Genesis 49

Genesis 49
Genesis 49 - What did Jacob's prophecies mean long-term for these sons of Israel? Reuben, you are my firstborn, my strength and the firstfruits of my virility, excelling in prominence, excelling in power.  4  Turbulent as water, ...

Genesis 42

Genesis 42
Genesis 42 - According to Wikipedia, The Conscience Fund is one of three gift funds maintained by the United States Department of the Treasury. It was put into place for voluntary contributions from people who have stolen from ...

Genesis 29

Genesis 29
Genesis 29 - Jacob is here in Genesis 29 doing "Jacob-like stuff." Like a smooth-talking used car salesman, he approaches these shepherds as if they were his long lost buddies from college. His reference to it being ...

Genesis 27

Genesis 27
Genesis 27 - What a story! As a Chicago fan, this is kind of like watching the Green Bay Packers play the Minnesota Vikings. There is no one to root for! First, we have Isaac. Though ...

Genesis 23

Genesis 23
Genesis 23 - It is significant that the age of Sarah is given when she dies. This is not the case with other matriarchs. Rebekah’s death is not even recorded and Rachel’s death is only highlighted by ...

Genesis 18

Genesis 18
Genesis 18 - I have to admit, I'm not a great intercessor. I sometimes fall victim to the attitude that "the Lord will do what the Lord will do." But the Bible prescribes a persistent, faith-filled prayer ...

Genesis 14

Genesis 14
Genesis 14 - Here in Genesis 14, we find the bizarre story of Melchizedek. Melchizedek came to Abraham after his defeat of Chedorlaomer and his three allies. He gave bread and wine to Abraham and his men ...

Genesis 7

Genesis 7
Genesis 7 - The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master's feeding trough, but Israel does not know; My people do not understand." Isaiah 1:3 HCSB There are a lot of themes throughout the Bible ...

Genesis 6

Genesis 6
Genesis 6 - What does the text mean when it says the "sons of God" saw the "daughters of men" were beautiful and took wives for themselves? The phrase "sons of God" is used in other places ...

Genesis 4

Genesis 4
Genesis 4 - I'll be honest, this story has always confused me. Why was Abel's offering acceptable to God but Cain's was not? All we know from the story here in Genesis is that Abel offered the ...

Genesis 2

Genesis 2
Genesis 2 - Sometimes we fall into the trap of believing that God's wrath is greater than His grace. In Genesis 2, we read of God's unbelievable grace when allowing Adam to roam freely in creation. And ...

James 1

James 1
James 1 - There are so many believers I talk with who tell me that their favorite book is James. It makes sense. The book structure is written with direct language and plain explanations. James comes across ...

John 20

John 20
John 20 - The empty tomb (Matt 28; Mark 16; Luke 24) is the most contested event by skeptics of Jesus’ death and resurrection. This is because if a skeptic concedes that the tomb was indeed empty, ...

John 19

John 19
John 19 - One of the unique aspects of John's Gospel is the theme of Jesus as the Lamb of God. All the way back in John 1, we read about John the Baptist declaring “Look! The ...

John 17

John 17
John 17 - I cannot think of a more powerful prayer in all of Scripture. Through Jesus' words, much is revealed. Eternal life = knowing Jesus Christ and the one true God (John 17:3) Glorification on Earth ...

John 7

John 7
John 7 - Have you experienced frustration or grief because a close friend or family member has rejected the Gospel? You aren't alone. In John 7, we learn that even Jesus' own family didn't believe in Him. ...

Esther 7

Esther 7
Esther 7 - The time has come for Esther to speak up. It was not God's timing earlier because many events had to unfold. Haman was lured into a trap by his own arrogance. He unknowingly constructed ...

Esther 2

Esther 2
Esther 2 - A little over 6 years ago, I was given a front-row seat to a miraculous event that I had never seen before. My wife and I had been unable to conceive for many years, ...

Nehemiah 9

Nehemiah 9
Nehemiah 9 - Nehemiah 9 describes a scene of revival. God was working collectively and personally to bring about reflection, ownership, repentance, and obedience. There is something to be said about reflecting on our history with God. ...

Nehemiah 8

Nehemiah 8
Nehemiah 8 - Why is it important to read and hear the Word of God? The one who reads this is blessed, and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep what is written in ...

Nehemiah 7

Nehemiah 7
Nehemiah 7 - After the walls had been built, Nehemiah continued to beef up security to ward off the hostile enemies. It was normal to open the gates at sunrise, however, Nehemiah determined they should wait until ...

Nehemiah 5

Nehemiah 5
Nehemiah 5 - In Nehemiah 4, we looked at how the enemy engages us when we step out in faith to do the Lord's work. Satan and the world work externally to derail our progress, however, the ...

Nehemiah 1

Nehemiah 1
Nehemiah 1 - Back in the minor prophets, we learned that very few Jewish people left Babylon to return to their own land when they were granted permission. Out of approximately 2.5 million Jews, only about 50,000 ...

Hebrews 13

Hebrews 13
Hebrews 13 - Don't neglect to show hospitality, for by doing this some have welcomed angels as guests without knowing it.  3  Remember the prisoners, as though you were in prison with them, and the mistreated, as ...

Hebrews 8

Hebrews 8
Hebrews 8 - Hebrews 8 is an important chapter because it proves Jesus was the Messiah and His covenant was both needed and expected. The Jews reject Jesus as their Messiah primarily on the grounds that His ...

Hebrews 7

Hebrews 7
Hebrews 7 - Who was Melchizedek? You can read his full story in Genesis 14. Basically, he was a priest who came to Abraham after his defeat of Chedorlaomer and his three allies. Melchizedek gave bread and ...

Hebrews 5

Hebrews 5
Hebrews 5 - First, let's just point out that this chapter is deep! Here in Hebrews 5, we see two distinctive attributes of Christ's character. It was by humility He was given (by God) the title of ...

Hebrews 1

Hebrews 1
Hebrews 1 - We do not know the writer of Hebrews and honestly, it doesn't matter. The book is absolutely beautiful. Written with a unique elegance, this Holy Spirit-inspired author had mastered the principles of rhetoric and ...

Zechariah 11

Zechariah 11
Zechariah 11 - The LORD my God said to me, "Act the part of the shepherd of a flock of sheep that are going to be butchered. Zechariah 11:4 GNB Zechariah was called to "act the part" ...

Zechariah 10

Zechariah 10
Zechariah 10 - What happens when we don't receive an answer from God as soon as we like? We turn to false gods and idols. We want to feel comfort, so instead of waiting on God we ...

Zechariah 7

Zechariah 7
Zechariah 7 - What kind of motives do we have for the rituals and traditions we hold onto? by asking the priests who were at the house of the LORD of Hosts as well as the prophets, ...

Zechariah 6

Zechariah 6
Zechariah 6 - The scene here is connected, though it might not seem like it on the surface. In the Bible, divine warfare follows a pattern that was common in the Near East: War-Victory-Kingship-Building-Celebration. Zechariah 6 shows ...

Zechariah 4

Zechariah 4
Zechariah 4 - Verse 6 is the key to unlocking the truth of Zechariah 4. So he answered me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by strength or by might, but by My ...

Zechariah 3

Zechariah 3
Zechariah 3 - Wow! What. A. Scene. Joshua stands before God in rags while Satan accuses him. That image alone is enough for an entire sermon series. The reason Joshua stands in rags is because the vision ...

Zechariah 2

Zechariah 2
Zechariah 2 - There is so much we could unpack in this short chapter of only 13 verses. It is rich with symbolism and prophecy. But I want to draw your focus to one section that stuck ...

Zechariah 1

Zechariah 1
Zechariah 1 - According to many scholars, Zechariah is the most messianic, apocalyptic, and end times descriptive book of the Old Testament. That's a big statement considering many have probably never read it. Haggai led the charge ...

Zephaniah 2

Zephaniah 2
Zephaniah 2 - Urgency. Do you sense it? Are you living it? There are two massive truth bombs that come from this chapter. The first is that God will repay all evil done against Him outside of ...

Nahum 3

Nahum 3
Nahum 3 - God has declared the condition of Nineveh unrepairable. They have gone too far. There is no chance for restoration. Is this how you feel currently in a relationship or situation? There is no remedy ...

Nahum 1

Nahum 1
Nahum 1 - The book of Jonah was God's grace to Ninevah, and Nahum is His truth. God would judge Nineveh. For some, the thought of His judgment invokes imagery of an all-powerful Being looking down on ...

Haggai 1

Haggai 1
Haggai 1 - We just finished studying Zephaniah who warned of God's future judgment on Judah, and as predicted, they were carried off to captivity by Babylon. That bondage lasted 70 years until Babylon was conquered by ...

Micah 7

Micah 7
Micah 7 - Consider the similarities of Micah's world and our world today... There is undesirable fruit all around Everyone is scheming, waiting for a chance to do evil People in authority take bribes as money trumps ...

Micah 6

Micah 6
Micah 6 - Micah uses a sarcastic exaggeration to illustrate the hardness of the people's hearts. What shall I bring to the LORD, the God of heaven, when I come to worship him? Shall I bring the ...

Jonah 1

Jonah 1
Jonah 1 - Nineveh was both a great and wicked city. It was the capital of the Assyrian Empire and the Assyrians had a reputation for being extremely cruel. It was quite possibly the largest city in ...

Amos 8

Amos 8
Amos 8 - What can be more susceptible to rot and disease than ripened fruit?  There is a short window of time for the beautiful and refreshing sweetness of ripe fruit to be tasted. But after that ...

Amos 7

Amos 7
Amos 7 - In Genesis, Abraham pled with God over Sodom. In Exodus, Moses interceded for Israel. Here, Amos does the same. Although Amos would later give a prediction for God's people, he first would go to ...

Amos 4

Amos 4
Amos 4 - My most interesting takeaway from this passage is simply the accountability to which God claims full responsibility for. Many times, we are quick to try and cover up the characteristics of God that don't ...

Joel 2

Joel 2
Joel 2 - The plague of locusts would be devastating and overpowering. Their appearance would be like horses as they scaled walls like men and dodged arrows with speed and agility. The scene is poetic and reads ...

Hosea 10

Hosea 10
Hosea 10 - Their hearts were faithless, devious, and deceitful. The KJV and Jewish Bible translate verse 2 using a different word. Their heart is divided; now they will bear their guilt. He will break down their ...

Hosea 8

Hosea 8
Hosea 8 - Here we see the consequences and punishments of Israel. It was one compromise after another as they decided to bring idol worship and pagan rituals into their lives. They said they knew God with ...

Hosea 7

Hosea 7
Hosea 7 - "Two-faced and double-tongued,they steal you blind, pick you clean.It never crosses their mindthat I keep account of their every crime" Hosea 7:2 God exposes Israel's two-sided nature in this chapter. He compares them to ...

Hosea 6

Hosea 6
Hosea 6 - A pattern we see over the past two chapters is God allowing for us to hit a place where we are driven to repentance. Living a life of repentance is not easy, but it ...

Hosea 1

Hosea 1
Hosea 1 - Hosea and Jonah were most likely the only writing prophets who lived in the Northern Kingdom. We know this because Hosea addresses the king of Israel as "our king" in Hosea 7. Historically, Hosea ...

Daniel 11

Daniel 11
Daniel 11 - Daniel 11 contains some of the most specifically accurate prophecies in the entire Bible. Critics have often wondered if this chapter was written after the historical events took place because it is so deadly ...

Daniel 8

Daniel 8
Daniel 8 - This chapter is one of the most controversial and heavily debated chapters in all the Bible. However, there is still solid truth we can take away. First, we must realize that even the interpreter ...

Daniel 7

Daniel 7
Daniel 7 - The prophetic part of Daniel starts here with Chapter 7. It is unlikely that we can know exactly what is being talked about here, or even the timing of these events. Scholars have differed ...

Daniel 4

Daniel 4
Daniel 4 - What do we make of these 7 years when King Neb lost his mind? "There is, understandably, no preserved secular record of this; but Abydenus, a Greek historian, wrote in 268 BC that Nebuchadnezzar ...

Daniel 2

Daniel 2
Daniel 2 - What does Daniel's interpretation mean? He tells us that the gold represents King Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian Empire. Three greater kingdoms would come after the reign of Babylon (silver, bronze, and iron). With each level, there ...

2 Corinthians 12

2 Corinthians 12
2 Corinthians 12 - Paul's patience is evident in this chapter. The super apostles of Corinth could not stop talking about themselves. It is likely they boasted about their dreams and visions which they used to add ...

2 Corinthians 11

2 Corinthians 11
2 Corinthians 11 - "A story is told about a dinner party where the guests were expected to stand after the meal and recite something for the group. A famous actor was present, and he recited the ...

2 Corinthians 9

2 Corinthians 9
2 Corinthians 9 - Paul sarcastically (playfully) urges the Corinthians toward giving in verses 1-5. He mentions that they will be put to shame if he sends someone to collect their offering and they are unprepared. Paul ...

2 Corinthians 8

2 Corinthians 8
2 Corinthians 8 - Christians who believe the New Testament has little to say about financial giving have not really studied the Bible intently. Paul refers to giving money as 'charis' (or, grace) four times in this ...

2 Corinthians 7

2 Corinthians 7
2 Corinthians 7 - "If one gives up easily, they can never walk in repentance, though they may perform acts of repentance." David Guzik On the surface, this may sound like a works-based mentality. But consider that ...

1 Corinthians 15

1 Corinthians 15
1 Corinthians 15 - 1 Corinthians 15 is a critical chapter that supports the evidence of Jesus Christ as well as His death and resurrection. Paul records an ancient oral tradition, "that Christ died for our sins ...

1 Corinthians 7

1 Corinthians 7
1 Corinthians 7 - It is important to first understand that Paul is not dealing with a full theology of marriage in this chapter. He is answering specific questions the Corinthians had asked him. We know this ...

1 Corinthians 6

1 Corinthians 6
1 Corinthians 6 - Paul's had some specific issues with the Corinthians in regard to legal matters. First and foremost, the disputes in question were between two believers. Paul is working under the assumption that Jesus has ...

1 Corinthians 5

1 Corinthians 5
1 Corinthians 5 - Paul once again comes out swinging against the Corinthians for their immorality and tolerance. Interestingly, his clarification toward the end of this chapter contains a lot of insight. Paul, just like Jesus, had ...

1 Corinthians 4

1 Corinthians 4
1 Corinthians 4 - Paul doesn't mince words with the church at Corinth. They had a very obvious pride issue. Humble Servant. Paul reminds them he is a servant of Christ and a steward of the mystery. ...

Psalm 150

Psalm 150
Psalm 150 - The number 10 is used 242 times in Scripture. The title of "10th" is found 79 times. Though it doesn't get as much airtime as 3 and 7, the number 10 is categorized in ...

Psalm 145

Psalm 145
Psalm 145 - “Observe that David is firmly resolved to praise God. My text has four ‘I wills’ in it. Frequently it is foolish for us poor mortals to say ‘I will,’ because our will is so ...

Psalm 144

Psalm 144
Psalm 144 - David is physically and emotionally spent. He pleads with God to be rescued. This is a common and consistent theme in the Psalms. However, it's also very relevant because we also struggle physically and ...

Psalm 143

Psalm 143
Psalm 143 - Depression. An estimated 19 million American adults are living with major depression characterized as a persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life. As F.B. Meyer writes, ...

Psalm 138

Psalm 138
Psalm 138 - The LORD will accomplish what concerns me; Your lovingkindness, O LORD, is everlasting; Do not forsake the works of Your hands. Psalms 138:8 NASB David knew and believed that the Lord was working in ...

Psalm 130

Psalm 130
Psalm 130 - Psalm 130 is known as a Pauline psalm because it speaks to the grace and mercy of God. This was a theme Paul wrote on extensively. For all have sinned and fall short of ...

Psalm 125

Psalm 125
Psalm 125 - It is a bold declaration, especially within the turmoil of our world today. Those who trust in the Lord will never be moved. Never. Think about that for a moment. Those who trust can ...

Psalm 124

Psalm 124
Psalm 124 - The storms that God allows only further serves to reveal His power and glory within. When we are faced with opposition, we clench tightly to the anchor that we know and trust. In those ...

Psalm 121

Psalm 121
Psalm 121 - The Lord is our protector. He is our strength and our refuge. He fights our battles. He does not sleep or slumber. He sees and knows all. He will protect His children now and ...

Psalm 120

Psalm 120
Psalm 120 - "The Meshechites were presumably descended from Meshech, a grandson of Noah through Japheth (Gen 10:2; 1Ch 1:5). They were said to trade in slaves and copper (Eze 27:13), and may have invaded the Near ...

Psalm 118

Psalm 118
Psalm 118 - Many scholars believe that Psalm 118 was written during Moses' day in the Exodus. If you compare this psalm to Exodus 15, there are remarkable similarities. Psalms 118:14 NASB  The LORD is my strength ...

Psalm 115

Psalm 115
Psalm 115 - Israel, trust in the LORD! He is their help and shield.  10  House of Aaron, trust in the LORD! He is their help and shield.  11  You who fear the LORD, trust in the ...

Psalm 114

Psalm 114
Psalm 114 - Persecution. Power. Provision. This is the pattern of Psalm 114. Note that none of these are within our power to change. We put ourselves under the persecution of sin. We lack the power sufficient ...

Psalm 112

Psalm 112
Psalm 112 - In my opinion, verse 7 defines the context for this entire psalm. Psalms 112:7 HCSB  He will not fear bad news; his heart is confident, trusting in the LORD. “His heart is fixed,” or ...

Psalm 110

Psalm 110
Psalm 110 - Psalm 110 might be quoted more frequently in the NT than any other Psalm. The Lord declared to my Lord, 'Sit at My right hand until I put Your enemies under Your feet'? Matthew ...

Psalm 109

Psalm 109
Psalm 109 - What do we make of this prayer? On the surface, it appears to be vindictive, hateful, and even potentially sinful! Look at the Good News Translation of the psalmist's emotions. Psa 109:7 May he ...

Psalm 107

Psalm 107
Psalm 107 - But He lifts the needy out of their suffering and makes their families multiply like flocks.  42  The upright see it and rejoice, and all injustice shuts its mouth.  43  Let whoever is wise ...

Psalm 105

Psalm 105
Psalm 105 - "The term translated as promise throughout the psalm is the Hebrew dāḇār—which is also the term used for the “Ten Words” (Ten Commandments) in Hebrew. Hebrew does not have different words for “law” and ...

Psalm 98

Psalm 98
Psalm 98 - Do we actually praise and worship God for His judgment? Let the sea and all that fills it, the world and those who live in it, resound.  8  Let the rivers clap their hands; ...

Psalm 95

Psalm 95
Psalm 95 - All worship is not equal. There are many today who bring false worship before the Father. Coming before Him with selfish ambition or prideful arrogance, they are no different than the Pharisees of Jesus' ...

Psalm 92

Psalm 92
Psalm 92 - The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.  13  Planted in the house of the LORD, They will flourish in the courts of our God. ...

Psalm 88

Psalm 88
Psalm 88 - Psalm 88 will most likely not be made into a children's song one day. It's too raw. In fact, I would go as far as to say it makes people uncomfortable. It treads unashamedly ...

Psalm 85

Psalm 85
Psalm 85 - He has shown favor. He has restored. He has forgiven. He has covered. He withdrew his fury. He turned away from His anger. This is how Psalm 85 begins. It is a testimony to ...

Psalm 84

Psalm 84
Psalm 84 - A very wise woman (Mona Jean Workman) used to describe the highs and lows of her life alongside God as an "adventure." Throughout that adventure, there were valleys and mountaintops. This is similar to ...

Psalm 82

Psalm 82
Psalm 82 - Psalm 81 is one of those chapters that is difficult to understand without digging deeper into the context. At a glance, it may seem confusing that God refers to magistrates, judges, and other people ...

Psalm 78

Psalm 78
Psalm 78 - Coming off the heels of Psalm 77 where we are to remember God's faithfulness, we now move into the action steps behind those memories. At the end of Psalm 77, I wrote that we ...

Psalm 77

Psalm 77
Psalm 77 - We've all experienced sleepless nights wondering if God can hear us. The primary issue at hand is the stark contrast between what we know about God and the reality of what we are experiencing. ...

Psalm 76

Psalm 76
Psalm 76 - God is faithful. His track record is perfect. He never fails and never shows up late. His power is unmatched and His grace is providential. God is known in Judah; His name is great ...

Psalm 70

Psalm 70
Psalm 70 - The reality of this Psalm is palpable. We've all had days where we face an urgent situation that requires trusting God quickly and assuredly. It's one thing to be able to pray over a ...

Psalm 64

Psalm 64
Psalm 64 - "One of the most pressing theological questions today is “why do the evil ones prosper?” If one looks around, it certainly seems as if the bad ones are winning, be that on the streets ...

Psalm 60

Psalms 60
Psalm 60 - Defeat is never easy. Never. But since Jesus took on sin and death and triumphed over it through His resurrection, we have the power to face it. For the believer rooted in faith, defeat ...

Psalm 57

Psalm 57
Psalm 57 - My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. Psalms 57:7 KJV The ESV and NASB translate the heart's disposition as steadfast in this verse. Other translations ...

Psalm 50

Psalms 50
Psalm 50 - What does our praise look like when we face trouble and adversity? Or, do we praise at all? Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and perform your vows to the Most High,  15  ...