Psalm 115 Commentary
by Brad Boyles
Israel, trust in the LORD! He is their help and shield. 10 House of Aaron, trust in the LORD! He is their help and shield. 11 You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD! He is their help and shield.
Psalms 115:9-11 HCSB
Three times we read the call to trust. Three times we read about the truth of who God is for each of these types of people – He is their help and shield.
For the people of Israel – those under His covenant – He is their help and shield. For the house of Aaron – the Levitical priests who served the Lord – He is their help and shield. And yes, even for anyone who fears God and trusts in Him, He will also be their help and shield!
To fear the Lord is a requirement of all believers. It’s a truth made clear by both the Psalms and Proverbs (Psa 22:24, Psa 22:26; Psa 25:12, Psa 25:14; Psa 34:8, Psa 34:10; Psa 52:8; Psa 112:1; Psa 145:19; Pro 3:7; Pro 24:21).
What is the opposite of trusting the Lord and fearing His Name? Idol worship.
Their idols are silver and gold, made by human hands.
Psalms 115:4 HCSB
It’s revealing to consider the idols that humans worship were made by human hands from things that God Himself created. We know this, yet, often we ignore this concept in our own lives. The gifts of God are just that – gifts. They were graciously given for enjoyment and pleasure but not for worship. All worship belongs to God!