Revelation 19

Revelation 19
Revelation 19 - After this I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, crying out, "Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,  2  for his judgments are ...

Revelation 17

Revelation 17
Revelation 17 - We have already reiterated it over many chapters, but Rome stood proudly as a pagan symbol against Christ and His church. Here in Revelation 17, she is personified as a notorious prostitute. She represents ...

Revelation 15

Revelation 15
Revelation 15 - The divine judgment which was revealed by the seals and proclaimed by the trumpets will now be poured out by the seven bowls. From a literary standpoint, the seventh seal was unleashed by the ...

Revelation 14

Revelation 14
Revelation 14 - First question I asked myself... who is Babylon? John, again, is writing symbolically here. Literal Babylon was a mere fraction of what it had been in years past. But, the wording certainly plays into ...

Revelation 13

Revelation 13
Revelation 13 - The First Beast At the end of Revelation 12, we read of Satan's rage. He sets out to destroy the people of God. Now, in Revelation 13, we are introduced to the two henchmen ...

Revelation 11

Revelation 11
Revelation 11 - I think a major issue with Revelation 11 is the fact that it relies heavily on Revelation 10 for continuity. It is best to read on and view chapters 10 and 11 as one ...

Revelation 10

Revelation 10
Revelation 10 - This vision differs from the others for the simple fact that John is engaged in the action firsthand. The angel that appears before John is hidden in a cloud and his legs were pillars ...

Revelation 6

Revelation 6
Revelation 6 - I grew up in Berne, Indiana which sits directly on top of the continental divide. If you are not familiar with the continental divide, it is an area of raised terrain that ...

Revelation 1

Revelation 1
Revelation 1 - The comparison game. We all do it. When life throws us unpredictable storms, (and especially when we wrestle with why God would allow such things) we feel sorry for ourselves. We ask ourselves questions ...

Isaiah 15

Isaiah 15
Isaiah 15 - Moab was the region on the east side of the Dead Sea. The total land surface would have been about 30 miles long and 30 miles wide. As compared to the nation of Edom, ...

Isaiah 14

Isaiah 14
Isaiah 14 - There are some deep theological principles at work in this chapter. There is also some controversy as to the correct translation of the phrase, “Oh Lucifer, Son of the morning” in verse 12. Many ...

2 Thessalonians 2

2 Thessalonians 2
2 Thessalonians 2 - In case you haven't grasped by now, the Thessalonians were deeply concerned with future events. It's confirmed in Paul's first set of letters that they were mourning death like unbelievers. Paul attempted to ...

1 John 4

1 John 4
1 John 4 - When I worked in the computer software industry, I became familiar with the latest viruses and malware that would infect our client's computers. It seemed like every few months or so, there was ...

1 Kings 10

1 Kings 10
1 Kings 10 - What was the point of the Queen of Sheba coming to visit Solomon? Jesus actually makes a reference to her in the New Testament. The queen of the south will rise up at ...

Genesis 49

Genesis 49
Genesis 49 - What did Jacob's prophecies mean long-term for these sons of Israel? Reuben, you are my firstborn, my strength and the firstfruits of my virility, excelling in prominence, excelling in power.  4  Turbulent as water, ...

Zechariah 11

Zechariah 11
Zechariah 11 - The LORD my God said to me, "Act the part of the shepherd of a flock of sheep that are going to be butchered. Zechariah 11:4 GNB Zechariah was called to "act the part" ...

Daniel 11

Daniel 11
Daniel 11 - Daniel 11 contains some of the most specifically accurate prophecies in the entire Bible. Critics have often wondered if this chapter was written after the historical events took place because it is so deadly ...

Daniel 8

Daniel 8
Daniel 8 - This chapter is one of the most controversial and heavily debated chapters in all the Bible. However, there is still solid truth we can take away. First, we must realize that even the interpreter ...

Daniel 7

Daniel 7
Daniel 7 - The prophetic part of Daniel starts here with Chapter 7. It is unlikely that we can know exactly what is being talked about here, or even the timing of these events. Scholars have differed ...

Daniel 2

Daniel 2
Daniel 2 - What does Daniel's interpretation mean? He tells us that the gold represents King Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian Empire. Three greater kingdoms would come after the reign of Babylon (silver, bronze, and iron). With each level, there ...