Jumping to conclusions.
We do it all the time. I’m guilty of it, and so are you. Speculation can vary from discernment to intuition to an absolutely sinful attitude. In this chapter, we are dealing with the latter. How do we know? Look at God’s response to the conclusions that the Israelites jump to…
The LORD said to Moses, “How much longer will these people reject me? How much longer will they refuse to trust in me, even though I have performed so many miracles among them?
Numbers 14:11 GNB
The issue wasn’t that the people were afraid. They wept because they feared they would never see the Promised Land. But since they allowed it to stew in their minds, fear turned to hate, and that caused a huge division in the Israelite camp. In fact, they were ready to stone Moses and his team! It may seem crazy to us, but it’s a reality we experience quite often in life.
God promises us something. We pursue it. We hit a brick wall. We blame God for not delivering.
Here is the moral of the story. We don’t really trust God. We easily forget His faithfulness. And, we complain about His timing. We read this story and immediately point the finger at the stubborn Israelites while forgetting that we have the same attitude quite often.
So, where are you not trusting God? Where are you complaining about His timing? God loves you. He accomplishes what’s best for us as we submit and trust Him with every single step. Trust Him today!