2 Kings 13 - What’s the context here? Well, as we have read, 2 Kings is a terrible time for…
2 Kings 3 - The verses here in 2 Kings 3 really put into perspective just how evil Ahab and…
1 Kings 22 - What's the deal with Ramoth-Gilead and why did they want it back? Ramoth was a Levitical…
1 Kings 20 - There are some incredible spiritual metaphors we can glean from these passages which build on the…
1 Kings 3 - Incredibly, we see both the pinnacle of Solomon's character as well as a foreshadowing of his…
1 Kings 2 - After the peaceful resolution in chapter 1, we are now back to the chaos of David's…
1 Kings 1 - The book of Kings picks up with an older David (70) still serving as king but…
Genesis 34 - There are so many issues here and they are glaring. What is clearly evident in this story…
Genesis 20 - Once again Abraham lied. Once again he told a foreign king his wife was his sister. And…
Genesis 17 - The question we all ask ourselves at one point or another is, why circumcision? First, in the…
Genesis 16 - Think about all the stressful situations that Abraham, Sarai, and Hagar now faced from one sinful decision.…
Genesis 10 - Here in Genesis 10, we are introduced to an individual whose full-fledged insurrection led to all sorts…
Genesis 4 - I'll be honest, this story has always confused me. Why was Abel's offering acceptable to God but…
James 4 - Consider these questions... Does the indwelling Holy Spirit war against itself? Would a believer filled with the…
Nehemiah 5 - In Nehemiah 4, we looked at how the enemy engages us when we step out in faith…
Nehemiah 4 - This chapter is a case study for how the enemy works when you decide to follow through…
Nehemiah 1 - Back in the minor prophets, we learned that very few Jewish people left Babylon to return to…
Hebrews 12 - Dear Weary Christ-Follower, Read Hebrews 12:3-17 Which is worse, the weight of sin or the discipline of…
Zechariah 12 - Zechariah's name means "The Lord Remembers" and in this chapter, we get a striking image of God…
Nahum 3 - God has declared the condition of Nineveh unrepairable. They have gone too far. There is no chance…
Amos 7 - In Genesis, Abraham pled with God over Sodom. In Exodus, Moses interceded for Israel. Here, Amos does…
Joel 2 - The plague of locusts would be devastating and overpowering. Their appearance would be like horses as they…
Daniel 10 - Today, prayer is endorsed as a personal remedy. Although this is true to an extent, it doesn't…
Daniel 8 - This chapter is one of the most controversial and heavily debated chapters in all the Bible. However,…
2 Corinthians 11 - "A story is told about a dinner party where the guests were expected to stand after…
2 Corinthians 10 - Most likely, Paul was dealing with a false teacher or many false teachers who had infiltrated…
2 Corinthians 6 - "Such persons cannot say this petition of the Lord’s prayer, 'Lead us not into temptation.' They…
Psalm 149 - Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song, And His praise in the congregation of…
Psalm 144 - David is physically and emotionally spent. He pleads with God to be rescued. This is a common…
Psalm 136 - Mercy, kindness, lovingkindness, goodness, and favor. This is the translation for the Greek word checed which appears…
Psalm 108 - Moab is My washbasin; I throw My sandal on Edom. I shout in triumph over Philistia." Psalms…
Psalm 106 - What is risk? It is a decision to act in a way that opens us to danger,…
Psalm 68 - There is something to be said about the joy of the Lord being our daily strength. Our…
Psalm 60 - Defeat is never easy. Never. But since Jesus took on sin and death and triumphed over it…
Psalm 59 - Twice in the first two verses, David cried out for God to deliver him. In verse 2,…
Psalm 56 - In his book "Happiness," Randy Alcorn writes, “I think it’s fair to say that many Christians don’t…
Psalm 53 - When God looks down from heaven at humanity, He's not looking at innocent people. He's looking at…
Psalm 50 - What does our praise look like when we face trouble and adversity? Or, do we praise at…
Psalm 48 - Several years ago I witnessed one of the most miraculous events I've ever seen God perform in…
Psalm 46 - The statements made in Psalm 46 are common knowledge to those who've walked with God. We sing…
Psalm 44 - Following God wholeheartedly is a practical act of cooperation (our response) and faith (assurance of God's love).…
Psalm 42 - “(Thirst) is more than hungering; hunger you can palliate, but thirst is awful, insatiable, clamorous, deadly.” Charles…
Psalm 39 - Let's track this psalm from the beginning. The psalmist opens with tremendous grief. There seems to be…
Psalm 35 - Years ago, while working for Youth for Christ, my wife and I become close friends with a…
Psalm 34 - Many people do not realize that the Psalms were written with a specific poetic order and structure.…
Psalm 21 - There is a theme of kingship within this psalm. It's likely it was originally composed for recital…
Psalm 20 - Already, but not yet. What a difficult attitude to have. How do you move from crying out…
Psalm 12 - Lies. Deception. Delusion. We all do it. We use coping mechanisms to help us deal with reality.…
Mark 10 - Bartimaeus called Jesus the “son of David” which was a prophetic title. It revealed a spiritual depth…
Mark 6 - Have you ever sat down and read Scripture and thought, "I don’t know if I’ll ever be…
Deuteronomy 25 - "Do not muzzle an ox when you are using it to thresh grain." Deuteronomy 25:4 GNB On…
Deuteronomy 20 - A lot of us have never thought about what it means to go to war vastly outnumbered.…
Deuteronomy 12 - What separated the people of God from the pagans around them was their total allegiance to the…
Deuteronomy 9 - Today know this: GOD, your God, is crossing the river ahead of you—he's a consuming fire. He…
Deuteronomy 7 - What is your motivation for obedience? Do this because you belong to the LORD your God. From…
Deuteronomy 2 - It is a unique time in Israel's history. Moses continues to lead and teach the people even…
Numbers 34 - When analyzing this chapter, F.B. Meyer wrote, "God’s ideal for His people far exceeded their realization of…
Numbers 32 - The LORD became angry with the people and made them wander in the wilderness forty years until…
Numbers 31 - Although the lesson of this chapter is overshadowed by the war, there are some very miraculous accomplishments.…
Numbers 27 - Don't gloss over this chapter too quickly or you will miss a moment that is very rare…
Numbers 21 - Take a moment and think about the times in your life that you've been sorry about something.…
Numbers 17 - But the LORD said to Moses, "Put back the rod of Aaron before the testimony to be…
Numbers 16 - Numbers 16 is part of a much bigger picture of Moses' leadership of Israel. This rollercoaster of…
Numbers 10 - Then Moses said to Hobab the son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses' father-in-law, "We are setting out…
Luke 22 Commentary by Brad Boyles A hotly debated topic from Luke 22 is the notorious "two swords" passage. A…
Song of Solomon 7 Commentary by Brad Boyles In today's culture, being liberated is often defined as being free from…
Ezekiel 39 - Until the time that Jerusalem fell, the message of Ezekiel was negative and full of judgment. Now,…
Ezekiel 38 - This chapter has gained a lot of attention in recent years as expositors have focused on the…