39 - Until the time that Jerusalem fell, the message of Ezekiel was negative and full of judgment. Now, God turns His attention towards hope. There would be a new spirit, new leadership, and a new ...

Ezekiel 35

Ezekiel 35
Ezekiel 35 - The land of Edom was just south of the Dead Sea. Located in Edom, we find Mount Seir. This would be the Edomites' stronghold as they were the people of Esau. Historically, the Edomites and ...

Ezekiel 31

Ezekiel 31
Ezekiel 31 - The cedars of Lebanon were highly esteemed as symbols of excellence and domination. They towered up to 80 feet in height and were thick with spreading branches. God says not even the trees of ...

Ezekiel 28

Ezekiel 28
Ezekiel 28 - This chapter raises a lot of questions. From where did Ezekiel derive his imagery used in this chapter? Was it from Genesis? Furthermore, who is the king of Tyre being compared to? It seems ...

Ezekiel 25

Ezekiel 25
Ezekiel 25 - It's easy to read the first 24 chapters of Ezekiel and think that God is only concerned with punishing His own people. This is not the case. He has demonstrated from the beginning of ...