God was teaching the Israelites what it meant to have a heart full of love for Him. This fact has not changed today. Following and loving God means we bring a sacrificial heart of worship. Here in Numbers 28, we read about many different aspects to the offerings.
The LORD commanded Moses 2 to instruct the Israelites to present to God at the appointed times the required food offerings that are pleasing to him.
Numbers 28:1-2 GNB
Morning and evening a 1-year-old male lamb would be sacrificed along with 2 pounds of flour and 2 pints of the best olive oil. They were also commanded to pour out 2 pints of wine on the altar (which in this case would be beer as it was fermented from grains). A detail that cannot be missed is that these lambs were to be the best having no defects.
What does your daily offering look like today? We know that because of the New Covenant we have freedom in Christ. There is no specific checklist to follow of what we should offering or sacrifice. In fact, Jesus calls us to surrender our entire lives to Him in service. Therefore, with the bar raised to such a high standard, there should be some kind of sacrificial living taking place among us. Whether that’s morning and evening devotionals, quiet time with the Lord in prayer, or simply worshiping Him in song, how are you walking out your love relationship with Christ?