Deuteronomy 23

Deuteronomy 23
Deuteronomy 23 - As we've written many times in Deuteronomy, these laws can seem foreign to us. In some ways, they prescribe almost an ascetic type of lifestyle. Asceticism is defined as a lifestyle characterized by abstinence ...

Deuteronomy 7

Deuteronomy 7
Deuteronomy 7 - What is your motivation for obedience? Do this because you belong to the LORD your God. From all the peoples on earth he chose you to be his own special people. 7 "The LORD ...

Deuteronomy 6

Deuteronomy 6
Deuteronomy 6 - Here in Deuteronomy 6, we find the "shema." The word itself means "hear" or "listen" and begins in verse 4. "Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!  5  "You ...

Deuteronomy 5

Deuteronomy 5
Deuteronomy 5 - False teachers love to cherry-pick verses and twist the context to their liking. A perfect example of this is found in Deuteronomy 5:9. 'You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness ...

Ecclesiastes 5

Ecclesiastes 5
Ecclesiastes 5 - Fear God. Not exactly a popular message these days. You don't hear many sermons on the fear of God or what that even means. So, what does it actually mean to fear God? Solomon ...

Ecclesiastes 4

Ecclesiastes 4
Ecclesiastes 4 - This chapter continues with the theme of finding meaning in a very broken world. It begins by analyzing how the strong take advantage of the weak. It's an issue and question that people still ...

Numbers 30

Numbers 30
Numbers 30 - Keep in mind that ancient vows could be both positive and negative. They may be to motivate us to perform in some way (positively) or to abstain from certain things (negatively). A great example ...

Numbers 29

Numbers 29
Numbers 29 - The feasts we read here are the fall feasts. Many people believe that these speak toward prophecies yet to be fulfilled by Jesus. Feast of the Trumpets - This is the first of the ...

Numbers 26

Numbers 26
Numbers 26 - The census here marks a turning point in Israel's history. The first generation that was delivered from Egypt and complained continually has now been destroyed by the plague. In fact, just like God had ...

Numbers 23

Numbers 23
Numbers 23 - This chapter reminds me of an encounter Elijah had with the prophets of Baal when they were seeking help from their "god." They took the bull that was brought to them, prepared it, and ...

Numbers 18

Numbers 18
Numbers 18 - As mentioned in previous chapters, the Levites were given special authority and privileges among the spiritual duties assigned by God. However, they were not given the same authority as priests. This is the main ...

Numbers 16

Number 16
Numbers 16 - Numbers 16 is part of a much bigger picture of Moses' leadership of Israel. This rollercoaster of leading the Israelites toward the Promised Land had many twists and turns. If we go all the ...

Numbers 11

Numbers 11
Numbers 11 - Moses needed help, and God responded. The Lord commanded the gathering of 70 men from the elders of Israel, and Moses began assembling his team. The word elder means "aged" or "old." Hebrew tradition ...

Luke 24

Luke 24
Luke 24 Commentary by Brad Boyles Then he said to them, "These are the very things I told you about while I was still with you: everything written about me in the Law of Moses, the writings of the prophets, ...

Luke 21

Luke 21
Luke 21 - Some speculate Jesus' warnings were to be interpreted for the people of that time and others speculate they are future events. We know that the apostles would suffer incredible persecution after Jesus resurrected and ...

Luke 13

Luke 13
Luke 13 - Jewish belief at the time would have proclaimed that all Jews, except notorious sinners like tax collectors and prostitutes, would inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, the message that Jesus consistently articulated was offensive ...

Luke 12

Luke 12
Luke 12 - "I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled! Luke 12:49 NASB Jesus would send fire upon in the Earth in a few ways. First, He ...

Luke 10

Luke 10
Luke 10 - The kingdom of God was sent out and manifest itself through the power of the 72 that Christ chose. What was their purpose? "Whatever city you enter and they receive you, eat what is ...

Luke 7

Luke 7
Luke 7 Commentary by Brad Boyles We see a very powerful indicator of the faith that this centurion soldier had in the way he addressed Jesus. The Gentile calls him "Lord." Now Jesus started on His way with them; and ...

Luke 5

Luke 5
Luke 5 - But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray. Luke 5:16 NASB On the heels of being with His Father in prayer, Jesus is strengthened and empowered for divine service. In ...

Luke 2

Luke 2
Luke 2 - Luke narrates the routine events that surrounded the arrival of Jesus in a way that presents the ordinary with the extraordinary. God is present in seemingly insignificant events. We see this when we read ...

Ezekiel 43

Ezekiel 43
Ezekiel 43 - In chapters 8-11 of Ezekiel, we find the presence of the Lord leaving the temple. This was symbolic of what was about to happen to the people as their protection was removed and they ...

Ezekiel 40

Ezekiel 40
Ezekiel 40 - Ezekiel's ministry began with a vision of God. The last 9 chapters end with a vision for his people. This vision is one of reconciliation, protection, trust, and blessings. Throughout his book, Ezekiel has ...

Ezekiel 36

Ezekiel 36
Ezekiel 36 - Verses 22-38 immediately drew my attention. The title over the section reads "I Will Put My Spirit Within You." We must remember that when we read this, it is God speaking to His people, ...

Ezekiel 31

Ezekiel 31
Ezekiel 31 - The cedars of Lebanon were highly esteemed as symbols of excellence and domination. They towered up to 80 feet in height and were thick with spreading branches. God says not even the trees of ...

Ezekiel 30

Ezekiel 30
Ezekiel 30 - The historical validity of this chapter is amazing.  In verse 13-19, God speaks specifically to cities within Egypt and gives vivid details for what they will face. Is it ironic that one of the ...

Ezekiel 28

Ezekiel 28
Ezekiel 28 - This chapter raises a lot of questions. From where did Ezekiel derive his imagery used in this chapter? Was it from Genesis? Furthermore, who is the king of Tyre being compared to? It seems ...