Numbers 26 - The census here marks a turning point in Israel's history. The first generation that was delivered from…
Numbers 22 - In 1967, archeaologists uncovered an inscription dating back to the eighth-century B.C. in the city of Jordan…
Numbers 21 - Take a moment and think about the times in your life that you've been sorry about something.…
Numbers 16 - Numbers 16 is part of a much bigger picture of Moses' leadership of Israel. This rollercoaster of…
Numbers 15 - Nestled in the middle of this chapter is a bizarre story for our modern society. A man…
Numbers 14 - Jumping to conclusions. We do it all the time. I'm guilty of it, and so are you.…
Numbers 13 - We finally arrive at the "meat and potatoes" of the book of Numbers. The Israelites were to…
Numbers 10 - Then Moses said to Hobab the son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses' father-in-law, "We are setting out…
Numbers 4 - Numbers 1 dealt with numbering the tribes. Numbers 2 was all about the ordering of the camps.…
Numbers 1 - Lists of names... census figures... what is this all about? The Book of Numbers takes place just…
Luke 24 Commentary by Brad Boyles Then he said to them, "These are the very things I told you about…
Luke 22 Commentary by Brad Boyles A hotly debated topic from Luke 22 is the notorious "two swords" passage. A…
Luke 20 - Some of the scribes answered and said, "Teacher, You have spoken well." 40 For they did not…
Luke 18 - Have you ever uttered these phrases? “Well, I’m not really that bad.” “I’m not as bad as…
Luke 17 Commentary by Brad Boyles It is a common occurrence for people to be tripped up in this life.…
Luke 16 Commentary by Brad Boyles At the end of Luke 16, we read a fascinating story contrasting the rich…
Luke 13 - Jewish belief at the time would have proclaimed that all Jews, except notorious sinners like tax collectors…
Luke 11 - Packed into three verses here in the middle of the chapter is an unbelievable amount of depth…
Luke 7 Commentary by Brad Boyles We see a very powerful indicator of the faith that this centurion soldier had…
Luke 5 - But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray. Luke 5:16 NASB On the…
Luke 4 - The entire chapter here in Luke 4 captures the struggle for power and authority. Jesus' temptation, obviously,…
Luke 1 Commentary by Brad Boyles Who made the most significant contribution to the New Testament in terms of total…
Song of Solomon 8 Commentary by Brad Boyles As Hank has written, this chapter is the 1 Corinthians 13 of…
Ezekiel 41 - The previous chapters of condemnation were hard to swallow. They were, however, necessary. Now, we have entered…
Ezekiel 32 - There is really not much to say here other than what has been said over and over…
Ezekiel 25 - It's easy to read the first 24 chapters of Ezekiel and think that God is only concerned…
Ezekiel 24 - Ministry is hard. And I don't just mean formal ministry positions. I really mean following Jesus is…
Ezekiel 23 - "Playing harlot" can generally refer to any type of sinful behavior. In this case, it would be…