Psalm 147

Psalm 147

Psalm 147 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

Many scholars believe this psalm was prepared for use when the new city walls were completed by Nehemiah. What I find most fascinating is that the psalmist never grows weary of praising God. The psalmist emphasizes a contrast where God is both glorified the vast unexplained reality as well as the simple, personal aspects of life.

The Lord builds up the nation of Israel (big picture) but also gathers the outcasts (personal). He counts the number of stars (big picture) but also gives a name to each one of them (personal). He covers the earth with clouds and rain (big picture), but also provides food for young ravens which cry (personal).

Sometimes we can fall victim to missing the holistic qualities of God when we focus too much on one or the other. If we only know God in the broad scenarios, we lack personal connection. If we only know Him in the personal way, we miss the awe and wonder of His majesty.

This idea is precisely what this psalm is communicating.

He does not delight in the strength of the horse; He does not take pleasure in the legs of a man.  11  The LORD favors those who fear Him, Those who wait for His lovingkindness.

Psalms 147:10-11 NASB

Once again, we see the big picture and personal attributes in those who the Lord favors. They fear Him (big picture) but also wait for His love (personal).

“He has no such delight in athletic strength or speed as He has in the reverent worship of His people. There is a perfect balance and rhythm in God’s nature.”

F.B. Meyer

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