Song of Solomon 4

Song of Solomon 4

Song of Solomon 4 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

If we study these chapters carefully we can see that there has been no mention of a wedding prior to chapter 3. In 3:11, (the last verse of chapter 3), we read of the wedding. Therefore, it makes sense that chapter 4 now rehearses that wedding and begins to describe the love life that follows. It is agreed upon by many scholars that the wedding itself is most likely the first 7 verses of chapter 4. The words spoken by Solomon are clearly in a public setting while the verses that follow are far more intimate and directed solely to his beloved.

We also see that the word ‘bride’ does not appear until here in chapter 4 (verse 8). It then occurs six times through chapter 5. In chapter 2, we read of the beloved focusing on sexual restraint but this is not the case after 3:11.

All that to say, we can read between the lines and grasp the strong biblical prescription of sex after marriage. It is not a stretch by any means and is supported on into chapter 5 where we read that the guests feast while the couple retreats to consummate their marriage.

Though people may snicker and blush at the words they read in Song of Solomon, there is absolutely nothing ‘dirty’ about this book. It is a picture of a committed couple who honor and respect each other. Even more, they honor and respect the plan that God established for marriage from the beginning. The intimacy they share was created by God to be enjoyed and celebrated within the marriage covenant.

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