Psalm 140

Psalm 140

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Psalm 140 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

When we go to God in our afflictions, we can rest knowing that He hears us. We can find peace with the fact that we are exactly where we need to be in such a situation. Instead of harboring bitterness and anger toward our enemies, we bring it to God. Instead of gossiping and demonizing this enemy of ours, we plead with God for intervention.

This is an important concept to grasp for the praying Christian. Don’t make change the primary reason for praying. Saturate yourself in communion with God in such a way that He will know us and we will know Him.

There is nothing wrong with venting to God. This seems to be exactly what David is doing. The difference, however, is that scattered within this prayer we find flashes of a deep, trusting relationship.

“Protect me, Lord.”

“You are my God.”

“I know that the Lord defends the poor and needy.”

These are peace-producing affirmations that fill David’s heart. He knows God protects. He knows God is His Father. He knows God will defend those in need.

When my daughter falls down and hurts herself, she runs to me with tears in her eyes. She tells me exactly what happened and how much it hurt her. She knows deep down that she can find peace, encouragement, and guidance by coming to me. In some ways, it would make sense for her not to come to me because the damage has already been done. The consequences have already occurred. But this is not our nature as humans. We long to find comfort in our afflictions by resting in the arms of another who loves us, knows us, and will protect us.

Sometimes I speak to her and sometimes I just hold her. God does the same. The point is, some of us do not run to God in these times. We run to food, or relationships, or sex, or money to bring us comfort. We run to our friends and gossip about the person who has wronged us so we can hear them say just how horribly we were mistreated.

Go to Your Father and sit on his lap. Tell Him how you feel and what’s troubling you. Rest in the peace of the One who knows you better than anyone else in the universe. Today, take a step toward deeper intimacy with God.

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