Categories: Proverbs

Proverbs 9

Proverbs 9 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

Proverbs 9: Only a fool would deny God.

How do you know if you are acting foolishly? First, we see that a wise person accepts correction. This goes back to the humility/teachability traits that have been explored in the previous chapters. God’s ways will cause disruption in our lives. The cross demonstrates the severity of our spiritual condition. His grace is offensive. When correction is brought by His Word, a fool quickly dismisses it, covers it, or redirects it.

I love the opening passage which personifies wisdom as a newly built house. The number of pillars (7) signifies spiritual completeness. The house is constructed on a predictable foundation and it is not lacking anything. It is attractive, solidly constructed, and comprehensively furnished.

Wisdom, like a residence, is available for visitors. The doors are left wide open. The aromatic feast being prepared wafts out into the countryside. Like a beacon atop a lighthouse, the servants call out to all who are seeking. “Come, eat my bread, and drink the wine I have mixed.” God’s wisdom nourishes the soul. It satisfies the heart.

“But solid food is for the mature—for those whose senses have been trained to distinguish between good and evil.”

Hebrews 5:14 HCSB 

Those who enter into the residence of God’s wisdom will experience a feast of solid food, but take note, it is for those mature in their faith. This decision of entering into God’s house requires discernment.

Published by
Living Hope Missionary Church

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