2 Kings 5 - Remember when King Ahab was shot by a "random arrow" in 1 Kings 22? Now a…
2 Kings 2 - Discipleship 101 Elijah respectfully asked Elisha to stay and leave him alone, but Elisha refused to…
1 Kings 21 - When Elijah finished speaking, Ahab tore his clothes, took them off, and put on sackcloth. He…
1 Kings 14 - King Jeroboam decided it was time to seek the Lord, but only after his son was…
1 Kings 13 - As we read in 1 Kings 12, Jeroboam’s kingdom was in a terrible state and God…
1 Kings 12 - What happens when the vessel that is destined to carry God's image into the world is…
1 Kings 2 - After the peaceful resolution in chapter 1, we are now back to the chaos of David's…
Genesis 50 - It is always fascinating to me when we come across a chapter in the Bible that captivates…
Genesis 44 - Judah goes from schemer to savior. He goes from loving himself to understanding pure, unconditional love. He…
Genesis 25 - In the music industry, most fans hate sellouts. According to Wikipedia, "selling out" is a common expression…
Genesis 23 - It is significant that the age of Sarah is given when she dies. This is not the…
Genesis 17 - The question we all ask ourselves at one point or another is, why circumcision? First, in the…
Genesis 14 - Here in Genesis 14, we find the bizarre story of Melchizedek. Melchizedek came to Abraham after his…
Genesis 6 - What does the text mean when it says the "sons of God" saw the "daughters of men"…
Genesis 5 - Genealogies are boring, but they are important. They provide historical context and fill in many of the…
Genesis 2 - Sometimes we fall into the trap of believing that God's wrath is greater than His grace. In…
Genesis 1 - In his book, The Good Book, author Deron Spoo gives us perspective on what we should treasure…
John 20 - The empty tomb (Matt 28; Mark 16; Luke 24) is the most contested event by skeptics of…
John 19 - One of the unique aspects of John's Gospel is the theme of Jesus as the Lamb of…
John 14 - Sometimes theology can overcomplicate the simple words of Jesus. In John 14, Jesus plainly states exactly what…
John 12 - Here in John 12, we are once again drawn to how Jesus' words and actions were in…
John 11 - So much irony! The reasoning of the religious leaders is astounding. "Let's kill the man who is…
John 4 - Jesus told him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe." John 4:48 HCSB…
John 3 - If we take a bird's eye view of chapter 3, we find that John is intentional about…
John 1 - From the very first verse of the book, it is clear that the focus of John's gospel…
Esther 8 - Throughout the book of Esther, I have been drawing lines connecting Haman with Satan and this chapter…
Esther 7 - The time has come for Esther to speak up. It was not God's timing earlier because many…
Hebrews 9 - The author of Hebrews captures the incredible depth of what Jesus did for sinners. It is both…
Hebrews 5 - First, let's just point out that this chapter is deep! Here in Hebrews 5, we see two…
Hebrews 2 - For in bringing many sons to glory, it was entirely appropriate that God—all things exist for Him…
Malachi 2 - God starts with the priests and then works His way down to marriage and divorce in this…
Malachi 1 - Malachi's ministry would have overlapped with Nehemiah. The temple had been rebuilt (v. 13), and there was…
Zechariah 12 - Zechariah's name means "The Lord Remembers" and in this chapter, we get a striking image of God…
Zechariah 9 - Before Jesus was Savior, He was King. But He was not a king as you or I…
Nahum 1 - The book of Jonah was God's grace to Ninevah, and Nahum is His truth. God would judge…
Micah 2 - People only want to hear what tickles their ears. They don't want to hear the truth. "Men…
Amos 6 - You never know a good thing until it's goneYou never see a crash until it's head onWhy…
Amos 5 - The oppression of the poor. Check. The establishment of structures built on immoral actions. Check. The acceptance…
Amos 1 - Nelson's Commentary gives an informative but concise background on the book of Amos. "The Lord sent Amos,…
Hosea 11 - As a father, I can understand these same feelings. I can't imagine the grief of watching my…
Hosea 9 - Hosea 9 continues to pound away at our human flesh. God's people had "taken to sin like…
Hosea 4 - God is honest and open with Israel about their sins. As The Message translation puts it, it…
Hosea 1 - Hosea and Jonah were most likely the only writing prophets who lived in the Northern Kingdom. We…
Daniel 6 - I am simply in awe when I read these passages about Daniel. It is inspiring to think…
2 Corinthians 11 - "A story is told about a dinner party where the guests were expected to stand after…
2 Corinthians 2 - The man Paul is referring to in this chapter was most likely the same man who…
1 Corinthians 15 - 1 Corinthians 15 is a critical chapter that supports the evidence of Jesus Christ as well…
Psalm 150 - The number 10 is used 242 times in Scripture. The title of "10th" is found 79 times.…
Psalm 146 - Psalms 146:3 NASB Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.…
Psalm 144 - David is physically and emotionally spent. He pleads with God to be rescued. This is a common…
Psalm 132 - This psalm is a prayer that pleads with God to remember His covenant. Some ascribe it to…
Psalm 129 - The enemies of God will not prevail. Even though it seems like they are winning, God promises…
Psalm 126 - Dr. J. Vernon McGee writes... "The Psalms are full of Christ. There is a more complete picture…
Psalm 124 - The storms that God allows only further serves to reveal His power and glory within. When we…
Psalm 121 - The Lord is our protector. He is our strength and our refuge. He fights our battles. He…
Psalm 120 - "The Meshechites were presumably descended from Meshech, a grandson of Noah through Japheth (Gen 10:2; 1Ch 1:5).…
Psalm 116 - "How can I repay the LORD for all the good He has done for me? 13 I…
Psalm 113 - Music connects with every person on the planet. More than likely, all of us can identify with…
Psalm 112 - In my opinion, verse 7 defines the context for this entire psalm. Psalms 112:7 HCSB He will…
Psalm 110 - Psalm 110 might be quoted more frequently in the NT than any other Psalm. The Lord declared…
Psalm 107 - But He lifts the needy out of their suffering and makes their families multiply like flocks. 42 …
Psalm 106 - What is risk? It is a decision to act in a way that opens us to danger,…
Psalm 104 - Let the glory of the LORD endure forever; Let the LORD be glad in His works; 32 …
Psalm 103 - How long do you strive? It seems like an odd question on the surface. Let me rephrase…
Psalm 102 - "The Psalm has been attributed to Daniel, to Jeremiah, to Nehemiah, or to some of the other…
Psalm 97 - When we look back at Scripture, we see just how holy God really is. Anyone who came…
Psalm 94 - O LORD, God of vengeance, God of vengeance, shine forth! 2 Rise up, O Judge of the…
Psalm 90 - So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.…
Psalm 88 - Psalm 88 will most likely not be made into a children's song one day. It's too raw.…
Psalm 87 - "I shall mention Rahab and Babylon among those who know Me; Behold, Philistia and Tyre with Ethiopia:…
Psalm 84 - A very wise woman (Mona Jean Workman) used to describe the highs and lows of her life…
Psalm 78 - Coming off the heels of Psalm 77 where we are to remember God's faithfulness, we now move…
Psalm 76 - God is faithful. His track record is perfect. He never fails and never shows up late. His…
Psalm 71 - As an older man, David's primary concern in this Psalm is that he is protected and never…
Psalm 64 - "One of the most pressing theological questions today is “why do the evil ones prosper?” If one…
Psalm 62 - Back in high school, I used to play percussion in concert band. One of my favorite instruments…
Psalm 60 - Defeat is never easy. Never. But since Jesus took on sin and death and triumphed over it…
Psalm 56 - In his book "Happiness," Randy Alcorn writes, “I think it’s fair to say that many Christians don’t…
Psalm 55 - Suffering often produces an emotional rollercoaster. We are emotional beings who can swing violently from low to…
Psalm 53 - When God looks down from heaven at humanity, He's not looking at innocent people. He's looking at…
Psalm 52 - Psalm 52 is a reminder that our words matter. Like a sharpened razor, your tongue devises destruction,…
Psalm 50 - What does our praise look like when we face trouble and adversity? Or, do we praise at…
Psalm 49 - Death. No one can escape it. It is a certainty that all of humanity agrees upon regardless…
Psalm 47 - In Psalm 47, I am drawn to God's sovereign choosing... He chose our heritage for us, the…
Psalm 45 - Psalms 45:3-5 describes our Savior Jesus Christ returning as a Warrior Gird your sword on your thigh,…
Psalm 42 - “(Thirst) is more than hungering; hunger you can palliate, but thirst is awful, insatiable, clamorous, deadly.” Charles…
Psalm 40 - Gratefulness. Some days it seems to escape us. Our day starts off on the wrong foot and…
Psalm 39 - Let's track this psalm from the beginning. The psalmist opens with tremendous grief. There seems to be…
Psalm 33 - Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. 21 For our heart…
Psalm 27 - Rolf Jacobson writes in the New International Commentary about a personal story relating to this Psalm. "When…
Psalm 26 - The key to Psalm 26, as Hank has written, is the second verse. If you read through…
Psalm 24 - Psalm 24 was written to be chanted/recited and comes with two choruses. It would have been sung…
Psalm 23 - Psalm 23 is known as the shepherd's psalm. Composed by David as a youth, he was keeping…
Psalm 22 - "I know not whether any Psalm throughout the whole book contains matter more weighty, or from which…
Psalm 20 - Already, but not yet. What a difficult attitude to have. How do you move from crying out…
Psalm 16 - Inheritance is something that's found extensively in Scripture. David writes of this inheritance in verse 5. The…
Psalm 13 - This psalm is general enough to speak to anyone going through a crisis but specific enough to…
Psalm 9 - According to Spurgeon, the title of this Psalm is, “A Psalm on the death of the son,”…
Mark 16 - The Great Commission is important. So important, in fact, that we find it 5 times in the…
Mark 13 - No one knows the day or hour. This is a familiar passage, yet, there is one question…