In Ruth 4, Boaz meets the nearest kinsman at the city gate and presents the case of redeeming Elimelech’s property…
In Judges 9, Gideon's son Abimelech persuades the people of Shechem to make him king by arguing that it's better…
Joshua 1 - The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years due to a lack of faith and a…
Deuteronomy 26 - Once again we enter into an Old Testament story which has significant implications for how we understand…
Ezekiel 20 - For a good part of my adult life, I chased after the hopes and dreams of man.…
Ezekiel 15 - The grapevine was of utmost importance to the agriculture of ancient Israel. Coming off the heels of…
Acts 25 - The reason Paul was able to appeal to Caesar and the higher court was because he was…
Acts 19 - Paul in Ephesus is a great reminder for our churches today. From his investment, we know that…
Acts 15 - The first question we want to know is, who was right and who was wrong between Paul…
Acts 6 - We really have two storylines going on here. We have a great leadership move and a great…
Leviticus 18 - We see consistency in the NT with all of these laws found in Leviticus 18. Incest, idolatry,…
Leviticus 2 - The grain or cereal offering of the OT symbolized man's work for God. The offering would be…
Revelation 22 - Tree of Life The final chapter of the Bible bookends the story that God started in the…
Revelation 9 - The 5th Trumpet The 5th trumpet releases a key to open the abyss. Many scholars believe this…
Revelation 3 - Lukewarm I remember several years ago going to a music festival in Kentucky called Ichthus. It was…
Revelation 2 - Although these letters are addressed to specific congregations in the first century, I believe they are representative…
Jeremiah 45 - This is a flashback to the 4th year of Jehoiakim so it's not happening here alongside the…
Jeremiah 39 - After 2 ½ years of the people watching and wondering when the Babylonian army would penetrate their…
Jeremiah 37 - If you have been following along in Jeremiah you may be confused at how the chapters skip…
Jeremiah 23 - In this chapter, we see God really target the people in positions of leadership among the Jews.…
Jeremiah 17 - Does the Bible encourage us to "follow our heart?" What we find in chapter 17 of Jeremiah…
2 Chronicles 35 - Armchair Quarterback (noun) a person who offers advice or an opinion on something in which they…
2 Chronicles 24 - But after the death of Jehoiada the officials of Judah came and bowed down to the…
Isaiah 36 - The goal of the enemy is to render us hopeless in the face of our circumstances. The…
Isaiah 35 - The promise at the end of the chapter is beautiful. There will be no lion there, and…
Isaiah 33 - The book of Isaiah is very clear. Trust in nations; destruction. Trust in God alone; deliverance. The…
Isaiah 32 - Isaiah's description of a true king is exactly what we all desire. He is righteous, just, and…
Isaiah 27 - This chapter, as a whole, is about the destruction of Israel's enemies. The smaller story line, however,…
Isaiah 25 - Following a chapter on the destruction and judgment of God, we read a deeply personal appeal to…
Isaiah 5 - Six woes are given to the nation of Israel starting in verse 8. The woes include greed,…
Isaiah 4 - Isaiah 4:2 describes the Branch of the Lord. The time is coming when the LORD will make…
Philippians 4 - As I introduced in my commentary on Philippians 1, we read in Chapter 4 that this church…
Philippians 3 - Have you ever met someone who always tries to one-up you? No matter how the story goes,…
Galatians 5 - The fruit of keeping the law is exposed here in Galatians 5. According to Paul, the devotion…
1 John 5 - At the time of this writing, John was battling the incredible deception that had come against…
1 John 4 - When I worked in the computer software industry, I became familiar with the latest viruses and…
Job 37 - We experience and come to know God through Scripture. Another place we come to know Him is…
Job 36 - God is the most patient, relentless, and loving Father we will ever encounter. Unfortunately, many people of…
Job 26 - I remember a story one time where I was in a counseling session with a pastor. We…
Job 25 - Well, there is not much here that we haven't already heard. Bildad sums up with "God is…
Ezra 2 - Why was genealogy so important to the Jews? We see this many times in Scripture and often…
Matthew 13 - Here in Matthew 13, there are so many great parables it is hard to just reflect on…
Matthew 12 - This chapter contains the controversial "unpardonable sin" which involves blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The first question…
Matthew 7 - Judge not so you will not be judged. What was Jesus getting at here? This is a…
Proverbs 27 - "As water reflects the face, so the heart reflects the person. 20 Sheol and Abaddon are never…
Proverbs 26 - I'm going to analyze verse 4 in comparison to verse 5. Here are both of the verses…
Proverbs 25 - "If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him…
Proverbs 22 - "The rich and the poor have this in common: the LORD made them both." Proverbs 22:2 HCSB …
Proverbs 13 - "Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals."" 1 Corinthians 15:33 HCSB Through God's pursuit of…
2 Peter 2 - 2 Peter 2 opens by describing two different kinds of false people within the church. Maybe…
1 Peter 1 - It is beneficial to explore the interesting background on the book of Peter. First, many scholars…
Titus 3 - Have you ever been involved in a foolish conversation? How about an endless quarrel about a technicality?…
Titus 2 - Years ago, I remember a conversation I was having with a group of teenagers when suddenly the…
2 Samuel 11 - Most of us know the story of 2 Samuel 11. David's sin and repentance are well-documented.…
1 Samuel 25 - As well as David reacted to having a moment with Saul to himself, he backtracks with…
1 Samuel 19 - Saul has tried everything by this point. He will not be satisfied until David is dead.…
1 Samuel 12 - When our vision is blinded to reality, sometimes the most effective reminder comes from God flexing…
2 Timothy 3 - We have already seen it mentioned times over the last several chapters, but Paul once again…
1 Timothy 1 - The Same Old False Doctrine Paul comes out swinging against false teachers. We find out in…
Romans 7 - What is the purpose of the law? In Romans 6 we saw the law cannot make us…
Romans 6 - Grigori Rasputin was a Russian mystic and self-proclaimed "holy man" who claimed to speak on behalf of…
2 Kings 13 - What’s the context here? Well, as we have read, 2 Kings is a terrible time for…
1 Kings 21 - When Elijah finished speaking, Ahab tore his clothes, took them off, and put on sackcloth. He…
1 Kings 19 - The events in 1 Kings 19 could be known as "The Pastor's Chapter." After the triumphant,…
Genesis 4 - I'll be honest, this story has always confused me. Why was Abel's offering acceptable to God but…
Genesis 3 - Blatant evil is not our greatest threat as believers; it is deceptive evil wrapped in a package…
John 15 - "It makes no sense to me!" the woman proclaimed. "I can't comprehend the concept of one way…
John 10 - The entire book of John has drawn us into the reality that Jesus is His own person,…
John 8 - It would not be a stretch to call this the "chapter of traps." After trying to get…
Nehemiah 6 - Nehemiah is determined to fulfill the Lord's work and rebuild the walls despite facing every obstacle imaginable…
Hebrews 12 - Dear Weary Christ-Follower, Read Hebrews 12:3-17 Which is worse, the weight of sin or the discipline of…
Hebrews 4 - The Law demanded perfection. This was the standard accomplished by Jesus. Despite our best efforts, we don't…
Hebrews 3 - At one point in the '90s, Michael Jordan, Bo Jackson, and Andre Agassi all had an Official…
Zechariah 14 - In Philippians, Paul urges the church to "hold onto the truth we have attained." This means as…
Zechariah 8 - Oh my! There are few verses more worthy of our desperate pursuit than Zechariah 8:6. The verse…
Zechariah 7 - What kind of motives do we have for the rituals and traditions we hold onto? by asking…
Zechariah 5 - Even though the Jewish people were brought back to their land, were forgiven of their sins, and…
Haggai 2 - The main event of Haggai is the rebuilding of the temple, however, there are other several other…
Habakkuk 3 - O LORD, I have heard of what you have done, and I am filled with awe. Now…
Micah 7 - Consider the similarities of Micah's world and our world today... There is undesirable fruit all around Everyone…
Amos 9 - Within the judgment of Amos, there is hope to be found. There is always hope with God…
Amos 8 - What can be more susceptible to rot and disease than ripened fruit? There is a short window…
Amos 4 - My most interesting takeaway from this passage is simply the accountability to which God claims full responsibility…
Hosea 14 - Many people today worship their own abilities and accomplishments. For others, it is their intellect. Still others…
Hosea 10 - Their hearts were faithless, devious, and deceitful. The KJV and Jewish Bible translate verse 2 using a…
Hosea 7 - "Two-faced and double-tongued,they steal you blind, pick you clean.It never crosses their mindthat I keep account of…
2 Corinthians 13 - When Paul first visited Corinth and established the church, he stayed a year and six months.…
2 Corinthians 7 - "If one gives up easily, they can never walk in repentance, though they may perform acts…
2 Corinthians 3 - The Corinthians, like many today, wanted written proof of Paul's legitimacy as an apostle. Like a…
1 Corinthians 5 - Paul once again comes out swinging against the Corinthians for their immorality and tolerance. Interestingly, his…
Psalm 146 - Psalms 146:3 NASB Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.…
Psalm 140 - When we go to God in our afflictions, we can rest knowing that He hears us. We…
Psalm 139 - Consider the fruit of knowing God and acknowledging that He knows us. Before pursuing God, we pursued…
Psalm 128 - "I'm so blessed." We hear this phrase often in our culture. It's not that I don't believe…
Psalm 127 - According to J. Vernon McGee, this psalm has been used on several important occasions. It was used…
Psalm 124 - The storms that God allows only further serves to reveal His power and glory within. When we…
Psalm 120 - "The Meshechites were presumably descended from Meshech, a grandson of Noah through Japheth (Gen 10:2; 1Ch 1:5).…
Psalm 118 - Many scholars believe that Psalm 118 was written during Moses' day in the Exodus. If you compare…
Psalm 115 - Israel, trust in the LORD! He is their help and shield. 10 House of Aaron, trust in…
Psalm 92 - The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.…