Categories: Psalms

Psalm 132

Psalm 132 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

This psalm is a prayer that pleads with God to remember His covenant. Some ascribe it to Solomon while others believe it may have been written by another descendant of David.

Psalms 132:11 HCSB  The LORD swore an oath to David, a promise He will not abandon: “I will set one of your descendants on your throne.

Psalms 132:11 HCSB

This verse was fulfilled through the direct lineage of David (King Solomon) and through the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus was part of David’s line, a descendant who would fulfill God’s oath to not abandon His people. Miraculously, this promise was made to the Israelities and, by the grace of God, was opened up to all humanity.

The symbolism contains powerful spiritual significance. The Israelites expected for peace to come over the land by the supression of their enemies. They expected the Messiah to come as David did. They believed a human King would reign over all people and lead the Jewish people back to prosperity. All of these beliefs were based on the covenant that God made with Israel. However, Jesus Christ would fulfill these promises in an even bigger way.

Instead of bringing peace over their enemies, He came to bring peace with God. Instead of elevating His followers into positions of human authority, He humbled Himself and invited them to follow His lead. He accomplished all of this while still fulfilling every prophecy which was spoken of Him.

The Second Coming of Jesus will bring with it the complete conquering of evil and suffering along with God’s eternal reign with all His children.

Published by
Living Hope Missionary Church

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