Jeremiah 4 - Judah’s lovers have become her murderers. And you, O desolate one, what will you do? Although you…
2 Chronicles 29 - In the first month... There were many decisions that needed attention when coming into power as…
2 Chronicles 28 - Wow. What a chapter. Where do we begin? There are times in Scripture where we read…
2 Chronicles 24 - But after the death of Jehoiada the officials of Judah came and bowed down to the…
2 Chronicles 21 - There is a simple question with a simple answer. What's the cost? When you look at…
2 Chronicles 20 - Did God command his people to go into battle singing? I read this over and over…
2 Chronicles 12 - Rehoboam did what was evil, because he did not determine in his heart to seek the…
2 Chronicles 9 - Jesus actually spoke of this encounter between the Queen of Sheba and Solomon. In Matthew 12…
2 Chronicles 7 - The temptation of reading this promise from God is to universally apply it to national and…
1 Chronicles 26 - The house of God in verse 20 referred to a place where treasuries and gifts would…
1 Chronicles 14 - Following on the same theme from 1 Chronicles 13, we now see David correcting his previous…
1 Chronicles 10 - The Philistines Who were the Philistines? They were sea-faring people who immigrated from the island of…
1 Chronicles 9 - Psalms 99:5-6 ESV Exalt the LORD our God; worship at his footstool! Holy is he! 6…
1 Chronicles 5 - For many fell, because the war was of God. And they lived in their place until…
1 Chronicles 4 - I also find the mentioning of Jabez to be fascinating in this long list of names.…
Isaiah 65 - God has made Himself available. He is standing with arms outstretched ready to help His people. God…
Isaiah 55 - Faith in Jesus without a life filled with Jesus' attitude and behavior is no life of faith…
Isaiah 45 - Exodus 33:20 NASB But He said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me…
Isaiah 43 - Should we forget the past or remember it? This is a troubling question. On the surface, it…
Isaiah 40 - The theme of chapters 7-39 focuses directly on the punishment of God. It's easy to read this…
Isaiah 37 - Much of what Isaiah has written leading up to this point has been about the rebellion of…
Isaiah 36 - The goal of the enemy is to render us hopeless in the face of our circumstances. The…
Isaiah 35 - The promise at the end of the chapter is beautiful. There will be no lion there, and…
Isaiah 26 - Disease. Affliction. Poverty. The kingdom of man wrestles with the birth pains of this world. The city…
Isaiah 25 - Following a chapter on the destruction and judgment of God, we read a deeply personal appeal to…
Isaiah 24 - The somber truth is that our world is headed for judgment. In the end, God will reign.…
Isaiah 21 - A shared truth sticks out over the past few chapters of Isaiah. All the main players surrounding…
Isaiah 20 - Let's first set the stage. Coming on the heels of Isaiah 19 and the oracle concerning Egypt,…
Isaiah 19 - What do we use to replace God in our lives? It's really a thought-provoking question. The temptation…
Isaiah 18 - I believe that chapter 18 is an expansion of Isaiah 17:12-14. The flow between the two chapters…
Isaiah 16 - Though Moab's nation was broken to pieces, they had far more hope through Salvation than did Babylon…
Isaiah 15 - Moab was the region on the east side of the Dead Sea. The total land surface would…
Isaiah 7 - War has broken out and Jerusalem is under attack. Amazingly, God shows King Ahaz mercy by commanding…
Isaiah 2 - The first five verses of this chapter relate to the future Messiah and hint at the admission…
Colossians 4 - A very practical and important set of instructions are given here by Paul on how we should…
Colossians 3 - Ironically, the ethics listed here in Colossians 3 are not foreign to the Jewish law. No one…
Colossians 2 - Think of it in these terms. Any philosopher, theologian, scientist, professor or quantum physicist, whether Christian or…
Colossians 1 - Who has ever seen God? Jesus answered this question. "Lord," said Philip, "show us the Father, and…
Philippians 4 - As I introduced in my commentary on Philippians 1, we read in Chapter 4 that this church…
Philippians 3 - Have you ever met someone who always tries to one-up you? No matter how the story goes,…
Philippians 2 - Paul's opening in Philippians 2 follows a delicate and precise structure. He opens with "Therefore" and unfortunately…
Ephesians 6 - It all begins with Psalm 82:1. God presides in the heavenly council; in the assembly of the…
Ephesians 5 - For this reason, it says, "Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead, And Christ will shine on…
Ephesians 4 - And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as…
Ephesians 3 - It's one of my favorite prayers in Scripture. Ephesians 3:14-21. Once you really see and experience how…
Ephesians 2 - Many of us today live under the illusion that we simply can’t change. Hidden deep under a…
Ephesians 1 - The readers of this letter in Paul's day would have received a rolled up scroll that required…
Galatians 5 - The fruit of keeping the law is exposed here in Galatians 5. According to Paul, the devotion…
Galatians 4 - I admit that sometimes I get so caught up in my own wants and needs that I…
Galatians 3 - Correction is tough. Nobody wants to be corrected. It can be humiliating and degrading. Furthermore, the person…
Galatians 2 - As we read in Chapter 1 of Galatians, Paul's message that he was delivering to the Gentiles…
Galatians 1 - Just like we see today in the political sphere, Paul was battling against two extreme views within…
Exodus 40 - The glory of God came down and dwelled in the constructed tent. Previously, when God came near…
Exodus 33 - Perseverance. Can you imagine being Moses? On one hand, he is a spiritual leader for these obstinate…
Exodus 32 - The first question I asked when reading this chapter was - what caused this? We read in…
Exodus 30 - The ability to come before God is an opportunity, not a right. Aaron was given the duty…
Exodus 29 - From the beginning we get a glimpse of God's design for sacrifice. Consecration. This word was translated…
Exodus 17 - The team was assembled and ready to go! Joshua would lead the army into battle. This is…
Exodus 15 - The structure of this song can be broken up into four sections with a one-line closing declaration.…
Exodus 14 - Like the Canaanites, ancient Israel thought of the sea as an uncontrollable beast. At creation the Lord…
Exodus 13 - The way God led was definitely the "road less traveled." The people did not go directly toward…
Exodus 12 - The Passover is a powerful event in both Jewish tradition as well as Christianity. One major difference,…
Exodus 8 - Pharaoh was so hardened that even when the supernatural evidence was directly before him, he refused to…
Exodus 7 - The hardening of Pharaoh's heart was something God had reminded Moses of time and time again. We…
Exodus 6 - Leap of faith. Failure. Encouragement. Repeat. This pretty much sums up the journey of Moses. Likewise, it…
Exodus 4 - Moses was uncertain about serving God, and his fears represent the same struggles many of us have…
Exodus 2 - He was given the name of Moses by Pharaoh's daughter because she "drew him out of the…
Exodus 1 - The bitter labor that was given to Israel actually made them multiply and grow. In the future,…
2 Thessalonians 3 - In his final letter, Paul encourages the believers of the Thessalonian church to remain true and…
2 Thessalonians 2 - In case you haven't grasped by now, the Thessalonians were deeply concerned with future events. It's…
2 Thessalonians 1 - Paul knew that the Thessalonian church was enduring suffering, and he wanted to continue to encourage…
1 Thessalonians 3 - Dear Thessalonica, I'm burdened for you. Love, Paul In this chapter, we get a glimpse into…
1 Thessalonians 1 - In the opening verses of this letter, we read Paul's words which seem to indicate he…
Jude 1 - Jude was one of four half-brothers of Jesus. In the Greek, the name Jude was synonymous with…
3 John 1 - Gaius was the Greek way of writing the Roman name Caius. Believe it or not, there…
1 John 5 - At the time of this writing, John was battling the incredible deception that had come against…
1 John 4 - When I worked in the computer software industry, I became familiar with the latest viruses and…
1 John 1 - In this first chapter, John does not identify himself as the author, nor does the writing…
Job 42 - Without... Without knowing answers to all of his deepest questions, Job bowed his knee in humility to…
Job 39 - Many times it's true that our expectations of God are outmatched by His unfolding plan. I can't…
Job 37 - We experience and come to know God through Scripture. Another place we come to know Him is…
Job 36 - God is the most patient, relentless, and loving Father we will ever encounter. Unfortunately, many people of…
Job 35 - This is arguably Elihu's harshest language against Job. It is a message of condemnation with truth mixed…
Job 34 - Elihu uses some quotes from Job to reiterate that God can do no wrong. Specifically, he uses…
Job 29 - What does it mean to reflect on the former times? We've all heard people talk about the…
Job 27 - Have you ever just unloaded your heart out of both sides of your mouth? On one hand,…
Job 26 - I remember a story one time where I was in a counseling session with a pastor. We…
Job 25 - Well, there is not much here that we haven't already heard. Bildad sums up with "God is…
Job 23 - I want to follow-up from yesterday's thoughts and continue in the same direction. I was intrigued by…
Job 22 - When we do not pay attention to the needs before us, true care can turn to condemnation.…
Job 19 - The most magnificent phrase in this chapter shines in verses 25-26. It is so surprising and unexpected.…
Job 18 - The dating of this time period would have meant that Job and his friends were highly influenced…
Job 17 - Job is pretty depressed here in Chapter 17. He reiterates that he expected his friends to support…
Job 15 - Eliphaz brings a load of sarcasm to this chapter. He claims that his understanding of Scripture and…
Job 14 - Be quiet and give me a chance to speak, and let the results be what they will.…
Job 13 - If it's true that the enduring attitude of a believer is a great threat to everything the…
Job 11 - I think Zophar is right on one thing; he understands the wisdom of God. It actually feels…
Job 9 - The description of God's power in verses 5-9 is breathtaking. I like the HCSB version... God is…
Job 7 - Job now turns his attention to God. He is fully convinced that he will die soon, and…
Job 6 - Here are some points we can draw from Job's response in chapter 6: Job is under tremendous…