Jeremiah 16 - The loneliness of Jeremiah sets in as once again he looks around and sees what others have…
Jeremiah 15 - The insecurities of Jeremiah are starting to show. He's really stuck between a rock and hard place.…
Jeremiah 14 - So the LORD said to me, "Do not pray for the welfare of this people." Jeremiah 14:11…
Jeremiah 13 - Burdens for people can be so heavy. When we sense that the ways of Jesus are not…
Jeremiah 12 - We have all been in a situation like this before. We cry out to God over something…
Jeremiah 11 - The people of Judah and Jerusalem were not helpless. They continually chose their sin over God. The…
Jeremiah 10 - Let's face it; we love idols. Consumerism is drilled into us at an early age. Most of…
Jeremiah 9 - Have you ever been torn between sorrow and anger? On one hand, we are incensed at the…
Jeremiah 8 - I love the Good News Bible translation of this chapter. The LORD told me to say to…
Jeremiah 7 - A lot of people act like the God of the Old Testament and the God of the…
Jeremiah 6 - A few years ago, I discovered that the agitator in our washing machine was not turning like…
Jeremiah 5 - The people of Israel and Judah have betrayed me completely. I, the LORD, have spoken." 12 The…
Jeremiah 4 - Judah’s lovers have become her murderers. And you, O desolate one, what will you do? Although you…
Jeremiah 3 - Married people, how would you feel if your spouse wanted to share their love equally with another?…
Jeremiah 2 - "For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, The fountain of living waters, To…
Jeremiah 1 - When my wife and I first moved into our house, we immediately fell in love with the…
2 Chronicles 36 - The LORD, the God of their fathers, sent word to them again and again by His…
2 Chronicles 35 - Armchair Quarterback (noun) a person who offers advice or an opinion on something in which they…
2 Chronicles 34 - In this chapter, we have a brilliant example of what happens to us when we neglect…
2 Chronicles 33 - Sometimes it has to hurt in order to draw genuine Godly repentance. It's not a concept…
2 Chronicles 32 - There are times in my spiritual walk when I simply want to take a break. Although…
2 Chronicles 31 - What we notice about the kings of the past two books (1 & 2 Chronicles) is…
2 Chronicles 30 - Hezekiah wanted to do the right thing. He believed that Israel and Judah should come back…
2 Chronicles 29 - In the first month... There were many decisions that needed attention when coming into power as…
2 Chronicles 28 - Wow. What a chapter. Where do we begin? There are times in Scripture where we read…
2 Chronicles 27 - The people continued in rebellion under Jotham. Although he was a faithful king, he did have…
2 Chronicles 26 - It may not seem like a big deal to us, but in that time, it was…
2 Chronicles 25 - Amaziah is another example of someone who followed the Lord nominally but did not fully commit…
2 Chronicles 24 - But after the death of Jehoiada the officials of Judah came and bowed down to the…
2 Chronicles 23 - The drama surrounding this messianic promise is an interesting story. The offspring of David's line had…
2 Chronicles 22 - The family tree of Jehoshaphat and Ahab can get overwhelming. If you are reading and getting…
2 Chronicles 21 - There is a simple question with a simple answer. What's the cost? When you look at…
2 Chronicles 20 - Did God command his people to go into battle singing? I read this over and over…
2 Chronicles 19 - Jehoshaphat was a spiritual leader. Other than David or Solomon, he restored the nation to a…
2 Chronicles 18 - Would you rather be a well-liked king or a ridiculed prophet? In a bizarre revelation, God…
2 Chronicles 17 - Leadership has a trickle-down effect. Judah or Israel had not seen a king like Jehoshaphat since…
2 Chronicles 16 - There is so much in this chapter that is personal and meaningful for me. As someone…
2 Chronicles 15 - Several years ago my wife was trying to get me onboard with adoption. Shamefully, I was…
2 Chronicles 14 - The attack that comes upon Israel is from the Ethiopians but that is deceiving. During this…
2 Chronicles 13 - After reading this chapter, I am reminded of a common situation we have all encountered. It's…
2 Chronicles 12 - Rehoboam did what was evil, because he did not determine in his heart to seek the…
2 Chronicles 11 - I hate to be pessimistic, but here in Chapter 11, we have bad going to worse.…
2 Chronicles 10 - It seems like this whole situation began to unravel in such a short period of time.…
2 Chronicles 9 - Jesus actually spoke of this encounter between the Queen of Sheba and Solomon. In Matthew 12…
2 Chronicles 8 - Some boast in chariots and some in horses, But we will boast in the name of…
2 Chronicles 7 - The temptation of reading this promise from God is to universally apply it to national and…
2 Chronicles 6 - "But can you, O God, really live on earth among men and women? Not even all…
2 Chronicles 5 - There are moments when God shows up in a mighty way and we are simply called…
2 Chronicles 4 - Then he made the ten golden lampstands in the way prescribed for them and he set…
2 Chronicles 3 - The effort and detail Solomon and his people put into the newly constructed temple was simply…
2 Chronicles 2 - Solomon knew the dwelling place for God would not do Him justice. He makes this statement…
2 Chronicles 1 - Solomon commanded the people to go to a high place of worship at Gibeon. This was…
1 Chronicles 29 - 1 Chronicles 29:25 GNB The LORD made the whole nation stand in awe of Solomon, and…
1 Chronicles 28 - Loyalty of heart. I once had a pastor give me advice on how to preach a…
1 Chronicles 27 - Listed among the commanders of war was a very intriguing man by the name of Benaiah.…
1 Chronicles 26 - The house of God in verse 20 referred to a place where treasuries and gifts would…
1 Chronicles 25 - Attention musicians! Does the name Asaph mean anything to you? Anyone....anyone.....Bueller? Although it might not mean…
1 Chronicles 24 - There is a fine line between structure and freedom in the Spirit. This chapter speaks to…
1 Chronicles 23 - David appoints Solomon king, then numbers the Levites for their special work. He made arrangements to…
1 Chronicles 22 - Though David served Israel in many ways, his primary role was as a military leader. He…
1 Chronicles 21 - To David's credit, he takes responsibility for the error in judgment. He even asks God to…
1 Chronicles 20 - "In the spring of the year..." Great military conquests were routinely conducted in the springtime. Most…
1 Chronicles 19 - The Ammonites strategy was to force David's army between two enemy forces. The Israelites were stationed…
1 Chronicles 18 - So David reigned over all Israel, and he administered justice and equity to all his people.…
1 Chronicles 17 - I am drawn to David's actions over the second half of this chapter. As I read,…
1 Chronicles 16 - For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and he is to be feared…
1 Chronicles 15 - Chapter 16 ends with an interesting and dramatic detail. And as the ark of the covenant…
1 Chronicles 14 - Following on the same theme from 1 Chronicles 13, we now see David correcting his previous…
1 Chronicles 13 - There is a strong theme of unity within the writings of Chronicles. Just as intensely as…
1 Chronicles 12 - The story of David's mighty men sounds a bit like a Hollywood blockbuster. In Chapter 11,…
1 Chronicles 11 - David's ascent to king was not as simple as three verses. In the book of 2…
1 Chronicles 10 - The Philistines Who were the Philistines? They were sea-faring people who immigrated from the island of…
1 Chronicles 9 - Psalms 99:5-6 ESV Exalt the LORD our God; worship at his footstool! Holy is he! 6…
1 Chronicles 8 - Within the tribe of Benjamin, we are reminded of Israel's first king. He was the best…
1 Chronicles 7 - God has used women to build, lead and change the world from the beginning of time.…
1 Chronicles 6 - One particular name that sticks out in this chapter is Hilkiah. An unknown to most people,…
1 Chronicles 5 - For many fell, because the war was of God. And they lived in their place until…
1 Chronicles 4 - I also find the mentioning of Jabez to be fascinating in this long list of names.…
1 Chronicles 3 - Why the detailed genealogies? In order to affirm God's plan for Christ to come from Adam,…
1 Chronicles 2 - This chapter begins with the lineage of Jacob through his 12 sons. However, it really focuses…
1 Chronicles 1 - It was a bittersweet time for Israel. The Jews had just returned from 70 years of…
Isaiah 66 - As the book of Isaiah comes to a close, I am drawn to the writings of F.F.…
Isaiah 65 - God has made Himself available. He is standing with arms outstretched ready to help His people. God…
Isaiah 64 - What does it really look like to come before God in humility and express your deepest grief…
Isaiah 63 - At the beginning of Isaiah 63, we find a familiar theme in Scripture. There is someone with…
Isaiah 62 - *If you haven't read the Isaiah 61 blog entry, it would be helpful for context. Isaiah 62…
Isaiah 61 - Isaiah 61 is such an interesting chapter. In Luke 4, Jesus reads the first two verses of…
Isaiah 60 - Isaiah 60 begins a new section that looks ahead Christ's Kingdom and rule. Remember, Isaiah was a…
Isaiah 59 - In a beautiful example of what it is like for the Lord to work in a person's…
Isaiah 58 - Superficial people. We've all endured them. If we're honest, we've probably been one at some point in…
Isaiah 57 - And it will be said, "Build up, build up, prepare the way, Remove every obstacle out of…
Isaiah 56 - Here at the end of the chapter, we read that Israel's irresponsible leaders are the source of…
Isaiah 55 - Faith in Jesus without a life filled with Jesus' attitude and behavior is no life of faith…
Isaiah 54 - This chapter focuses on the wonderful love God has for His people. Amazingly, even though human sin…
Isaiah 53 - The opening verse grabs my attention. "Who has believed our message?" It's a rhetorical question but one…
Isaiah 52 - God's people will be redeemed. They were sold for nothing but they will be bought back without…
Isaiah 51 - In verse 9 of this chapter the writer appears to believe that the Lord is asleep. Awake,…
Isaiah 50 - Here in Isaiah 50 we read a soliloquy by the Servant as well as statements directed toward…
Isaiah 49 - His words were like a sharp arrow ready to pierce the heart. Israel would be his servant…
Isaiah 48 - We who know Christ understand that the Gospel message is not a one of mystery and mysticism.…