The original Hebrew version of this psalm is a complex acrostic. Each verse in a particular section begins with the same letter. Doing the math, this means that every 8 verses would begin with the same Hebrew letter. An example of this in English would be 8 verses beginning with “A”, 8 verses beginning with “B”, etc. So, in the end, there are 22 sections of 8 verses each totaling a massive 176 verses for the entire psalm.
At first, I thought that the different sections were different authors and their names were bolded in our Bible. However, these bold words are actually the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This way, we can see where each of the 22 sections begins and ends. If you think in terms of what this would be like today, it’s quite a feat! Here is an example of what this might look like in our English language.
Just consider, this is only the letter “A”! The psalm itself is beautiful as it’s all about treasuring God’s Word. But, when also considering the details of how it was constructed, it becomes a beautiful artistic composition to the glory of God.